if (typeof(Alchemy) === 'undefined') { var Alchemy = {}; } (function ($) { // Setting jQueryUIs global animation duration $.fx.speeds._default = 400; // The Alchemy JavaScript Object contains all Functions $.extend(Alchemy, { inPlaceEditor:function (options) { var defaults = { save_label:'save', cancel_label:'cancel' }; var settings = jQuery.extend({}, defaults, options); var cancel_handler = function (element) { jQuery(element).css({overflow:'hidden'}); return true; }; var submit_handler = function (element, id, value) { $(element).css({overflow:'hidden'}); id = id.match(/\d+/)[0]; $.ajax({ url:Alchemy.routes.admin_picture_path(id), type:'PUT', data:{ name:value, size:Alchemy.getUrlParam('size') } }); return false; }; $('#alchemy .rename').click(function () { $(this).css({overflow:'visible'}); }); $('#alchemy .rename').inPlaceEdit({ submit:submit_handler, cancel:cancel_handler, html:' \
\ \
\ \ \
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