O, a configuration gem for Ruby ==================================== **Homepage**: [https://github.com/GutenYe/o](https://github.com/GutenYe/o) <br/> **Author**: Guten <br/> **License**: MIT-LICENSE <br/> **Documentation**: [http://rubydoc.info/gems/o/frames](http://rubydoc.info/gems/o/frames) <br/> **Issue Tracker**: [https://github.com/GutenYe/o/issues](https://github.com/GutenYe/o/issues) <br/> The name `o` comes from option/setting, short and handy, eh-ah~ Features -------- * Variable and computed attribute support * Pure Ruby DSL syntax * Multiple configuration levels including system, user, and command-line. * Hash compatibility Introduction ------------- The three levels of configuration include system, user, and cmdline: APP/lib/guten/rc.rb # system level ~/.gutenrc # user level $ guten --list or ENV[GEMFILE]=x guten # cmdline level module Guten Rc = O.require("guten/rc") + O.require("~/.gutenrc") # require use $: Rc.list = true or Rc.gemfile = ENV[GEMFILE] # from cmdline. end a constant works very well in many places, but you are free to use any variable. ### An example ### Rc = O do host "localhost" port 8080 mail.stmp.address "stmp.gmail.com" my.development do # namespace adapter "postgresql" database "hello_development" username "guten" end time proc{|offset| Time.now} # computed attribute end ### An example using alternative syntax ### Rc = O do |c| c.host = "localhost" c.port = 8080 c.mail.stmp.address "stmp.gmail.com" my.development do |c| c.adapter = "mysql2" c.database = "hello" c.username = "guten" end c.time = proc{|offset| Time.now} end ### An example of some sugar syntax. _works in a file only_ ### # file: guten/rc.rb development: adapter "mysql2" database "hello" username "guten" #=> development do adapter "mysql2" database "hello" username "guten" end **NOTE**: This is not pure ruby syntax, but it works. In order for this to work, a tab ("\t") must be used for indention. ### Initialize ### In order to initialize the configuration object either of the two ways can be used. Rc = O.new Rc = O.require "guten/rc" # from file Rc = O do a 1 end Rc = O[a: 1] # from a hash data Rc._merge!(a: 1) file: "guten/rc.rb" a 1 Initalize with a default value Rc = O.new p Rc[:hello] #=> nil Rc = O.new 1 p Rc[:hello] #=> 1 p Rc.hello #=> <#O> be careful here ### Assignment & Access ### Flexibility has been built in to allow for various ways to assign configuration data values and access the same values within your application. Here are some examples of how this can be done: Assignment: Rc.age 1 Rc.age = 1 Rc[:age] = 1 Rc["age"] = 1 Access: Rc.age #=> 1 Rc.age? #=> true Rc[:age] #=> 1 Rc["age"] #=> 1 --- O do |c| age 2 c.age = 2 c[:age] = 2 end ### Node ### Rc = O.new Rc.a.b.c = 1 p Rc.a.b.c #=> <#Fixnum 1> p Rc.a.b #=> <#O> p Rc.a #=> <#O> p Rc.i.dont.exists #=> <#O> Rc = O.new p Rc.a._empty? #=> true # if a node is empty? Rc.a.b = 1 p Rc.a._empty? #=> false p O===Rc.a #=> true # if it is a node? p O===Rc.a.b #=> false ### Variable & Path ### O do age 1 p age #=> 1 my do age 2 friend do age 3 p age #=> 3 p __.age #=> 2 __ is relative up to 1 times p ___.age #=> 1 ___ and so on is relative up to 2 and so on times p _.age #=> 1 _ is root end end end ### Namespace ### Either way is fine: O do mail.stmp.address "stmp.gmail.com" mail.stmp do address "stmp.gmail.com" end end Another namespace example: O do age 1 my do age 2 end my.friend do age 3 end end ### Group ### Use namespace or use some separate files like rails. config/ applications.rb environments/ development.rb test.rb production.rb ### Computed attribute ### Rc = O do time proc{|n| Time.now} end p Rc.time # print current time. no need Rc.time.call() p Rc.time(2) # call time Rc.time = 2 # assign new value p Rc[:time] #=> <#Proc> ### Semantic ### O do is_started no # yes ... end Note: for a list of semantic methods, see O::Semantics ### Hash compatibility ### Internal, datas are stored as a Hash. You can access all hash methods via `_method` Rc = O.new Rc.a = 1 Rc._child #=> {:a=>1} Rc._keys #=> [:a] ### Temporarily change ### Rc.a = 1 Rc._temp do Rc.a = 2 end p Rc.a #=> 1 ### Access built-in method inside block ### Rc = O do sleep 10 # is a data. Rc.sleep #=> 10 O.sleep 10 # call builtin 'sleep' method end Note: for a list of blocked methods, see O::BUILTIN_METHODS ### Additional examples ### O do name do first "Guten" last "Ye" is "#{first} #{last}" end end \# file: a.rb c = self c.host = "localhost" c.port = 8080 c.name do |c| c.first = "Guten" end Contributing ------------- * Feel free to join the project and make contributions (by submitting a pull request) * Submit any bugs/features/ideas to github issue tracker * Coding Style Guide: https://gist.github.com/1105334 Install ---------- gem install o Resources --------- * [konfigurator](https://github.com/nu7hatch/konfigurator) Small and flexible configuration toolkit inspired i.a. by Sinatra settings * [configatron](https://github.com/markbates/configatron) A super cool, simple, and feature rich configuration system for Ruby apps * [simpleconfig](https://github.com/lukeredpath/simpleconfig) make application-wide configuration settings easy to set and access in an object-oriented fashion * [configuration](https://github.com/ahoward/configuration) pure ruby scoped configuration files Copyright --------- Copyright © 2011 by Guten. this library released under MIT-LICENSE, See {file:LICENSE} for futher details.