require 'smart_ioc/version' require 'benchmark' module SmartIoC autoload :Args, 'smart_ioc/args' autoload :BeanDefinition, 'smart_ioc/bean_definition' autoload :BeanDefinitionsStorage, 'smart_ioc/bean_definitions_storage' autoload :BeanDependency, 'smart_ioc/bean_dependency' autoload :BeanFactory, 'smart_ioc/bean_factory' autoload :BeanFileLoader, 'smart_ioc/bean_file_loader' autoload :BeanLocations, 'smart_ioc/bean_locations' autoload :BeanLocator, 'smart_ioc/bean_locator' autoload :Container, 'smart_ioc/container' autoload :ExtraPackageContexts, 'smart_ioc/extra_package_contexts' autoload :InjectMetadata, 'smart_ioc/inject_metadata' autoload :Iocify, 'smart_ioc/iocify' autoload :Scopes, 'smart_ioc/scopes' autoload :StringUtils, 'smart_ioc/string_utils' module Scopes autoload :Bean, 'smart_ioc/scopes/bean' autoload :Prototype, 'smart_ioc/scopes/prototype' autoload :Singleton, 'smart_ioc/scopes/singleton' autoload :Request, 'smart_ioc/scopes/request' end module Errors require 'smart_ioc/errors' end require 'smart_ioc/railtie' if defined?(Rails) class << self def is_benchmark_mode @benchmark_mode end # @param package_name [String or Symbol] package name for bean definitions # @param dir [String] absolute path with bean definitions # @return nil def find_package_beans(package_name, dir) time = Benchmark.realtime do bean_locator = bean_locator.locate_beans(package_name.to_sym, dir) end time *= 1000 if is_benchmark_mode puts "Search finished for '#{package_name}'. Time taken: #{"%.2f ms" % time}" end nil end def benchmark_mode(flag) @benchmark_mode = !!flag end # Load all beans (usually required for production env) def load_all_beans BeanLocations.all_bean_names.each do |bean| container.require_bean(bean) end end # Full clear of data (mostly for tests) def clear BeanLocations.clear Container.clear end def container Container.get_instance end [:register_bean, :get_bean_definition, :set_extra_context_for_package, :get_bean, :clear_scopes, :force_clear_scopes, :set_load_proc].each do |name| define_method name do |*args, &block| container.send(name, *args, &block) end end end end require 'smart_ioc/bean'