Feature: Sections Background: Given I am on the section elements page Scenario: Getting the text from a section When I get the text from the section Then the text should include "page-object rocks!" Scenario: Cannot find elements not in the section When I access an element that is outside of the section Then I should see that it doesn't exist in the section Scenario: Finding a link within a section When I search for a link located in a section Then I should be able to click the section link Scenario: Finding a button within a section When I search for a button located in a section Then I should be able to click the section button Scenario: Finding a text field within a section When I search for a text field located in a section Then I should be able to type "123abc" in the section text field Scenario: Finding a hidden field within a section When I search for a hidden field located in a section Then I should be able to see that the section hidden field contains "LeanDog" Scenario: Finding a text area within a section When I search for a text area located in a section Then I should be able to type "abcdefg" in the section text area Scenario: Finding a select list within a section When I search for a select list located in a section Then I should be able to select "Test 2" in the section select list Scenario: Finding a file field within a section When I search for a file field located in a section Then I should be able to set the section file field Scenario: Finding a checkbox within a section When I search for a checkbox located in a section Then I should be able to check the section checkbox Scenario: Finding a radio button witin a section When I search for a radio button located in a section Then I should be able to select the section radio button Scenario: Finding a div within a section When I search for a div located in a section Then I should see the text "page-object rocks!" in the section div Scenario: Finding a span within a section When I search for a span located in a section Then I should see the text "My alert" in the section span Scenario: Finding a table within a section When I search for a table located in a section Then the data for row "1" of the section table should be "Data1" and "Data2" Scenario: Finding a table cell within a section When I search the second table cell located in a table in a section Then the section table cell should contain "Data2" Scenario: Finding an image within a section When I search for an image located in a section Then the section image should be "106" pixels wide And the section image should be "106" pixels tall Scenario: Finding a form within a section When I search for a form located in a section Then I should be able to submit the section form Scenario: Finding an ordered list within a section When I search for an ordered list located in a section Then the first section list items text should be "Number One" Scenario: Finding an unordered list within a section When I search for an unordered list located in a section Then the first section list items text should be "Item One" Scenario: Finding a list item section in an ordered list within a section When I search for a list item section in an ordered list in a section Then I should see the section list items text should be "Number One" Scenario: Finding a h1 within a section When I search for a h1 located in a section Then I should see the section h1s text should be "h1's are cool" Scenario: Finding a h2 within a section When I search for a h2 located in a section Then I should see the section h2s text should be "h2's are cool" Scenario: Finding a h3 within a section When I search for a h3 located in a section Then I should see the section h3s text should be "h3's are cool" Scenario: Finding a h4 within a section When I search for a h4 located in a section Then I should see the section h4s text should be "h4's are cool" Scenario: Finding a h5 within a section When I search for a h5 located in a section Then I should see the section h5s text should be "h5's are cool" Scenario: Finding a h6 within a section When I search for a h6 located in a section Then I should see the section h6s text should be "h6's are cool" Scenario: Finding a paragraph within a section When I search for a paragraph located in a section Then I should see the section paragraphs text should be "This is a paragraph." Scenario: Indexed property in section Given I search for a link in an indexed property located in a section Then I should see the text "Success" in the section indexed link Scenario: Sections roots can be accessed When I have a page section Then methods called on the section are passed to the root if missing Scenario: Selecting multiple sections When I select multiple sections Then I should have a section collection containing the sections And I can access any index of that collection of sections Scenario: Searching section collection Given I select multiple sections When I search by a specific value of the section Then I will find the first section with that value Scenario: Filtering section collection Given I select multiple sections When I filter by a specific value of the sections Then I will find all sections with that value