module Minke module Tasks ## # Task is a base implementation of a rake task such as fetch, build, etc class Task def initialize args @config = args[:config] @task_name = args[:task_name] @docker_runner = args[:docker_runner] @task_runner = args[:task_runner] @shell_helper = args[:shell_helper] @logger = args[:logger_helper] @generator_config = args[:generator_config] @docker_compose_factory = args[:docker_compose_factory] @consul = args[:consul] @docker_network = args[:docker_network] @health_check = args[:health_check] @service_discovery = args[:service_discovery] @task_settings = @config.send(@task_name) end ## # run_with_config executes the task steps for the given # - block containing custom actions def run_with_block success = true begin @docker_network.create @consul.start_and_load_data @task_settings.consul_loader unless @task_settings.consul_loader == nil pre_func = -> { @task_runner.run_steps(@task_settings.pre) unless @task_settings == nil || @task_settings.pre == nil } post_func = -> { @task_runner.run_steps( unless @task_settings == nil || == nil } if block_given? yield(pre_func, post_func) else end rescue Exception => e @logger.error e.message success = false ensure @consul.stop unless @task_settings.consul_loader == nil begin @docker_network.remove rescue Exception => e # Trap removing a network as minke may have been called with an existing network and containers # may still be attached. @logger.error e.message end end abort unless success end ## # runs the given command in a docker container def run_command_in_container command, blocking = false begin "Running command: #{command}" settings = @generator_config.build_settings.docker_settings volumes = settings.binds.clone unless settings.binds == nil environment = settings.env.clone unless settings.env == nil build_image = create_container_image working_directory = create_working_directory if ENV['AGENT_SOCK'] != nil volumes.push "#{ENV['AGENT_SOCK']}:/ssh-agent" environment.push "SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent" environment.push "GIT_SSH_COMMAND=ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" end args = { :image => build_image, :command => command, :volumes => volumes, :environment => environment, :working_directory => working_directory } if blocking == false container, success = @docker_runner.create_and_run_container args else container, success = @docker_runner.create_and_run_blocking_container args end # throw exception if failed raise "Unable to run command #{command}" unless success ensure @docker_runner.delete_container container end end ## # Pulls the build image for the container from the registry if one is supplied, # if a build file is specified an image is built. def create_container_image build_image = @generator_config.build_settings.docker_settings.image build_image = @config.build_image_for(@task_name) unless @config.build_image_for(@task_name) == nil build_file = @config.build_docker_file_for(@task_name) if build_file != nil build_image = "#{@config.application_name}-buildimage" @logger.debug "Building image: #{build_image} from file #{build_file}" @docker_runner.build_image build_file, build_image else @logger.debug "Pulling image: #{build_image}" @docker_runner.pull_image build_image unless @docker_runner.find_image build_image end build_image end def create_working_directory base_path = @generator_config.build_settings.docker_settings.working_directory override_path = @task_settings.docker.working_directory unless @task_settings.docker == nil if override_path != nil path = return (path + override_path).to_s else return base_path end end end end end