RSpec.describe Evil::Client::Dictionary do shared_examples :a_dictionary do |scope| before do class Test::Dictionary < String def initialize(value) super(value.downcase) end end end let(:klass) { Test::Dictionary } describe "#all (#{scope})" do subject { klass.all } it "returns all items from a dictionary" do expect(subject).to eq %w[one two] end end describe "#each (#{scope})" do subject { } it "iterates over dictionary items" do expect(subject).to eq %w[eno owt] end end describe "#call (#{scope})" do it "returns dictionary item" do expect("one")).to eq "one" end it "raises when the item not in the dictionary" do expect { "ONE" } .to raise_error Evil::Client::Dictionary::Error end end end it_behaves_like :a_dictionary, "when class extended by the module" do before do class Test::Dictionary < String extend Evil::Client::Dictionary["spec/fixtures/config.yml"] end end end it_behaves_like :a_dictionary, "when singleton class includes the module" do before do class Test::Dictionary < String class << self include Evil::Client::Dictionary["spec/fixtures/config.yml"] end end end end end