require "fileutils" module Jekyll class JekyllFeed < Jekyll::Generator safe true priority :lowest # Main plugin action, called by Jekyll-core def generate(site) @site = site @site.config["time"] = unless file_exists?(feed_path) @site.pages << content_for_file(feed_path, feed_source_path) end unless file_exists?(xslt_path) @site.pages << content_for_file(xslt_path, xslt_source_path) end end private # Path to feed from config, or feed.xml for default def feed_path if @site.config["feed"] && @site.config["feed"]["path"] @site.config["feed"]["path"] else "feed.xml" end end # Path to feed stylesheet from config def xslt_path "feed.xslt.xml" end # Path to feed.xml template file def feed_source_path File.expand_path "../feed.xml", File.dirname(__FILE__) end # Path to the feed.xslt.xml template file def xslt_source_path File.expand_path "../feed.xslt.xml", File.dirname(__FILE__) end # Checks if a file already exists in the site source def file_exists?(file_path) if @site.respond_to?(:in_source_dir) File.exist? @site.in_source_dir(file_path) else File.exist? Jekyll.sanitized_path(@site.source, file_path) end end # Generates contents for a file def content_for_file(file_path, file_source_path) file =, File.dirname(__FILE__), "", file_path) file.content =