=0.1.0 (February 3rd, 2010) * First public release =0.2.0 (June 14th, 2010) * Added higher level "workbench" editor support * Added Ruby/RGen backend support * Added model info hovers which share the popup window used for error descriptions * Added fold button support * Added read only mode of editor widget * Added float datatype support * Added support for table based element layouts * Added metamodel editor examples showing box based and table based layouts * Added support for feature sort function and element icons in TemplateProvider * Added external identifier support * Added "always hide" strategy for features * Added selector option "cursorEdgeOnly", fixed non-edge-only mode * Added "white" theme * Added helper for iterating through model elements in depth first order * Added button to open Concrete Users Guide * The empty element/value placeholder shows the feature name * Constraint checks run asynchronously in the background * Several performance improvements for larger models * Elements can be created in collapsed state * Concrete can be distributed as a Ruby gem * Fixed scrolling to selected element to also work in scroll containers * Fixed error hovers to be only shown for focused editor * Fixed Scriptaculous bugs: do not scroll page while moving in autocompletion box, do not hide autocompletion box when scrollbar is operated * Fixed marker (cursor) positioning for editor nodes with offset * Fixed exception in case fold control nodes are not present =0.2.1 (September 21st, 2010) * Added support for HAML style HTML templates and stylesheets based on SASS * Fixed layout/positioning problems when a doctype is provided (added missing 'px' unit) * Fixed bug not allowing to finish editing of a text attribute if an integer attribute has been edited before * Fixed bug not allowing to position the cursor with the mouse in a text field in edit mode