require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe "ChefResolver" do before :all do reset! @cloud_reference_hash = { :options => {:name => "dog", :keypair => "bob", :users => ["ari", "michael"]}, :resources => [ {:name => "/etc/motd", :content => "Welcome to the cloud", :pp_type => "file"}, {:name => "/etc/profile", :content => "profile info", :pp_type => "file"}, {:name => "/var/www", :pp_type => "directory"} ], :services => { :apache => [{ :options => {:listen => "8080"}, :resources => [ {:name => "/etc/apache2/apache2.conf", :pp_type => "file", :template => "/absolute/path/to/template", :content => "rendered template string"} ], :services => {} }] } } end it "throw an exception if not given a hash" do pending # odd error with should raise_error # lambda { PoolParty::ChefResolver.compile }.should raise_error end it "accept a hash" do lambda { PoolParty::ChefResolver.compile(@cloud_reference_hash)}.should_not raise_error end describe "when passed a valid cloud hash" do before(:all) do @dr = @compiled = @dr.compile end # describe "variables" do # it "output options as Chef variables" do # @compiled.should match(/bob/) # @compiled.instance_of?(String).should == true # @compiled.should match(/\$users = \[ \".* \]/) # end # end describe "resources" do it "should print resources in the proper layout" do @compiled.should =~ /template "\/etc\/motd" do/ end end describe "services" do it "should print apache into a class definition" do # puts "
#{@compiled.to_yaml}" # @compiled.should =~ /class apache \{/ pending end end end describe "with a cloud" do before(:each) do class ChefResolverSpec plugin :apache do end end @cloud = cloud :hope do keypair "bob" has_file :name => "/etc/motd", :content => "Welcome to the cloud" has_file :name => "/etc/profile", :content => "profile info" has_directory :name => "/var/www" has_file :name => "/var/www/index.html", :content => "profile info", :requires => get_directory("/var/www") # has_package :name => "bash" # parent == cloud apache do # parent == apache listen "8080" has_file :name => "/etc/apache2/apache2.conf", :template => "#{::File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../fixtures/test_template.erb", :friends => "bob" has_exec :command => "ls /etc/apache2" end case_of "hostname" do when_is 'master' do has_package :name=>'haproxy' end end end @properties = @cloud.to_properties_hash # puts "
#{@cloud_reference_hash.to_yaml}\n\n#{@properties.to_yaml}" @dr = @compiled = @dr.compile # puts "---\n#{@compiled}" end it "should compile to a string" do # puts "
#{@compiled.to_yaml}" @compiled.class.should == String end it "should include apache class" do @compiled.should =~ /# apache/ end it "should require the file to have the directory (written as file)" do @compiled.should =~ /directory \"\/var\/www\" do/ end after(:all) do # ::FileUtils.rm_rf "/tmp/poolparty/dr_configure/" end end end