# encoding: utf-8 require 'rouge/metadata' class Rouge::Symbol include Rouge::Metadata # The symbols for t/f/n are the Ruby objects themselves. LOOKUP = { :true => true, :false => false, :nil => nil, } KNOWNS = { :/ => [nil, :/], :"./" => [nil, :"./"], :"rouge.core//" => [:"rouge.core", :/], :"rouge.core/./" => [:"rouge.core", :"./"] } CACHE = {} def initialize(sym) if r = KNOWNS[sym] @ns = r[0] @name = r[1] else str = sym.to_s solidus = str.rindex('/') if solidus @ns = str[0...solidus].intern @name = str[solidus + 1..-1].intern else @ns = nil @name = sym end end @ns_s = @ns.to_s unless @ns.nil? @name_s = @name.to_s # split(sep, 0) means a trailing '.' won't become an empty component. (0 # is default) Contrast with split(sep, -1). @name_parts = @name_s.length > 1 ? @name_s.split('.', 0).map(&:intern) : [@name] @new_sym = (@name_s[-1] == ?. and @name_s.length > 1) end def self.[](inner) return LOOKUP[inner] if LOOKUP.include? inner c = CACHE[inner] return c.dup if c # Note: don't cache symbols themselves, they may have metadata. c = new inner CACHE[inner] = c.dup.freeze c end def to_sym :"#{@ns ? "#@ns/" : ""}#@name" end def inspect "Rouge::Symbol[#{to_sym.inspect}]" end def to_s; inspect; end def ==(right) right.is_a?(Rouge::Symbol) and right.ns == @ns and right.name == @name end attr_reader :ns, :name, :ns_s, :name_s, :name_parts, :new_sym end # vim: set sw=2 et cc=80: