# encoding: UTF-8 unless defined? ASCIIDOCTOR_PROJECT_DIR $: << File.dirname(__FILE__); $:.uniq! require 'test_helper' end context 'Tables' do context 'PSV' do test 'converts simple psv table' do input = <<-EOS |======= |A |B |C |a |b |c |1 |2 |3 |======= EOS cells = [%w(A B C), %w(a b c), %w(1 2 3)] doc = document_from_string input, :header_footer => false table = doc.blocks[0] assert 100, table.columns.map {|col| col.attributes['colpcwidth'] }.reduce(:+) output = doc.convert assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table.tableblock.frame-all.grid-all.stretch', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col[style*="width: 33.3333%"]', output, 2 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col:last-of-type[style*="width: 33.3334%"]', output, 1 assert_css 'table tr', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 3 assert_css 'table td', output, 9 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td.tableblock.halign-left.valign-top > p.tableblock', output, 9 cells.each_with_index {|row, rowi| assert_css "table > tbody > tr:nth-child(#{rowi + 1}) > td", output, row.size assert_css "table > tbody > tr:nth-child(#{rowi + 1}) > td > p", output, row.size row.each_with_index {|cell, celli| assert_xpath "(//tr)[#{rowi + 1}]/td[#{celli + 1}]/p[text()='#{cell}']", output, 1 } } end test 'should add direction CSS class if float attribute is set on table' do input = <<-EOS [float=left] |======= |A |B |C |a |b |c |1 |2 |3 |======= EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table.left', output, 1 end test 'should set stripes class if stripes option is set' do input = <<-EOS [stripes=odd] |======= |A |B |C |a |b |c |1 |2 |3 |======= EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table.stripes-odd', output, 1 end test 'outputs a caption on simple psv table' do input = <<-EOS .Simple psv table |======= |A |B |C |a |b |c |1 |2 |3 |======= EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_xpath '/table/caption[@class="title"][text()="Table 1. Simple psv table"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/caption/following-sibling::colgroup', output, 1 end test 'only increments table counter for tables that have a title' do input = <<-EOS .First numbered table |======= |1 |2 |3 |======= |======= |4 |5 |6 |======= .Second numbered table |======= |7 |8 |9 |======= EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table:root', output, 3 assert_xpath '(/table)[1]/caption', output, 1 assert_xpath '(/table)[1]/caption[text()="Table 1. First numbered table"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(/table)[2]/caption', output, 0 assert_xpath '(/table)[3]/caption', output, 1 assert_xpath '(/table)[3]/caption[text()="Table 2. Second numbered table"]', output, 1 end test 'uses explicit caption in front of title in place of default caption and number' do input = <<-EOS [caption="All the Data. "] .Simple psv table |======= |A |B |C |a |b |c |1 |2 |3 |======= EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_xpath '/table/caption[@class="title"][text()="All the Data. Simple psv table"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/caption/following-sibling::colgroup', output, 1 end test 'disables caption when caption attribute on table is empty' do input = <<-EOS [caption=] .Simple psv table |======= |A |B |C |a |b |c |1 |2 |3 |======= EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_xpath '/table/caption[@class="title"][text()="Simple psv table"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/caption/following-sibling::colgroup', output, 1 end test 'disables caption when caption attribute on table is empty string' do input = <<-EOS [caption=""] .Simple psv table |======= |A |B |C |a |b |c |1 |2 |3 |======= EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_xpath '/table/caption[@class="title"][text()="Simple psv table"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/caption/following-sibling::colgroup', output, 1 end test 'disables caption on table when table-caption document attribute is unset' do input = <<-EOS :!table-caption: .Simple psv table |======= |A |B |C |a |b |c |1 |2 |3 |======= EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_xpath '/table/caption[@class="title"][text()="Simple psv table"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/caption/following-sibling::colgroup', output, 1 end test 'ignores escaped separators' do input = <<-EOS |=== |A \\| here| a \\| there |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td', output, 2 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr/td[1]/p[text()="A | here"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/p[text()="a | there"]', output, 1 end test 'preserves escaped delimiters at the end of the line' do input = <<-EOS [%header,cols="1,1"] |=== |A |B\\| |A1 |B1\\| |A2 |B2\\| |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'table > thead > tr', output, 1 assert_css 'table > thead > tr:nth-child(1) > th', output, 2 assert_xpath '/table/thead/tr[1]/th[2][text()="B|"]', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td', output, 2 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/p[text()="B1|"]', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td', output, 2 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/p[text()="B2|"]', output, 1 end test 'should treat trailing pipe as an empty cell' do input = <<-EOS |=== |A1 | |B1 |B2 |C1 |C2 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 3 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td', output, 2 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/p[text()="A1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/p', output, 0 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[1]/p[text()="B1"]', output, 1 end test 'should auto recover with warning if missing leading separator on first cell' do input = <<-EOS |=== A | here| a | there | x | y | z | end |=== EOS using_memory_logger do |logger| output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td', output, 8 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/p[text()="A"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/p[text()="here"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[3]/p[text()="a"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[4]/p[text()="there"]', output, 1 