// ========================================================================== // Project: Greenhouse - dialogs // Copyright: ©2009 Mike Ball // ========================================================================== /*globals Greenhouse */ // This page has all the dialogs for greenhouse... Greenhouse.dialogPage = SC.Page.design({ modal: SC.PanelPane.design({ defaultResponder: 'Greenhouse' }), pageFile: SC.View.design({ layout: {centerX: 0, centerY: 0, width: 350, height: 300}, childViews: 'title cancel create fileNameLabel fileName filePathLabel filePath pageNameLabel pageName'.w(), title: SC.LabelView.design({ layout: {top: 2, left: 15, right: 5, height: 22}, value: "_New Page File".loc(), fontWeight: SC.BOLD_WEIGHT }), fileNameLabel: SC.LabelView.design({ layout: {top: 25, left: 15, right: 5, height: 22}, value: "_File Name:".loc() }), fileName: SC.TextFieldView.design({ layout: {top: 50, left: 15, right: 15, height: 22}, hint: "_main_page.js".loc(), valueBinding: 'Greenhouse.newFileName' }), filePathLabel: SC.LabelView.design({ layout: {top: 95, left: 15, right: 5, height: 22}, value: "_File Path:".loc() }), filePath: SC.TextFieldView.design({ layout: {top: 115, left: 15, right: 15, height: 22}, valueBinding: 'Greenhouse.newFilePath' }), pageNameLabel: SC.LabelView.design({ layout: {top: 160, left: 15, right: 5, height: 22}, value: "_Page Name:".loc() }), pageName: SC.TextFieldView.design({ layout: {top: 180, left: 15, right: 15, height: 22}, valueBinding: 'Greenhouse.newPageName', hint: "_MyApp.mainPage".loc() }), cancel: SC.ButtonView.design({ layout: {bottom: 12, right: 103, width:84, height: 24}, isCancel: YES, action: 'cancel', theme: 'capsule', title: "_Cancel".loc() }), create: SC.ButtonView.design({ layout: {bottom: 12, right: 12, width:84, height: 24}, isDefault: YES, action: 'create', theme: 'capsule', title: "_Create".loc() }) }), propertyPicker: SC.PickerPane.design({ layout: {width: 240, height: 290}, defaultResponder: 'Greenhouse', modalPaneDidClick: function(evt) { var f = this.get("frame"); if(!this.clickInside(f, evt)){ Greenhouse.sendAction('cancel'); } return YES ; } }), propertyEditor: SC.View.design({ childViews: 'title keyLabel key valueLabel value update cancel'.w(), title: SC.LabelView.design({ layout: {top: 2, left: 15, right: 5, height: 22}, value: "_Edit Property:".loc(), fontWeight: SC.BOLD_WEIGHT }), keyLabel: SC.LabelView.design({ layout: {top: 25, left: 15, right: 5, height: 22}, value: "_Key:".loc() }), key: SC.TextFieldView.design({ layout: {top: 50, left: 15, right: 15, height: 22}, valueBinding: 'Greenhouse.propertyEditorController.key' }), // typeLabel: SC.LabelView.design({ // layout: {top: 80, left: 15, right: 5, height: 22}, // value: "_Type:".loc() // }), // selectView: SC.SelectFieldView.design({ // layout: {top: 100, left: 15, right: 15, height: 22}, // valueBinding: 'Greenhouse.propertyEditorController.valueType', // nameKey: 'name', // valueKey: 'value', // objects:[{name: "_String".loc(), value: SC.T_STRING}, {name: "_Array".loc(), value: SC.T_ARRAY}, // {name: "_Boolean".loc(), value: SC.T_BOOL}, {name: "_Number".loc(), value: SC.T_NUMBER}, // {name: "_Function".loc(), value: SC.T_FUNCTION}, {name: "_Hash".loc(), value: SC.T_HASH}, // {name: "_Object".loc(), value: SC.T_OBJECT}, {name: "_Class", value: SC.T_CLASS}, // {name: "_Undefined".loc(), value: SC.T_UNDEFINED}, {name: "_Null".loc(), value: SC.T_NULL}] // }), valueLabel: SC.LabelView.design({ layout: {top: 80, left: 15, right: 5, height: 22}, value: "_Value:".loc() }), value: SC.TextFieldView.design({ layout: {top: 100, left: 15, right: 15, height: 100}, valueBinding: 'Greenhouse.propertyEditorController.value', isTextArea: YES }), cancel: SC.ButtonView.design({ layout: {bottom: 5, right: 105, width: 84, height: 24}, isDefault: NO, action: 'cancel', theme: 'capsule', keyEquivalent: 'escape', title: "_Cancel".loc() }), update: SC.ButtonView.design({ layout: {bottom: 5, right: 15, width: 84, height: 24}, isDefault: YES, action: 'update', theme: 'capsule', keyEquivalent: 'return', title: "_Update".loc() }) }), // .......................................................... // add custom