### v1.7.0 (2017-10-19)
#### Features
* **can-i-deploy**
* change cli to use --name and --version options instead of bespoke version selector format ([15e8131](/../../commit/15e8131))
* puts output to stdout for both success and failure scenarios so that JSON output can be parsed by capturing stdout ([6db595a](/../../commit/6db595a))
* remove dates from table output and add success status ([5dc9484](/../../commit/5dc9484))
* add --output option allowing table or json to be specified ([57fa24e](/../../commit/57fa24e))
* changed name of verification date field ([962b7d1](/../../commit/962b7d1))
* output table of verification results when present ([9220703](/../../commit/9220703))
* add 'pact-broker can-i-deploy' executable ([ca68c54](/../../commit/ca68c54))
### v1.6.0 (2017-10-01)
* **cli**
* change cli option names to match pact-provider-verifier ([0682662](/../../commit/0682662))
### v1.5.0 (2017-09-28)
#### Features
* **cli**
* add command line tool to publish pacts ([d031b98](/../../commit/d031b98))
* **publish pacts**
* merge pact files with same consumer/provider before publishing ([1c039a0](/../../commit/1c039a0))
### v1.4.0 (2017-09-07)
#### Features
* **tagging**
* url escape tag names ([8335978](/../../commit/8335978))
* allow multiple tags to be specified for a version ([5f862fe](/../../commit/5f862fe))
#### v1.3.0 (2017-07-03)
* 138a042 - feat(tag): Added tag to PublicationTask (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 3 11:45:24 2017 +1000)
#### 1.2.0 (2016-11-23)
* 08e6025 - Fixed broken spec - expected hal+json (Bethany Skurrie, Wed Nov 23 09:20:39 2016 +1100)
* ec4b7d7 - Added Travis badge. (Beth Skurrie, Wed Nov 23 09:16:10 2016 +1100)
* ff133f2 - Adding appraisals and updating test matrix (Bethany Skurrie, Wed Nov 23 09:10:40 2016 +1100)
* e79eec6 - Add hal+json to list of accepted content types (Steve Pletcher, Wed Sep 21 10:27:20 2016 -0400)
* 314f059 - add the option to retrieve all the latest (tagged) pacts for a provider (Olga Vasylchenko, Mon Nov 21 15:01:09 2016 +0100)
#### 1.1.0 (2016-08-19)
* b5ea1b3 - Add support for publishing pacts via patch request (Steve Pletcher, Fri Aug 5 11:16:18 2016 -0400)
#### 1.0.3 (2016-06-27)
* 04bd518 - Clarify that pact_broker-client will only work with ruby >= 2.0 (Sergei Matheson, Mon Jun 27 11:17:57 2016 +1000)
#### 1.0.2 (2016-06-20)
* 4637978 - Warn on overwritting (Taiki Ono, Mon Jun 6 14:50:37 2016 +0900)
#### 1.0.1 (2016-04-29)
* 72c099b - Add release instructions (Sergei Matheson, Fri Apr 29 11:54:01 2016 +1000)
* 12f0054 - :headers is duplicated and overwritten (Taiki Ono, Tue Mar 15 21:46:23 2016 +0900)
* e9251f7 - Commit pact files (Taiki Ono, Tue Mar 15 21:30:15 2016 +0900)
* 0278731 - Loosen content type header expectation (Taiki Ono, Tue Mar 15 21:26:03 2016 +0900)
* fff1838 - Remove `Gemfile.lock` and do not check-in (Taiki Ono, Sun Mar 13 21:49:36 2016 +0900)
* 48c1434 - Add Travis CI setting not to test with ruby1.9 (Taiki Ono, Sun Mar 13 21:17:11 2016 +0900)
* 0365b94 - Updated to RSpec 3 syntax (Beth, Mon Oct 19 08:54:48 2015 +1100)
#### 1.0.0 (2014-10-09)
* 2c08da2 - added pact_broker_basic_auth options to publish task (lifei zhou, Fri Feb 27 21:33:09 2015 +1100)
* 1b84a54 - Updated pact-version rel name (Beth, Mon Dec 22 11:30:57 2014 +1100)
* 04c1e4e - Updated link rels (Beth, Thu Dec 11 14:32:27 2014 +1100)
* d1b2cad - Correcting pact publish message (Beth Skurrie, Mon Aug 25 07:15:57 2014 +1000)
* 6b1d147 - Added backwards compatibility for pact broker publish response (Beth Skurrie, Sun Aug 24 17:50:16 2014 +1000)
* 8c8aa89 - Added location of latest pact to output of pact:publish (Beth Skurrie, Sun Aug 24 17:43:02 2014 +1000)
* e6b56d0 - Added retries for pact publishing (Beth Skurrie, Sun Aug 24 16:55:10 2014 +1000)
* 27c00e5 - Disabled pacticipant version interactions, not needed yet. (Beth Skurrie, Sat May 17 17:57:33 2014 +1000)
* cfefdc4 - Changed path from /pact to /pacts (Beth Skurrie, Sat May 17 15:58:32 2014 +1000)
#### 0.0.6 (2014-03-24)
* 2ad5f7d - Updated method of tagging versions (bethesque, Sat Mar 22 16:54:37 2014 +1100)
* b74128f - Added 'latest' pact url to pact representation in the 'latest pacts' response (bethesque, Sat Mar 22 09:04:31 2014 +1100)
#### 0.0.5 (2014-01-03)
* 194183c - Removing debugger for Travis CI (bethesque, Fri Jan 3 12:45:07 2014 +1100)
* b42aba9 - Changed 'last' to 'latest' (bethesque, Tue Nov 19 09:30:12 2013 +1100)
* 30d63b7 - Changed name to title in list pacticipants response (bethesque, Mon Nov 18 09:37:11 2013 +1100)
#### 0.0.4 (2013-11-15)
* cf33479 - Merge branch 'master' of github.com:bethesque/pact_broker-client (Beth, 20 hours ago)
* 01087ae - Fixed problem where PublicationTask block was evaluated at load time, instead of run time. (Beth, 20 hours ago)
* 2073234 - Updating to use example.org as the base URL (Beth, 2 days ago)
* 07073de - Updating latest pact URL (Beth, 2 days ago)
#### 0.0.3 (2013-11-13)
* a3488bd - Fixing application/json+hal to application/hal+json (Beth, 2 days ago)
* 0fa89ef - Updating content type to match new Webmachine implementation. Removing redundant repository_url interaction. (Beth, 2 days ago)
* 9e1539e - Redoing the URLs yet again (Beth, 3 days ago)
* 9067b83 - Working on list latest pacts (Beth, 3 days ago)
* 3ba218a - Specifying pact/latest response (Beth, 6 days ago)
* b746f23 - Changing to new /pacts/latest URL format (Beth, 6 days ago)
* 39f52cf - Working on expected 'pacts/latest' response (Beth, 6 days ago)