assert_message logger, :ERROR, ': line 2: table missing leading separator; recovering automatically', Hash end end test 'performs normal substitutions on cell content' do input = <<-EOS :show_title: Cool new show |=== |{show_title} |Coming soon... |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_xpath '//tbody/tr/td[1]/p[text()="Cool new show"]', output, 1 assert_xpath %(//tbody/tr/td[2]/p[text()='Coming soon#{decode_char 8230}#{decode_char 8203}']), output, 1 end test 'should only substitute specialchars for literal table cells' do input = <<-EOS |=== l|one *two* three |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input result = xmlnodes_at_xpath('/table//pre', output, 1) assert_equal %(
), result.to_s end test 'should preserving leading spaces but not leading endlines or trailing spaces in literal table cells' do input = <<-EOS [cols=2*] |=== l| one two three | normal |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input result = xmlnodes_at_xpath('/table//pre', output, 1) assert_equal %(
  one\n  two\nthree
), result.to_s end test 'should preserving leading spaces but not leading endlines or trailing spaces in verse table cells' do input = <<-EOS [cols=2*] |=== v| one two three | normal |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input result = xmlnodes_at_xpath('/table//div[@class="verse"]', output, 1) assert_equal %(
one\n two\nthree
), result.to_s end test 'table and column width not assigned when autowidth option is specified' do input = <<-EOS [options="autowidth"] |======= |A |B |C |a |b |c |1 |2 |3 |======= EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table.fit-content', output, 1 assert_css 'table[style*="width"]', output, 0 assert_css 'table colgroup col', output, 3 assert_css 'table colgroup col[style*="width"]', output, 0 end test 'does not assign column width for autowidth columns in HTML output' do input = <<-EOS [cols="15%,3*~"] |======= |A |B |C |D |a |b |c |d |1 |2 |3 |4 |======= EOS doc = document_from_string input table_row0 = doc.blocks[0].rows.body[0] assert_equal 15, table_row0[0].attributes['width'] assert_equal 15, table_row0[0].attributes['colpcwidth'] refute_equal '', table_row0[0].attributes['autowidth-option'] expected_pcwidths = { 1 => 28.3333, 2 => 28.3333, 3 => 28.3334 } (1..3).each do |i| assert_equal 28.3333, table_row0[i].attributes['width'] assert_equal expected_pcwidths[i], table_row0[i].attributes['colpcwidth'] assert_equal '', table_row0[i].attributes['autowidth-option'] end output = doc.convert :header_footer => false assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table colgroup col', output, 4 assert_css 'table colgroup col[style]', output, 1 assert_css 'table colgroup col[style*="width: 15%"]', output, 1 end test 'can assign autowidth to all columns even when table has a width' do input = <<-EOS [cols="4*~",width=50%] |======= |A |B |C |D |a |b |c |d |1 |2 |3 |4 |======= EOS doc = document_from_string input table_row0 = doc.blocks[0].rows.body[0] (0..3).each do |i| assert_equal 25, table_row0[i].attributes['width'] assert_equal 25, table_row0[i].attributes['colpcwidth'] assert_equal '', table_row0[i].attributes['autowidth-option'] end output = doc.convert :header_footer => false assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table[style*="width: 50%;"]', output, 1 assert_css 'table colgroup col', output, 4 assert_css 'table colgroup col[style]', output, 0 end test 'equally distributes remaining column width to autowidth columns in DocBook output' do input = <<-EOS [cols="15%,3*~"] |======= |A |B |C |D |a |b |c |d |1 |2 |3 |4 |======= EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input, :backend => 'docbook5' assert_css 'tgroup[cols="4"]', output, 1 assert_css 'tgroup colspec', output, 4 assert_css 'tgroup colspec[colwidth]', output, 4 assert_css 'tgroup colspec[colwidth="15*"]', output, 1 assert_css 'tgroup colspec[colwidth="28.3333*"]', output, 2 assert_css 'tgroup colspec[colwidth="28.3334*"]', output, 1 end test 'explicit table width is used even when autowidth option is specified' do input = <<-EOS [%autowidth,width=75%] |======= |A |B |C |a |b |c |1 |2 |3 |======= EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table[style*="width"]', output, 1 assert_css 'table colgroup col', output, 3 assert_css 'table colgroup col[style*="width"]', output, 0 end test 'first row sets number of columns when not specified' do input = <<-EOS |=== |first |second |third |fourth |1 |2 |3 |4 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 4 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td', output, 4 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td', output, 4 end test 'colspec attribute using asterisk syntax sets number of columns' do input = <<-EOS [cols="3*"] |=== |A |B |C |a |b |c |1 |2 |3 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 3 end test 'table with explicit column count can have multiple rows on a single line' do input = <<-EOS [cols="3*"] |=== |one |two |1 |2 |a |b |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 2 end test 'table with explicit deprecated colspec syntax can have multiple rows on a single line' do input = <<-EOS [cols="3"] |=== |one |two |1 |2 |a |b |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 2 end test 'columns are added for empty records in colspec attribute' do input = <<-EOS [cols="<,"] |=== |one |two |1 |2 |a |b |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 3 end test 'cols may be separated by semi-colon instead of comma' do input = <<-EOS [cols="1s;3m"] |=== | strong | mono |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'col[style="width: 25%;"]', output, 1 assert_css 'col[style="width: 75%;"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//td)[1]//strong', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//td)[2]//code', output, 1 end test 'cols attribute may include spaces' do input = <<-EOS [cols=" 1, 1 "] |=== |one |two |1 |2 |a |b |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'col[style="width: 50%;"]', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 3 end test 'blank cols attribute should be ignored' do input = <<-EOS [cols=" "] |=== |one |two |1 |2 |a |b |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'col[style="width: 50%;"]', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 3 end test 'empty cols attribute should be ignored' do input = <<-EOS [cols=""] |=== |one |two |1 |2 |a |b |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'col[style="width: 50%;"]', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 3 end test 'table with header and footer' do input = <<-EOS [frame="topbot",options="header,footer"] |=== |Item |Quantity |Item 1 |1 |Item 2 |2 |Item 3 |3 |Total |6 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'table > thead', output, 1 assert_css 'table > thead > tr', output, 1 assert_css 'table > thead > tr > th', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tfoot', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tfoot > tr', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tfoot > tr > td', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 3 table_section_names = (xmlnodes_at_css 'table > *', output).map(&:node_name).select {|n| n.start_with? 