view panel // customViewModal: SC.View.design({ layout: {centerX: 0, centerY: 0, width: 350, height: 380}, childViews: 'title cancel add classNameLabel className defaultPropertiesLabel defaultProperties targetLabel targetSelect designTypeLabel designType'.w(), title: SC.LabelView.design({ layout: {top: 2, left: 15, right: 5, height: 22}, value: "_Add a Custom Designer to the Library".loc(), fontWeight: SC.BOLD_WEIGHT }), targetLabel: SC.LabelView.design({ layout: {top: 25, left: 15, right: 5, height: 22}, value: "_Target:".loc() }), targetSelect: SC.SelectButtonView.design({ layout: {top: 48, left: 15, right: 15, height: 22}, objectsBinding: 'Greenhouse.viewConfigsController.editable', valueBinding: 'Greenhouse.newDesignViewConfig', nameKey: 'name' }), designTypeLabel: SC.LabelView.design({ layout: {top: 80, left: 15, right: 5, height: 22}, value: "_Design Type:".loc() }), designType: SC.SelectButtonView.design({ layout: {top:103, left: 15, right: 15, height: 22}, objects: [{name: 'Controller', value: 'controllers'}, {name: 'View', value: 'views'}, {name: 'Pane', value: 'panes'}], valueBinding: 'Greenhouse.newDesignType', nameKey: 'name', valueKey: 'value' }), classNameLabel: SC.LabelView.design({ layout: {top: 130, left: 15, right: 5, height: 22}, value: "_Class Name:".loc() }), className: SC.TextFieldView.design({ layout: {top: 153, left: 15, right: 15, height: 22}, hint: "_MyApp.AwesomeView".loc(), valueBinding: 'Greenhouse.newDesignClass' }), defaultPropertiesLabel: SC.LabelView.design({ layout: {top: 176, left: 15, right: 5, height: 22}, value: "_Default Properties:".loc() }), defaultProperties: SC.TextFieldView.design({ layout: {top: 199, left: 15, right: 15, height: 135}, isTextArea: YES, valueBinding: 'Greenhouse.newDesignDefaults' }), cancel: SC.ButtonView.design({ layout: {bottom: 12, right: 103, width:84, height: 24}, isCancel: YES, action: 'cancel', theme: 'capsule', title: "_Cancel".loc() }), add: SC.ButtonView.design({ layout: {bottom: 12, right: 12, width:84, height: 24}, isDefault: YES, action: 'add', theme: 'capsule', title: "_Add".loc() }) }), // .......................................................... // add item to page // newItemForPage: SC.View.design({ layout: {centerX: 0, centerY: 0, width: 200, height: 120}, childViews: 'title name cancel add '.w(), title: SC.LabelView.design({ layout: {top: 2, left: 15, right: 5, height: 22}, value: "_Item Name".loc(), fontWeight: SC.BOLD_WEIGHT }), name: SC.TextFieldView.design({ layout: {top: 45, left: 15, right: 15, height: 22}, hint: "_somethingCool".loc(), valueBinding: 'Greenhouse.newPageItemName' }), cancel: SC.ButtonView.design({ layout: {bottom: 12, right: 103, width:84, height: 24}, isCancel: YES, action: 'cancel', theme: 'capsule', title: "_Cancel".loc() }), add: SC.ButtonView.design({ layout: {bottom: 12, right: 12, width:84, height: 24}, isDefault: YES, action: 'add', theme: 'capsule', title: "_Add".loc() }) }), // .......................................................... // create new binding // //can't have the last word be binding :) createBindingView: SC.View.design({ layout: {centerX: 0, centerY: 0, width: 200, height: 180}, childViews: 'title from fromText to toText cancel add '.w(), title: SC.LabelView.design({ layout: {top: 2, left: 15, right: 5, height: 22}, value: "_Specifiy Keys".loc(), fontWeight: SC.BOLD_WEIGHT }), fromText: SC.LabelView.design({ layout: {left: 15, top: 30, right: 5, height: 22}, value: "_From".loc() }), from: SC.TextFieldView.design({ layout: {top: 48, left: 15, right: 15, height: 22}, valueBinding: 'Greenhouse.newBindingFromKey' }), toText: SC.LabelView.design({ layout: {left: 15, top: 78, right: 5, height: 22}, value: "_To".loc() }), to: SC.TextFieldView.design({ layout: {top: 96, left: 15, right: 15, height: 22}, valueBinding: 'Greenhouse.newBindingToKey' }), cancel: SC.ButtonView.design({ layout: {bottom: 12, right: 103, width:84, height: 24}, isCancel: YES, action: 'cancel', theme: 'capsule', title: "_Cancel".loc() }), add: SC.ButtonView.design({ layout: {bottom: 12, right: 12, width:84, height: 24}, isDefault: YES, action: 'create', theme: 'capsule', title: "_Add".loc() }) }) });