# Rack::LtsvLogger A rack middleware to output access log in ltsv format, like [rack/commonlogger](https://github.com/rack/rack/blob/master/lib/rack/commonlogger.rb) (which output access log in apache common format). ## Why Rack Middleware cf. https://speakerdeck.com/mirakui/high-performance-rails-long-edition <img src="doc/x_runtime.png" alt="x_runtime" width="50%" height="50%"/> The Completed Time, which the default logger of rails shows, does not include the routing time, and the elapsed time on rack middleware layers. To measure the processing time accurately, it is necessary to insert a rack middleware at the head of rack middleware stacks. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'rack-ltsv_logger' And then execute: $ bundle ## How to Use Insert Rack::LtsvLogger on the head of rack middlewares. ### Rails ```ruby # config/application.rb class Application < Rails::Application config.middleware.insert_after(0, Rack::LtsvLogger, $stdout) end ``` Middleware check. ``` bundle exec rake middleware ``` ### Sinatra ```ruby # config.ru require 'rack/ltsv_logger' use Rack::LtsvLogger, $stdout run App ``` ## Format Sample (line feeded, but actually tab seperated): ``` time:2014-07-02T21:52:31+09:00 pid:15189 host: forwardedfor: user:user method:GET uri:/get query:?foo protocol:HTTP/1.1 status:200 size:- reqtime:0.000000 ``` ### Default Fields * time * The datetime in ISO-8601 format * pid * Process ID * host * ENV['REMOTE_ADDR'] * forwardedfor * ENV['X_FORWARDED_FOR'] * user * ENV['REMOTE_USER'] * method * ENV['REQUEST_METHOD'] * uri * ENV['PATH_INFO'] * query * ENV['QUERY_STRING'] * protocol * ENV['HTTP_VERSION'] * status * Response Status Code * size * Response Content-Length * reqtime * The request time in secods. milli seconds are written after the decimal point. * Others * See http://ltsv.org/ ### Custom Fields You may append LTSV fields as: ```ruby appends = { vhost: Proc.new {|env| env['HTTP_HOST'] || "-" }, ua: Proc.new {|env| env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] || "-" }, referer: Proc.new {|env| env['HTTP_REFERER'] || "-" }, } config.middleware.insert_after(0, Rack::LtsvLogger, $stdout, appends) ``` ## ChangeLog See [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) for details. ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new [Pull Request](../../pull/new/master) ## Copyright See [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt) for details.