't' } assert_equal %w(thead tbody tfoot), table_section_names end test 'table with header and footer docbook' do input = <<-EOS .Table with header, body and footer [frame="topbot",options="header,footer"] |=== |Item |Quantity |Item 1 |1 |Item 2 |2 |Item 3 |3 |Total |6 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input, :backend => 'docbook' assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table[frame="topbot"]', output, 1 assert_css 'table > title', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tgroup', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tgroup[cols="2"]', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tgroup[cols="2"] > colspec', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tgroup[cols="2"] > colspec[colwidth="50*"]', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tgroup > thead', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tgroup > thead > row', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tgroup > thead > row > entry', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tgroup > thead > row > entry > simpara', output, 0 assert_css 'table > tgroup > tfoot', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tgroup > tfoot > row', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tgroup > tfoot > row > entry', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tgroup > tfoot > row > entry > simpara', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tgroup > tbody', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tgroup > tbody > row', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tgroup > tbody > row', output, 3 table_section_names = (xmlnodes_at_css 'table > tgroup > *', output).map(&:node_name).select {|n| n.start_with? 't' } assert_equal %w(thead tbody tfoot), table_section_names end test 'should recognize ends as an alias to topbot for frame when converting to DocBook' do input = <<-EOS [frame=ends] |=== |A |B |C |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input, :backend => 'docbook' assert_css 'informaltable[frame="topbot"]', output, 1 end test 'table with landscape orientation in DocBook' do ['orientation=landscape', '%rotate'].each do |attrs| input = <<-EOS [#{attrs}] |=== |Column A | Column B | Column C |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input, :backend => 'docbook' assert_css 'informaltable', output, 1 assert_css 'informaltable[orient="land"]', output, 1 end end test 'table with implicit header row' do input = <<-EOS |=== |Column 1 |Column 2 |Data A1 |Data B1 |Data A2 |Data B2 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'table > thead', output, 1 assert_css 'table > thead > tr', output, 1 assert_css 'table > thead > tr > th', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 2 end test 'table with implicit header row only' do input = <<-EOS |=== |Column 1 |Column 2 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'table > thead', output, 1 assert_css 'table > thead > tr', output, 1 assert_css 'table > thead > tr > th', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody', output, 0 end test 'table with implicit header row when other options set' do input = <<-EOS [%autowidth] |=== |Column 1 |Column 2 |Data A1 |Data B1 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table[style*="width"]', output, 0 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'table > thead', output, 1 assert_css 'table > thead > tr', output, 1 assert_css 'table > thead > tr > th', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 1 end test 'no implicit header row if second line not blank' do input = <<-EOS |=== |Column 1 |Column 2 |Data A1 |Data B1 |Data A2 |Data B2 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'table > thead', output, 0 assert_css 'table > tbody', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 3 end test 'no implicit header row if cell in first line spans multiple lines' do input = <<-EOS [cols=2*] |=== |A1 A1 continued|B1 |A2 |B2 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'table > thead', output, 0 assert_css 'table > tbody', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//td)[1]/p', output, 2 end test 'no implicit header row if AsciiDoc cell in first line spans multiple lines' do input = <<-EOS [cols=2*] |=== a|contains AsciiDoc content * a * b * c a|contains no AsciiDoc content just text |A2 |B2 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'table > thead', output, 0 assert_css 'table > tbody', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//td)[1]//ul', output, 1 end test 'no implicit header row if first line blank' do input = <<-EOS |=== |Column 1 |Column 2 |Data A1 |Data B1 |Data A2 |Data B2 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'table > thead', output, 0 assert_css 'table > tbody', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 3 end test 'no implicit header row if noheader option is specified' do input = <<-EOS [%noheader] |=== |Column 1 |Column 2 |Data A1 |Data B1 |Data A2 |Data B2 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'table > thead', output, 0 assert_css 'table > tbody', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 3 end test 'styles not applied to header cells' do input = <<-EOS [cols="1h,1s,1e",options="header,footer"] |=== |Name |Occupation| Website |Octocat |Social coding| https://github.com |Name |Occupation| Website |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > thead > tr > th', output, 3 assert_css 'table > thead > tr > th > *', output, 0 assert_css 'table > tfoot > tr > th', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tfoot > tr > td', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tfoot > tr > td > p > strong', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tfoot > tr > td > p > em', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > th', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td > p.header', output, 0 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td > p > strong', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td > p > em > a', output, 1 end test 'vertical table headers use th element instead of header class' do input = <<-EOS [cols="1h,1s,1e"] |=== |Name |Occupation| Website |Octocat |Social coding| https://github.com |Name |Occupation| Website |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > th', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td', output, 6 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr .header', output, 0 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td > p > strong', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td > p > em', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td > p > em > a', output, 1 end test 'supports horizontal and vertical source data with blank lines and table header' do input = <<-EOS .Horizontal and vertical source data [width="80%",cols="3,^2,^2,10",options="header"] |=== |Date |Duration |Avg HR |Notes |22-Aug-08 |10:24 | 157 | Worked out MSHR (max sustainable heart rate) by going hard for this interval. |22-Aug-08 |23:03 | 152 | Back-to-back with previous interval. |24-Aug-08 |40:00 | 145 | Moderately hard interspersed with 3x 3min intervals (2 min hard + 1 min really hard taking the HR up to 160). I am getting in shape! |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table[style*="width: 80%"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/caption[@class="title"][text()="Table 1. Horizontal and vertical source data"]', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 4 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col:nth-child(1)[@style*="width: 17.647%"]', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col:nth-child(2)[@style*="width: 11.7647%"]', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col:nth-child(3)[@style*="width: 11.7647%"]', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col:nth-child(4)[@style*="width: 58.8236%"]', output, 1 assert_css 'table > thead', output, 1 assert_css 'table > thead > tr', output, 1 assert_css 'table > thead > tr > th', output, 4 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td', output, 4 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td', output, 4 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) > td', output, 4 assert_xpath "/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[4]/p[text()='Worked out MSHR (max sustainable heart rate) by going hard\nfor this interval.']", output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) > td:nth-child(4) > p', output, 2 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[4]/p[2][text()="I am getting in shape!"]', output, 1 end test 'percentages as column widths' do input = <<-EOS [cols="<.^10%,<90%"] |=== |column A |column B |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_xpath '/table/colgroup/col', output, 2 assert_xpath '(/table/colgroup/col)[1][@style="width: 10%;"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(/table/colgroup/col)[2][@style="width: 90%;"]', output, 1 end test 'spans, alignments and styles' do input = <<-EOS [cols="e,m,^,>s",width="25%"] |=== |1 >s|2 |3 |4 ^|5 2.2+^.^|6 .3+<.>m|7 ^|8 d|9 2+>|10 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col[style*="width: 25%"]', output, 4 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 4 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td', output, 10 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td', output, 4 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) > td', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(1).halign-left.valign-top p em', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(2).halign-right.valign-top p strong', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(3).halign-center.valign-top p', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(3).halign-center.valign-top p *', output, 0 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(4).halign-right.valign-top p strong', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(1).halign-center.valign-top p em', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2).halign-center.valign-middle[colspan="2"][rowspan="2"] p code', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(3).halign-left.valign-bottom[rowspan="3"] p code', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) > td:nth-child(1).halign-center.valign-top p em', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td:nth-child(1).halign-left.valign-top p', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td:nth-child(1).halign-left.valign-top p em', output, 0 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td:nth-child(2).halign-right.valign-top[colspan="2"] p code', output, 1 end test 'sets up columns correctly if first row has cell that spans columns' do input = <<-EOS |=== 2+^|AAA |CCC |AAA |BBB |CCC |AAA |BBB |CCC |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(1)[colspan="2"]', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(2):not([colspan])', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:not([colspan])', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) > td:not([colspan])', output, 3 end test 'supports repeating cells' do input = <<-EOS |=== 3*|A |1 3*|2 |b |c |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) > td', output, 3 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/p[text()="A"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/p[text()="A"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[3]/p[text()="A"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[1]/p[text()="1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/p[text()="2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[3]/p[text()="2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[1]/p[text()="2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/p[text()="b"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[3]/p[text()="c"]', output, 