/*************************************************************** time.c author : uema2 date : Nov 30, 2002 You can freely use, copy, modify, and redistribute the whole contents. ***************************************************************/ /*#define __SCRATCH_TIMEC_DEBUG__ */ #include #include #include #include "common/app_build_capabilities.h" #if defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_WINXPE) #define _WIN32_WCE #endif #if defined(_WIN32_WCE) #include "wince.h" #endif struct tm * __cdecl localtime(const time_t *); /* globals */ const __int64 _onesec_in100ns = (__int64)10000000; //int _timezone, altzone; //int daylight; //char *tzname[2]; static char Standard_Name[32] = "GMT"; static char Daylight_Name[32] = "GMT"; char *tzname[2] = {Standard_Name, Daylight_Name}; long timezone = 0; int daylight = 0; /* __int64 <--> FILETIME */ static __int64 wce_FILETIME2int64(FILETIME f) { __int64 t; t = f.dwHighDateTime; t <<= 32; t |= f.dwLowDateTime; return t; } static FILETIME wce_int642FILETIME(__int64 t) { FILETIME f; f.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)((t >> 32) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF); f.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)( t & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF); return f; } /* FILETIME utility */ static FILETIME wce_getFILETIMEFromYear(WORD year) { SYSTEMTIME s={0}; FILETIME f; s.wYear = year; s.wMonth = 1; s.wDayOfWeek = 1; s.wDay = 1; SystemTimeToFileTime( &s, &f ); return f; } static time_t wce_getYdayFromSYSTEMTIME(const SYSTEMTIME* s) { __int64 t; FILETIME f1, f2; f1 = wce_getFILETIMEFromYear( s->wYear ); SystemTimeToFileTime( s, &f2 ); t = wce_FILETIME2int64(f2)-wce_FILETIME2int64(f1); return (time_t)((t/_onesec_in100ns)/(60*60*24)); } /* tm <--> SYSTEMTIME */ static SYSTEMTIME wce_tm2SYSTEMTIME(struct tm *t) { SYSTEMTIME s; s.wYear = t->tm_year + 1900; s.wMonth = t->tm_mon + 1; s.wDayOfWeek = t->tm_wday; s.wDay = t->tm_mday; s.wHour = t->tm_hour; s.wMinute = t->tm_min; s.wSecond = t->tm_sec; s.wMilliseconds = 0; return s; } static struct tm wce_SYSTEMTIME2tm(SYSTEMTIME *s) { struct tm t; t.tm_year = s->wYear - 1900; t.tm_mon = s->wMonth- 1; t.tm_wday = s->wDayOfWeek; t.tm_mday = s->wDay; t.tm_yday = wce_getYdayFromSYSTEMTIME(s); t.tm_hour = s->wHour; t.tm_min = s->wMinute; t.tm_sec = s->wSecond; t.tm_isdst = 0; return t; } /* FILETIME <--> time_t */ time_t wce_FILETIME2time_t(const FILETIME* f) { FILETIME f1601, f1970; __int64 t, offset; f1601 = wce_getFILETIMEFromYear(1601); f1970 = wce_getFILETIMEFromYear(1970); offset = wce_FILETIME2int64(f1970) - wce_FILETIME2int64(f1601); t = wce_FILETIME2int64(*f); t -= offset; return (time_t)(t / _onesec_in100ns); } FILETIME wce_time_t2FILETIME(const time_t t) { FILETIME f, f1970; __int64 time; f1970 = wce_getFILETIMEFromYear(1970); time = t; time *= _onesec_in100ns; time += wce_FILETIME2int64(f1970); f = wce_int642FILETIME(time); return f; } #if defined(_WIN32_WCE) && !defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_WINXPE) /* time.h difinition */ time_t time( time_t *timer ) { SYSTEMTIME s; FILETIME f; time_t t; GetSystemTime( &s ); SystemTimeToFileTime( &s, &f ); t = wce_FILETIME2time_t(&f); if( timer==NULL ) return t; else *timer = t; return *timer; } #ifdef OS_PLATFORM_MOTCE struct tm *__cdecl localtime_s(const time_t *t) { return localtime_s(t); } #endif //OS_PLATFORM_MOTCE /* struct tm *localtime( const time_t *timer ) { SYSTEMTIME ss, ls, s; FILETIME sf, lf, f; __int64 t, diff; static struct tm tms; GetSystemTime(&ss); GetLocalTime(&ls); SystemTimeToFileTime( &ss, &sf ); SystemTimeToFileTime( &ls, &lf ); diff = wce_FILETIME2int64(sf) - wce_FILETIME2int64(lf); f = wce_time_t2FILETIME(*timer); t = wce_FILETIME2int64(f) - diff; f = wce_int642FILETIME(t); FileTimeToSystemTime( &f, &s ); tms = wce_SYSTEMTIME2tm(&s); return &tms; } */ time_t mktime(struct tm* pt) { SYSTEMTIME ss, ls, s; FILETIME sf, lf, f; __int64 diff; GetSystemTime(&ss); GetLocalTime(&ls); SystemTimeToFileTime( &ss, &sf ); SystemTimeToFileTime( &ls, &lf ); diff = (wce_FILETIME2int64(lf)-wce_FILETIME2int64(sf))/_onesec_in100ns; s = wce_tm2SYSTEMTIME(pt); SystemTimeToFileTime( &s, &f ); return wce_FILETIME2time_t(&f) - (time_t)diff; } struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *t) { FILETIME f; SYSTEMTIME s; static struct tm tms; f = wce_time_t2FILETIME(*t); FileTimeToSystemTime(&f, &s); tms = wce_SYSTEMTIME2tm(&s); return &tms; } char* ctime( const time_t *t ) { // Wed Jan 02 02:03:55 1980\n\0 static char buf[30]={0}; char week[] = "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Sat "; char month[]= "Jan Feb Mar Apl May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec "; struct tm tms; tms = *localtime(t); strncpy( buf, week+tms.tm_wday*4, 4 ); strncpy( buf+4, month+tms.tm_mon*4, 4 ); sprintf( buf+8, "%02d ", tms.tm_mday ); sprintf( buf+11, "%02d:%02d:%02d %d\n", tms.tm_hour, tms.tm_min, tms.tm_sec, tms.tm_year+1900 ); return buf; } char *asctime(const struct tm *pt) { static char buf[30]={0}; char week[] = "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Sat "; char month[]= "Jan Feb Mar Apl May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec "; strncpy( buf, week+pt->tm_wday*4, 4 ); strncpy( buf+4, month+pt->tm_mon*4, 4 ); sprintf( buf+8, "%02d ", pt->tm_mday ); sprintf( buf+11, "%02d:%02d:%02d %d\n", pt->tm_hour, pt->tm_min, pt->tm_sec, pt->tm_year+1900 ); return buf; } #endif // APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_WINXPE void tzset(void) { TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION Info; int Result; /* * Get our current timezone information */ Result = GetTimeZoneInformation(&Info); switch(Result) { /* * We are on standard time */ case TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD: daylight = 0; break; /* * We are on daylight savings time */ case TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT: daylight = 1; break; /* * We don't know the timezone information (leave it GMT) */ default: return; } /* * Extract the timezone information */ timezone = Info.Bias * 60; if (Info.StandardName[0]) WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, Info.StandardName, -1, Standard_Name, sizeof(Standard_Name) - 1, NULL, NULL); if (Info.DaylightName[0]) WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, Info.DaylightName, -1, Daylight_Name, sizeof(Daylight_Name) - 1, NULL, NULL); } #if !defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_WINXPE) int clock(void) { return 1; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef __SCRATCH_TIMEC_DEBUG__ int main() { time_t t1, t2; struct tm tm1, tm2; time( &t1 ); tm1 = *localtime(&t1); t1 = mktime(&tm1); tm1 = *gmtime(&t1); _time( &t2 ); tm2 = *_localtime(&t2); t2 = _mktime(&tm2); tm2 = *_gmtime(&t2); // time, mktime if( t1==t2 ) OutputDebugString( "ok\n" ); else { static char buf[128]; wsprintf( buf, "ng : %d, %d\n", t1, t2 ); OutputDebugString( buf ); } // localtime, gmtime if( 0==memcmp( &tm1, &tm2, sizeof(struct tm) ) ) OutputDebugString( "ok\n" ); else OutputDebugString( "ng\n" ); // ctime OutputDebugString( ctime(&t1) ); OutputDebugString( _ctime(&t2) ); // asctime OutputDebugString( asctime(&tm1) ); OutputDebugString( _asctime(&tm2) ); return 0; } #endif