class Lalala::Markdown::MarkdownRenderer < Redcarpet::Render::Base NEW_BLOCK = "\n\n" def initialize(options) super() @list_items = [] @table_cell_index = 0 @table_cells = [] @table_rows = [] @table_alignments = [] end # ```ruby # 1 + 2 # => 3 # ``` def block_code(code, language) "```#{language}\n#{code.strip}\n```" + NEW_BLOCK end # > quote # > new line def block_quote(quote) "> " + quote.strip.gsub("\n", "\n> ") + NEW_BLOCK end def block_html(html) html.strip + NEW_BLOCK end def header(text, level) ("#" * level) + " " + text.strip + NEW_BLOCK end def hrule "---" + NEW_BLOCK end def list(content, type) case type when :ordered ordered_list when :unordered unordered_list end ensure @list_items = [] end def unordered_list items = do |item| "- " + item.gsub("\n", "\n ") end items.join("\n") + NEW_BLOCK end def ordered_list items = [] width = @list_items.size.to_s.size + 2 @list_items.each_with_index do |item, idx| prefix = (idx + 1).to_s + ". " if prefix.size < width prefix += (" " * (width - prefix.size)) end item = item.gsub("\n", "\n" + (" " * width)) item = prefix + item items << item end items.join("\n") + NEW_BLOCK end def list_item(content, type) @list_items << content.strip content end def paragraph(content) content.strip + NEW_BLOCK end def table(header, body) column_count = @table_rows.first.size widths =, 0) # determine the maximum widths of all the columns @table_rows.each do |row| row.each_with_index do |cell, idx| w = cell.size if widths[idx] < w widths[idx] = w end end end rows = @table_rows alignments = @table_alignments delimiter_row =, "") alignments.each_with_index do |_, idx| width = widths[idx] case alignments[idx] when :right cell = ("-" * (width - 1)) + ":" when :center cell = ":" + ("-" * (width - 2)) + ":" else cell = ("-" * width) end delimiter_row[idx] = cell end Rails.logger.debug alignments.inspect if header.size > 0 rows.insert(1, delimiter_row) else rows.insert(0, delimiter_row) end rows = do |row| cells = [] row.each_with_index do |cell, idx| width = widths[idx] case alignments[idx] when :right cell = (" " * (width - cell.size)) + cell when :center half_width = (width - cell.size) / 2.0 cell = (" " * half_width.floor) + cell + (" " * half_width.ceil) else cell = cell + (" " * (width - cell.size)) end cell = " " + cell + " " cells << cell end "|" + cells.join("|") + "|" end rows.join("\n") + NEW_BLOCK ensure @table_rows = [] @table_alignments = [] end def table_row(content) if @table_alignments_builder @table_alignments = @table_alignments_builder end @table_rows.push(@table_cells) content ensure @table_cells = [] @table_cell_index = 0 end def table_cell(content, alignment) @table_cells << content if @table_cell_index >= @table_alignments.size @table_alignments.push(nil) end if alignment @table_alignments[@table_cell_index] = alignment end content ensure @table_cell_index += 1 end def autolink(link, link_type) link end def codespan(code) "`" + code + "`" end def double_emphasis(text) "**" + text + "**" end def emphasis(text) "*" + text + "*" end def image(link, title, alt_text) if title.blank? "![#{alt_text}](#{link})" else "![#{alt_text}](#{link} #{title})" end end def linebreak() " \n" end def link(link, title, content) if title.blank? "[#{content}](#{link})" else "[#{content}](#{link} #{title})" end end def raw_html(raw_html) raw_html end def triple_emphasis(text) "***" + text + "***" end def strikethrough(text) "~~~" + text + "~~~" end def superscript(text) "^" + text end def entity(text) text end def normal_text(text) text end end