1 end test 'calculates colnames correctly when using implicit column count and single cell with colspan' do input = <<-EOS |=== 2+|Two Columns |One Column |One Column |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input, :backend => 'docbook' assert_xpath '//colspec', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//colspec)[1][@colname="col_1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//colspec)[2][@colname="col_2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//row', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//row)[1]/entry', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//row)[1]/entry[@namest="col_1"][@nameend="col_2"]', output, 1 end test 'calculates colnames correctly when using implicit column count and cells with mixed colspans' do input = <<-EOS |=== 2+|Two Columns | One Column |One Column |One Column |One Column |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input, :backend => 'docbook' assert_xpath '//colspec', output, 3 assert_xpath '(//colspec)[1][@colname="col_1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//colspec)[2][@colname="col_2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//colspec)[3][@colname="col_3"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '//row', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//row)[1]/entry', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//row)[1]/entry[@namest="col_1"][@nameend="col_2"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//row)[2]/entry[@namest]', output, 0 assert_xpath '(//row)[2]/entry[@nameend]', output, 0 end test 'assigns unique column names for table with implicit column count and colspans in first row' do input = <<-EOS |=== | 2+| Node 0 2+| Node 1 | Host processes | Core 0 | Core 1 | Core 4 | Core 5 | Guest processes | Core 2 | Core 3 | Core 6 | Core 7 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input, :backend => 'docbook' assert_xpath '//colspec', output, 5 (1..5).each do |n| assert_xpath %((//colspec)[#{n}][@colname="col_#{n}"]), output, 1 end assert_xpath '(//row)[1]/entry', output, 3 assert_xpath '((//row)[1]/entry)[1][@namest]', output, 0 assert_xpath '((//row)[1]/entry)[1][@namend]', output, 0 assert_xpath '((//row)[1]/entry)[2][@namest="col_2"][@nameend="col_3"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '((//row)[1]/entry)[3][@namest="col_4"][@nameend="col_5"]', output, 1 end test 'ignores cell with colspan that exceeds colspec' do input = <<-EOS [cols=2*] |=== 3+|A |B a|C more C |=== EOS using_memory_logger do |logger| output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table *', output, 0 assert_message logger, :ERROR, ': line 5: dropping cell because it exceeds specified number of columns', Hash end end test 'paragraph, verse and literal content' do input = <<-EOS [cols=",^v,^l",options="header"] |=== |Paragraphs |Verse |Literal 3*|The discussion about what is good, what is beautiful, what is noble, what is pure, and what is true could always go on. Why is that important? Why would I like to do that? Because that's the only conversation worth having. And whether it goes on or not after I die, I don't know. But, I do know that it is the conversation I want to have while I am still alive. Which means that to me the offer of certainty, the offer of complete security, the offer of an impermeable faith that can't give way is an offer of something not worth having. I want to live my life taking the risk all the time that I don't know anything like enough yet... that I haven't understood enough... that I can't know enough... that I am always hungrily operating on the margins of a potentially great harvest of future knowledge and wisdom. I wouldn't have it any other way. |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 3 assert_css 'table > thead', output, 1 assert_css 'table > thead > tr', output, 1 assert_css 'table > thead > tr > th', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1).halign-left.valign-top > p.tableblock', output, 7 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2).halign-center.valign-top > div.verse', output, 1 verse = xmlnodes_at_css 'table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2).halign-center.valign-top > div.verse', output, 1 assert_equal 26, verse.text.lines.entries.size assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3).halign-center.valign-top > div.literal > pre', output, 1 literal = xmlnodes_at_css 'table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3).halign-center.valign-top > div.literal > pre', output, 1 assert_equal 26, literal.text.lines.entries.size end test 'should strip trailing endline when splitting paragraphs' do input = <<-EOS |=== |first wrapped paragraph second paragraph third paragraph |=== EOS result = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_xpath %((//p[@class="tableblock"])[1][text()="first wrapped\nparagraph"]), result, 1 assert_xpath %((//p[@class="tableblock"])[2][text()="second paragraph"]), result, 1 assert_xpath %((//p[@class="tableblock"])[3][text()="third paragraph"]), result, 1 end test 'basic AsciiDoc cell' do input = <<-EOS |=== a|-- NOTE: content content -- |=== EOS result = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table.tableblock', result, 1 assert_css 'table.tableblock td.tableblock', result, 1 assert_css 'table.tableblock td.tableblock .openblock', result, 1 assert_css 'table.tableblock td.tableblock .openblock .admonitionblock', result, 1 assert_css 'table.tableblock td.tableblock .openblock .paragraph', result, 1 end test 'AsciiDoc table cell should be wrapped in div with class "content"' do input = <<-EOS |=== a|AsciiDoc table cell |=== EOS result = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table.tableblock td.tableblock > div.content', result, 1 assert_css 'table.tableblock td.tableblock > div.content > div.paragraph', result, 1 end test 'doctype can be set in AsciiDoc table cell' do input = <<-EOS |=== a| :doctype: inline content |=== EOS result = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table.tableblock', result, 1 assert_css 'table.tableblock .paragraph', result, 0 end test 'should reset doctype to default in AsciiDoc