#= require ./base #= require ./tag #= require ./javascript __char_encode = (char) -> "%#{char.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)}" escape_path = (str) -> str.replace(/[^*\-.0-9A-Z_a-z]/g, __char_encode).replace(/\+/g, '%20') __string_encode = (str) -> _.map(str, (char) -> "&##{char.charCodeAt(0)};" ).join('') @Ultimate.Helpers.Url = url_for: (options = null) -> if _.isString(options) if options is 'back' 'javascript:history.back();' else options else unless _.isEmpty(options) url = _.result(options, 'url') ? '' if $.isPlainObject(options) options = _.clone(options) delete options['url'] anchor = _.outcasts.delete(options, 'anchor') url += "?#{_.map(options, (value, key) -> "#{key}=#{value}").sort().join('&')}" unless _.isEmpty(options) url += "##{anchor}" if anchor url else 'javascript:;' link_to: (name = null, options = null, html_options = null, block = null) -> [html_options, options] = [options, name] if block = _.outcasts.blockGiven(arguments) options ||= {} url = @url_for(options) html_options = @_convert_options_to_data_attributes(options, html_options) html_options['href'] ||= url if block Ultimate.Helpers.Tag.content_tag('a', html_options, null, false, block) else Ultimate.Helpers.Tag.content_tag('a', name or url, html_options, false) link_to_js: (name = null, html_options = null, block = null) -> [options, name] = [name, null] if block = _.outcasts.blockGiven(arguments) @link_to [name, options, html_options, block]... mail_to: (email_address, name = null, html_options = {}) -> email_address = _.string.escapeHTML(email_address) encode = _.outcasts.delete(html_options, 'encode') extras = _.compact _.map _.string.words('cc bcc body subject'), (item) -> option = _.outcasts.delete(html_options, item) if option? "#{item}=#{escape_path(option)}" extras = if _.isEmpty(extras) then '' else '?' + _.string.escapeHTML(extras.join('&')) email_address_obfuscated = email_address email_address_obfuscated = email_address_obfuscated.replace('@', _.outcasts.delete(html_options, 'replace_at')) if 'replace_at' of html_options email_address_obfuscated = email_address_obfuscated.replace('.', _.outcasts.delete(html_options, 'replace_dot')) if 'replace_dot' of html_options switch encode when 'javascript' html = @link_to(name or email_address_obfuscated, "mailto:#{email_address}#{extras}", html_options) html = Ultimate.Helpers.Javascript.escape_javascript(html) string = _.map("document.write('#{html}');", __char_encode).join('') "" when 'hex' email_address_encoded = __string_encode(email_address_obfuscated) string = __string_encode('mailto:') + _.map(email_address, (char) -> if /\w/.test(char) then __char_encode(char) else char).join('') @link_to name or email_address_encoded, "#{string}#{extras}", html_options else @link_to name or email_address_obfuscated, "mailto:#{email_address}#{extras}", html_options _convert_options_to_data_attributes: (options, html_options) -> if html_options html_options['data-remote'] = 'true' if @_link_to_remote_options(options) or @_link_to_remote_options(html_options) method = _.outcasts.delete(html_options, 'method') @_add_method_to_attributes(html_options, method) if method html_options else if @_link_to_remote_options(options) then {'data-remote': 'true'} else {} _link_to_remote_options: (options) -> _.isObject(options) and _.outcasts.delete(options, 'remote') _add_method_to_attributes: (html_options, method) -> if _.isString(method) and method.toLowerCase() isnt 'get' and not /nofollow/.test(html_options['rel']) html_options['rel'] = _.string.lstrip("#{html_options['rel']} nofollow") html_options['data-method'] = method _convert_boolean_attributes: (html_options, bool_attrs) -> html_options[x] = x for x in bool_attrs when _.outcasts.delete(html_options, x) html_options __protect_against_forgery: false __form_authenticity_token: 'secret' __request_forgery_protection_token: 'form_token' _token_tag: (token = @__form_authenticity_token) -> if token isnt false and @__protect_against_forgery Ultimate.Helpers.Tag.tag 'input', type: 'hidden', name: @__request_forgery_protection_token, value: token else '' _method_tag: (method) -> Ultimate.Helpers.Tag.tag 'input', type: 'hidden', name: '_method', value: method