if [].map.respond_to? :with_index class Array #:nodoc: def enum_with_index each.with_index end end else require 'enumerator' end module AMQP class Buffer #:nodoc: all class Overflow < StandardError; end class InvalidType < StandardError; end def initialize data = '' @data = data @pos = 0 end attr_reader :pos def data @data.clone end alias :contents :data alias :to_s :data def << data @data << data.to_s self end def length @data.bytesize end def empty? pos == length end def rewind @pos = 0 end def read_properties *types types.shift if types.first == :properties i = 0 values = [] while props = read(:short) (0..14).each do |n| # no more property types break unless types[i] # if flag is set if props & (1<<(15-n)) != 0 if types[i] == :bit # bit values exist in flags only values << true else # save type name for later reading values << types[i] end else # property not set or is false bit values << (types[i] == :bit ? false : nil) end i+=1 end # bit(0) == 0 means no more property flags break unless props & 1 == 1 end values.map do |value| value.is_a?(Symbol) ? read(value) : value end end def read *types if types.first == :properties return read_properties(*types) end values = types.map do |type| case type when :octet _read(1, 'C') when :short _read(2, 'n') when :long _read(4, 'N') when :longlong upper, lower = _read(8, 'NN') upper << 32 | lower when :shortstr _read read(:octet) when :longstr _read read(:long) when :timestamp Time.at read(:longlong) when :table t = Hash.new table = Buffer.new(read(:longstr)) until table.empty? key, type = table.read(:shortstr, :octet) key = key.intern t[key] ||= case type when 83 # 'S' table.read(:longstr) when 73 # 'I' table.read(:long) when 68 # 'D' exp = table.read(:octet) num = table.read(:long) num / 10.0**exp when 84 # 'T' table.read(:timestamp) when 70 # 'F' table.read(:table) end end t when :bit if (@bits ||= []).empty? val = read(:octet) @bits = (0..7).map{|i| (val & 1<<i) != 0 } end @bits.shift else raise InvalidType, "Cannot read data of type #{type}" end end types.size == 1 ? values.first : values end def write type, data case type when :octet _write(data, 'C') when :short _write(data, 'n') when :long _write(data, 'N') when :longlong lower = data & 0xffffffff upper = (data & ~0xffffffff) >> 32 _write([upper, lower], 'NN') when :shortstr data = (data || '').to_s _write([data.bytesize, data], 'Ca*') when :longstr if data.is_a? Hash write(:table, data) else data = (data || '').to_s _write([data.bytesize, data], 'Na*') end when :timestamp write(:longlong, data.to_i) when :table data ||= {} write :longstr, (data.inject(Buffer.new) do |table, (key, value)| table.write(:shortstr, key.to_s) case value when String table.write(:octet, 83) # 'S' table.write(:longstr, value.to_s) when Fixnum table.write(:octet, 73) # 'I' table.write(:long, value) when Float table.write(:octet, 68) # 'D' # XXX there's gotta be a better way to do this.. exp = value.to_s.split('.').last.bytesize num = value * 10**exp table.write(:octet, exp) table.write(:long, num) when Time table.write(:octet, 84) # 'T' table.write(:timestamp, value) when Hash table.write(:octet, 70) # 'F' table.write(:table, value) end table end) when :bit [*data].to_enum(:each_slice, 8).each{|bits| write(:octet, bits.enum_with_index.inject(0){ |byte, (bit, i)| byte |= 1<<i if bit byte }) } when :properties values = [] data.enum_with_index.inject(0) do |short, ((type, value), i)| n = i % 15 last = i+1 == data.size if (n == 0 and i != 0) or last if data.size > i+1 short |= 1<<0 elsif last and value values << [type,value] short |= 1<<(15-n) end write(:short, short) short = 0 end if value and !last values << [type,value] short |= 1<<(15-n) end short end values.each do |type, value| write(type, value) unless type == :bit end else raise InvalidType, "Cannot write data of type #{type}" end self end def extract begin cur_data, cur_pos = @data.clone, @pos yield self rescue Overflow @data, @pos = cur_data, cur_pos nil end end def _read size, pack = nil if @pos + size > length raise Overflow else data = @data[@pos,size] @data[@pos,size] = '' if pack data = data.unpack(pack) data = data.pop if data.size == 1 end data end end def _write data, pack = nil data = [*data].pack(pack) if pack @data[@pos,0] = data @pos += data.bytesize end end end if $0 =~ /bacon/ or $0 == __FILE__ require 'bacon' include AMQP describe Buffer do before do @buf = Buffer.new end should 'have contents' do @buf.contents.should == '' end should 'initialize with data' do @buf = Buffer.new('abc') @buf.contents.should == 'abc' end should 'append raw data' do @buf << 'abc' @buf << 'def' @buf.contents.should == 'abcdef' end should 'append other buffers' do @buf << Buffer.new('abc') @buf.data.should == 'abc' end should 'have a position' do @buf.pos.should == 0 end should 'have a length' do @buf.length.should == 0 @buf << 'abc' @buf.length.should == 3 end should 'know the end' do @buf.empty?.should == true end should 'read and write data' do @buf._write('abc') @buf.rewind @buf._read(2).should == 'ab' @buf._read(1).should == 'c' end should 'raise on overflow' do lambda{ @buf._read(1) }.should.raise Buffer::Overflow end should 'raise on invalid types' do lambda{ @buf.read(:junk) }.should.raise Buffer::InvalidType lambda{ @buf.write(:junk, 1) }.should.raise Buffer::InvalidType end { :octet => 0b10101010, :short => 100, :long => 100_000_000, :longlong => 666_555_444_333_222_111, :shortstr => 'hello', :longstr => 'bye'*500, :timestamp => time = Time.at(Time.now.to_i), :table => { :this => 'is', :a => 'hash', :with => {:nested => 123, :and => time, :also => 123.456} }, :bit => true }.each do |type, value| should "read and write a #{type}" do @buf.write(type, value) @buf.rewind @buf.read(type).should == value @buf.should.be.empty end end should 'read and write multiple bits' do bits = [true, false, false, true, true, false, false, true, true, false] @buf.write(:bit, bits) @buf.write(:octet, 100) @buf.rewind bits.map do @buf.read(:bit) end.should == bits @buf.read(:octet).should == 100 end should 'read and write properties' do properties = ([ [:octet, 1], [:shortstr, 'abc'], [:bit, true], [:bit, false], [:shortstr, nil], [:timestamp, nil], [:table, { :a => 'hash' }], ]*5).sort_by{rand} @buf.write(:properties, properties) @buf.rewind @buf.read(:properties, *properties.map{|type,_| type }).should == properties.map{|_,value| value } @buf.should.be.empty end should 'do transactional reads with #extract' do @buf.write :octet, 8 orig = @buf.to_s @buf.rewind @buf.extract do |b| b.read :octet b.read :short end @buf.pos.should == 0 @buf.data.should == orig end end end