table cell' do input = <<-EOS = Book Title :doctype: book == Chapter 1 |=== a| = AsciiDoc Table Cell doctype={doctype} {backend-html5-doctype-article} {backend-html5-doctype-book} |=== EOS result = convert_string_to_embedded input, :attributes => { 'attribute-missing' => 'skip' } assert_includes result, 'doctype=article' refute_includes result, '{backend-html5-doctype-article}' assert_includes result, '{backend-html5-doctype-book}' end test 'should update doctype-related attributes in AsciiDoc table cell when doctype is set' do input = <<-EOS = Document Title :doctype: article == Chapter 1 |=== a| = AsciiDoc Table Cell :doctype: book doctype={doctype} {backend-html5-doctype-book} {backend-html5-doctype-article} |=== EOS result = convert_string_to_embedded input, :attributes => { 'attribute-missing' => 'skip' } assert_includes result, 'doctype=book' refute_includes result, '{backend-html5-doctype-book}' assert_includes result, '{backend-html5-doctype-article}' end test 'AsciiDoc content' do input = <<-EOS [cols="1e,1,5a",frame="topbot",options="header"] |=== |Name |Backends |Description |badges |xhtml11, html5 | Link badges ('XHTML 1.1' and 'CSS') in document footers. [NOTE] ==== The path names of images, icons and scripts are relative path names to the output document not the source document. ==== |[[X97]] docinfo, docinfo1, docinfo2 |All backends | These three attributes control which document information files will be included in the the header of the output file: docinfo:: Include `-docinfo.` docinfo1:: Include `docinfo.` docinfo2:: Include `docinfo.` and `-docinfo.` Where `` is the file name (sans extension) of the AsciiDoc input file and `` is `.html` for HTML outputs or `.xml` for DocBook outputs. If the input file is the standard input then the output file name is used. |=== EOS doc = document_from_string input, :sourcemap => true table = doc.blocks.first refute_nil table tbody = table.rows.body assert_equal 2, tbody.size body_cell_1_2 = tbody[0][1] assert_equal 5, body_cell_1_2.lineno body_cell_1_3 = tbody[0][2] refute_nil body_cell_1_3.inner_document assert body_cell_1_3.inner_document.nested? assert_equal doc, body_cell_1_3.inner_document.parent_document assert_equal doc.converter, body_cell_1_3.inner_document.converter assert_equal 5, body_cell_1_3.lineno assert_equal 6, body_cell_1_3.inner_document.lineno note = (body_cell_1_3.inner_document.find_by :context => :admonition)[0] assert_equal 9, note.lineno output = doc.convert :header_footer => false assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(3) div.admonitionblock', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(3) div.dlist', output, 1 end test 'should preserve leading indentation in contents of AsciiDoc table cell if contents starts with newline' do input = <<-EOS |=== a| $ command a| paragraph |=== EOS doc = document_from_string input, :sourcemap => true table = doc.blocks[0] tbody = table.rows.body assert_equal 1, table.lineno assert_equal 2, tbody[0][0].lineno assert_equal 3, tbody[0][0].inner_document.lineno assert_equal 4, tbody[1][0].lineno output = doc.convert :header_footer => false assert_css 'td', output, 2 assert_xpath '(//td)[1]//*[@class="literalblock"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//td)[2]//*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//pre)[1][text()="$ command"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//p)[1][text()="paragraph"]', output, 1 end test 'preprocessor directive on first line of an AsciiDoc table cell should be processed' do input = <<-EOS |=== a|include::fixtures/include-file.asciidoc[] |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input, :safe => :safe, :base_dir => testdir assert_match(/included content/, output) end test 'cross reference link in an AsciiDoc table cell should resolve to reference in main document' do input = <<-EOS == Some |=== a|See <<_more>> |=== == More content EOS result = convert_string input assert_xpath '//a[@href="#_more"]', result, 1 assert_xpath '//a[@href="#_more"][text()="More"]', result, 1 end test 'should discover anchor at start of cell and register it as a reference' do input = <<-EOS The highest peak in the Front Range is <>, which tops <> by just a few feet. [cols="1s,1"] |=== |[[mount-evans,Mount Evans]]Mount Evans |14,271 feet h|[[grays-peak,Grays Peak]] Grays Peak |14,278 feet |=== EOS doc = document_from_string input refs = doc.catalog[:refs] assert refs.key?('mount-evans') assert refs.key?('grays-peak') output = doc.convert :header_footer => false assert_xpath '(//p)[1]/a[@href="#grays-peak"][text()="Grays Peak"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//p)[1]/a[@href="#mount-evans"][text()="Mount Evans"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//table/tbody/tr)[1]//td//a[@id="mount-evans"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(//table/tbody/tr)[2]//th//a[@id="grays-peak"]', output, 1 end test 'footnotes should not be shared between an AsciiDoc table cell and the main document' do input = <<-EOS |=== a|AsciiDoc footnote:[A lightweight markup language.] |=== EOS result = convert_string input assert_css '#_footnotedef_1', result, 1 end test 'callout numbers should be globally unique, including AsciiDoc table cells' do input = <<-EOS = Document Title == Section 1 |=== a| [source, yaml] ---- key: value <1> ---- <1> First callout |=== == Section 2 |=== a| [source, yaml] ---- key: value <1> ---- <1> Second callout |=== == Section 3 [source, yaml] ---- key: value <1> ---- <1> Third callout EOS result = convert_string input, :backend => 'docbook' conums = xmlnodes_at_xpath '//co', result assert_equal 3, conums.size ['CO1-1', 'CO2-1', 'CO3-1'].each_with_index do |conum, idx| assert_equal conum, conums[idx].attribute('xml:id').value end callouts = xmlnodes_at_xpath '//callout', result assert_equal 3, callouts.size ['CO1-1', 'CO2-1', 'CO3-1'].each_with_index do |callout, idx| assert_equal callout, callouts[idx].attribute('arearefs').value end end test 'compat mode can be activated in AsciiDoc table cell' do input = <<-EOS |=== a| :compat-mode: The word 'italic' is emphasized. |=== EOS result = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_xpath '//em[text()="italic"]', result, 1 end test 'compat mode in AsciiDoc table cell inherits from parent document' do input = <<-EOS :compat-mode: The word 'italic' is emphasized. [cols=1*] |=== |The word 'oblique' is emphasized. a| The word 'slanted' is emphasized. |=== The word 'askew' is emphasized. EOS result = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_xpath '//em[text()="italic"]', result, 1 assert_xpath '//em[text()="oblique"]', result, 1 assert_xpath '//em[text()="slanted"]', result, 1 assert_xpath '//em[text()="askew"]', result, 1 end test 'compat mode in AsciiDoc table cell can be unset if set in parent document' do input = <<-EOS :compat-mode: The word 'italic' is emphasized. [cols=1*] |=== |The word 'oblique' is emphasized. a| :!compat-mode: The word 'slanted' is not emphasized. |=== The word 'askew' is emphasized. EOS result = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_xpath '//em[text()="italic"]', result, 1 assert_xpath '//em[text()="oblique"]', result, 1 assert_xpath '//em[text()="slanted"]', result, 0 assert_xpath '//em[text()="askew"]', result, 1 end test 'nested table' do input = <<-EOS [cols="1,2a"] |=== |Normal cell |Cell with nested table [cols="2,1"] !=== !Nested table cell 1 !Nested table cell 2 !=== |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 2 assert_css 'table table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) table > tbody > tr > td', output, 2 end test 'can set format of nested table to psv' do input = <<-EOS [cols="2*"] |=== |normal cell a| [format=psv] !=== !nested cell !=== |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 2 assert_css 'table table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) table > tbody > tr > td', output, 1 end test 'toc from parent document should not be included in an AsciiDoc table cell' do input = <<-EOS = Document Title :toc: == Section A |=== a|AsciiDoc content |=== EOS output = convert_string input assert_css '.toc', output, 1 assert_css 'table .toc', output, 0 end test 'should be able to enable toc in an AsciiDoc table cell' do input = <<-EOS = Document Title == Section A |=== a| = Subdocument Title :toc: == Subdocument Section A content |=== EOS output = convert_string input assert_css '.toc', output, 1 assert_css 'table .toc', output, 1 end test 'should be able to enable toc in both outer document and in an AsciiDoc table cell' do input = <<-EOS = Document Title :toc: == Section A |=== a| = Subdocument Title :toc: macro [#table-cell-toc] toc::[] == Subdocument Section A content |=== EOS output = convert_string input assert_css '.toc', output, 2 assert_css '#toc', output, 1 assert_css 'table .toc', output, 1 assert_css 'table #table-cell-toc', output, 1 end test 'document in an AsciiDoc table cell should not see doctitle of parent' do input = <<-EOS = Document Title [cols="1a"] |=== |AsciiDoc content |=== EOS output = convert_string input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td #preamble', output, 0 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td .paragraph', output, 1 end test 'cell background color' do input = <<-EOS [cols="1e,1", options="header"] |=== |{set:cellbgcolor:green}green |{set:cellbgcolor!} plain |{set:cellbgcolor:red}red |{set:cellbgcolor!} plain |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_xpath '(/table/thead/tr/th)[1][@style="background-color: green;"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(/table/thead/tr/th)[2][@style="background-color: green;"]', output, 0 assert_xpath '(/table/tbody/tr/td)[1][@style="background-color: red;"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '(/table/tbody/tr/td)[2][@style="background-color: green;"]', output, 0 end test 'should warn if table block is not terminated' do input = <<-EOS outside |=== | inside still inside eof EOS using_memory_logger do |logger| output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_xpath '/table', output, 1 assert_message logger, :WARN, ': line 3: unterminated table block', Hash end end test 'should show correct line number in warning about unterminated block inside AsciiDoc table cell' do input = <<-EOS outside * list item + |=== |cell a|inside ==== unterminated example block |=== eof EOS using_memory_logger do |logger| output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_xpath '//ul//table', output, 1 assert_message logger, :WARN, ': line 9: unterminated example block', Hash end end test 'custom separator for an AsciiDoc table cell' do input = <<-EOS [cols=2,separator=!] |=== !Pipe output to vim a! ---- asciidoctor -o - -s test.adoc | view - ---- |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(1) p', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(2) .listingblock', output, 1 end test 'table with breakable option docbook 4.5' do input = <<-EOS .Table with breakable [%breakable] |=== |Item |Quantity |Item 1 |1 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input, :backend => 'docbook45' assert_includes output, '' end test 'table with breakable option docbook 5' do input = <<-EOS .Table with breakable [%breakable] |=== |Item |Quantity |Item 1 |1 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input, :backend => 'docbook5' assert_includes output, '' end test 'table with unbreakable option docbook 5' do input = <<-EOS .Table with unbreakable [%unbreakable] |=== |Item |Quantity |Item 1 |1 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input, :backend => 'docbook5' assert_includes output, '' end test 'table with unbreakable option docbook 4.5' do input = <<-EOS .Table with unbreakable [%unbreakable] |=== |Item |Quantity |Item 1 |1 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input, :backend => 'docbook45' assert_includes output, '' end test 'no implicit header row if cell in first line is quoted and spans multiple lines' do input = <<-EOS [cols=2*l] ,=== "A1 A1 continued",B1 A2,B2 ,=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'table > thead', output, 0 assert_css 'table > tbody', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 2 assert_xpath %((//td)[1]//pre[text()="A1\n\nA1 continued"]), output, 1 end end context 'DSV' do test 'converts simple dsv table' do input = <<-EOS [width="75%",format="dsv"] |=== root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin mysql:x:27:27:MySQL\\:Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/bash gdm:x:42:42::/var/lib/gdm:/sbin/nologin sshd:x:74:74:Privilege-separated SSH:/var/empty/sshd:/sbin/nologin nobody:x:99:99:Nobody:/:/sbin/nologin |=== EOS doc = document_from_string input, :header_footer => false table = doc.blocks[0] assert 100, table.columns.map {|col| col.attributes['colpcwidth'] }.reduce(:+) output = doc.convert assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col[style*="width: 14.2857"]', output, 6 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col:last-of-type[style*="width: 14.2858%"]', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 6 assert_xpath '//tr[4]/td[5]/p/text()', output, 0 assert_xpath '//tr[3]/td[5]/p[text()="MySQL:Server"]', output, 1 end test 'dsv format shorthand' do input = <<-EOS :=== a:b:c 1:2:3 :=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td', output, 3 end test 'single cell in DSV table should only produce single row' do input = <<-EOS :=== single cell :=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table td', output, 1 end test 'should treat trailing colon as an empty cell' do input = <<-EOS :=== A1: B1:B2 C1:C2 :=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 3 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td', output, 2 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/p[text()="A1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/p', output, 0 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[1]/p[text()="B1"]', output, 1 end end context 'CSV' do test 'should treat trailing comma as an empty cell' do input = <<-EOS ,=== A1, B1,B2 C1,C2 ,=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 3 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td', output, 2 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/p[text()="A1"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/p', output, 0 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[1]/p[text()="B1"]', output, 1 end test 'should log error but not crash if cell data has unclosed quote' do input = <<-EOS ,=== a,b c," ,=== EOS using_memory_logger do |logger| output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table td', output, 4 assert_xpath '(/table/td)[4]/p', output, 0 assert_message logger, :ERROR, ': line 3: unclosed quote in CSV data; setting cell to empty', Hash end end test 'should preserve newlines in quoted CSV values' do input = <<-EOS [cols="1,1,1l"] ,=== "A B C","one two three","do re me" ,=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td', output, 3 assert_xpath %(/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/p[text()="A\nB\nC"]), output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/p', output, 3 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/p[1][text()="one"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/p[2][text()="two"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/p[3][text()="three"]', output, 1 assert_xpath %(/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[3]//pre[text()="do\n\nre\n\nme"]), output, 1 end test 'mixed unquoted records and quoted records with escaped quotes, commas, and wrapped lines' do input = <<-EOS [format="csv",options="header"] |=== Year,Make,Model,Description,Price 1997,Ford,E350,"ac, abs, moon",3000.00 1999,Chevy,"Venture ""Extended Edition""","",4900.00 1999,Chevy,"Venture ""Extended Edition, Very Large""",,5000.00 1996,Jeep,Grand Cherokee,"MUST SELL! air, moon roof, loaded",4799.00 2000,Toyota,Tundra,"""This one's gonna to blow you're socks off,"" per the sticker",10000.00 2000,Toyota,Tundra,"Check it, ""this one's gonna to blow you're socks off"", per the sticker",10000.00 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col[style*="width: 20%"]', output, 5 assert_css 'table > thead > tr', output, 1 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 6 assert_xpath '((//tbody/tr)[1]/td)[4]/p[text()="ac, abs, moon"]', output, 1 assert_xpath %(((//tbody/tr)[2]/td)[3]/p[text()='Venture "Extended Edition"']), output, 1 assert_xpath %(((//tbody/tr)[4]/td)[4]/p[text()="MUST SELL!\nair, moon roof, loaded"]), output, 1 assert_xpath %(((//tbody/tr)[5]/td)[4]/p[text()='"This one#{decode_char 8217}s gonna to blow you#{decode_char 8217}re socks off," per the sticker']), output, 1 assert_xpath %(((//tbody/tr)[6]/td)[4]/p[text()='Check it, "this one#{decode_char 8217}s gonna to blow you#{decode_char 8217}re socks off", per the sticker']), output, 1 end test 'should allow quotes around a CSV value to be on their own lines' do input = <<-EOS [cols=2*] ,=== " A "," B " ,=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td', output, 2 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/p[text()="A"]', output, 1 assert_xpath '/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/p[text()="B"]', output, 1 end test 'csv format shorthand' do input = <<-EOS ,=== a,b,c 1,2,3 ,=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td', output, 3 end test 'tsv as format' do input = <<-EOS [format=tsv] ,=== a\tb\tc 1\t2\t3 ,=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td', output, 3 end test 'custom csv separator' do input = <<-EOS [format=csv,separator=;] |=== a;b;c 1;2;3 |=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td', output, 3 end test 'tab as separator' do input = <<-EOS [separator=\\t] ,=== a\tb\tc 1\t2\t3 ,=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table', output, 1 assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 2 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td', output, 3 assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td', output, 3 end test 'single cell in CSV table should only produce single row' do input = <<-EOS ,=== single cell ,=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table td', output, 1 end test 'cell formatted with AsciiDoc style' do input = <<-EOS [cols="1,1,1a",separator=;] ,=== element;description;example thematic break,a visible break; also known as a horizontal rule;--- ,=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_css 'table tbody hr', output, 1 end test 'should strip whitespace around contents of AsciiDoc cell' do input = <<-EOS [cols="1,1,1a",separator=;] ,=== element;description;example paragraph;contiguous lines of words and phrases;" one sentence, one line " ,=== EOS output = convert_string_to_embedded input assert_xpath '/table/tbody//*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="one sentence, one line"]', output, 1 end end end