#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # cookbook_munger.rb -- keep cookbook metadata complete, consistent and correct. # # This script reads the actual content of a cookbook -- actually interpreting # the metadata.rb and attribute files, along with recipes/resources/etc files' # headers -- and re-generates the metadata.rb and README files. # # It also has hooks to do a limited amount of validation and linting. # require 'erubis' require 'chef/mash' require 'chef/mixin/from_file' require 'configliere' require 'gorillib/metaprogramming/class_attribute' require 'gorillib/hash/reverse_merge' require 'gorillib/object/blank' require 'gorillib/hash/compact' require 'gorillib/string/inflections' require 'gorillib/string/human' require 'gorillib/logger/log' require 'set' $:.unshift File.expand_path('..', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'cluster_chef/dsl_object' # silence the chef log class Chef ; class Log ; def self.info(*args) ; end ; def self.debug(*args) ; end ; end ; end Settings.define :maintainer, :default => 'default mantainer name', :default => "Philip (flip) Kromer - Infochimps, Inc" Settings.define :maintainer_email, :default => 'default email to add to cookbook headers', :default => "coders@infochimps.com" Settings.define :license, :default => 'default license to apply to cookbooks', :default => "Apache 2.0" # Settings.define :cookbook_paths, :description => 'list of paths holding cookbooks', :type => Array, :default => ["./{site-cookbooks,meta-cookbooks}"] # Settings.use(:commandline) Settings.resolve! String.class_eval do def commentize self.gsub(/\n/, "\n# ").gsub(/\n# \n/, "\n#\n") end end module CookbookMunger TEMPLATE_ROOT = File.expand_path('cookbook_munger', File.dirname(__FILE__)) # =========================================================================== # # DummyAttribute -- holds metadata about a single cookbook attribute. # # named like a path: node[:pig][:home_dir] is 'pig/home_dir' # class DummyAttribute attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :display_name attr_accessor :description attr_accessor :choice attr_accessor :calculated attr_accessor :type attr_accessor :required attr_accessor :recipes attr_accessor :default def initialize(name, hsh={}) self.name = name merge!(hsh) @display_name ||= '' end def merge!(hsh) hsh.each do |key, val| self.send("#{key}=", val) unless val.blank? end end def inspect "attr[#{name}:#{default.inspect}]" end def bracketed_name name.split("/").map{|s| "[:#{s}]" }.join end def keys [:display_name, :description, :choice, :calculated, :type, :required, :recipes, :default] end def to_hash hsh = {} self.description = display_name if description.blank? keys.each do |key| hsh[key] = self.send(key) if instance_variable_defined?("@#{key}") end case hsh[:default] when Symbol, Numeric, TrueClass, NilClass, FalseClass then hsh[:default] = hsh[:default].to_s when Hash then hsh[:type] ||= 'hash' when Array then hsh[:type] ||= 'array' end hsh end def pretty_str str = [ %Q{attribute "#{name}"} ] to_hash.each do |key, val| str << (" :%-21s => %s" % [ key, val.inspect ]) end str.flatten.join(",\n") end end # =========================================================================== # # DummyAttributeCollection -- the cascading buckets to hold attributes # # This auto-vivifies: just saying `foo[:bar][:baz][:bing]` results in # foo becoming # `{ :bar => { :baz => { :bing => {} } } }` # class DummyAttributeCollection < Mash attr_accessor :path def initialize(path='') self.path = path super(){|hsh,key| hsh[key] = DummyAttributeCollection.new(sub_path(key)) } end def setter(key=nil) # key ? (self[key] = DummyAttributeCollection.new(sub_path(key))) : self self end def sub_path(key) path.blank? ? key.to_s : "#{path}/#{key}" end def []=(key, val) unless val.is_a?(DummyAttributeCollection) || val.is_a?(DummyAttribute) val = DummyAttribute.new(sub_path(key), :default =>val) end super(key, val) end def attrs [ leafs.values, branches.map{|key,val| val.attrs } ].flatten end def leafs select{|key,val| not val.is_a?(DummyAttributeCollection) } end def branches select{|key,val| val.is_a?(DummyAttributeCollection) } end def pretty_str str = [] attrs.each{|attrib| str << attrib.pretty_str } str.join("\n\n") end end # =========================================================================== # # CookbookComponent - shared mixin methods for Chef-DSL files (recipes, # attributes, definitions, resources, etc) # module CookbookComponent attr_reader :name, :desc, :filename # the cookbook object this belongs to attr_reader :cookbook attr_accessor :header_lines, :body_lines def initialize(cookbook, name, desc, filename, *args, &block) super(*args, &block) @cookbook = cookbook @name = name @desc = desc @filename = filename end def raw_lines begin @raw_lines ||= File.readlines(filename).map(&:chomp) rescue Errno::ENOENT => boom warn boom.to_s @raw_lines ||= [] end end def read @header_lines = [] @body_lines = [] # Gobble the header -- all comment lines following the first until raw_lines.first !~ /^#/ || raw_lines.empty? line = raw_lines.first header_lines << raw_lines.shift process_header_line(line) end # skip blank lines that follow the header until raw_lines.first =~ /\S+/ || raw_lines.empty? raw_lines.shift end raw_lines.each do |line| body_lines << line process_body_line(line) end end # called on each header line in #read def process_header_line(line) # override in subclass if you like end # called on each body line in #read def process_body_line(line) # override in subclass if you like end # save to {filename}.bak def dump File.open(filename+'.bak', 'w') do |f| f << header_lines.join("\n") f << "\n\n" f << body_lines.join("\n") f << "\n" end end # Use the chef from_file mixin -- instance_exec the file def execute! from_file(filename) end module ClassMethods def read(cookbook, name, desc, filename) attr_file = self.new(cookbook, name, desc, filename) attr_file.read attr_file end end def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods ; end end # =========================================================================== # # RecipeFile -- a chef recipe # class RecipeFile attr_accessor :copyright_lines, :author_lines, :include_recipes, :include_cookbooks include CookbookComponent def initialize(*args, &block) super @include_recipes = [] @include_cookbooks = [] end def process_header_line(line) self.author_lines << "# Author:: #{$1}" if line =~ /^# Author::\s*(.*)/ self.copyright_lines << line if line =~ /^# Copyright / && line !~ /YOUR_COMPANY_NAME/ end def process_body_line(line) if line =~ /include_recipe\(?\s*[\"\']([^\"\'\:]*?)(::.*?)?[\"\']\s*\)?(?:[#;].*)?$/ i_cb, i_rp = [$1, $2] i_rp = nil if i_rp == "default" self.include_cookbooks << i_cb self.include_recipes << [i_cb, i_rp].compact.join("::") end end def read self.author_lines = [] self.copyright_lines = [] super self.copyright_lines = ["# Copyright #{cookbook.copyright_text}"] if copyright_lines.blank? self.author_lines = ["# Author:: #{cookbook.maintainer}"] if author_lines.blank? end def dump super end def lint if self.name == 'default' sketchy = (include_recipes & %w[ runit::default java::sun ]) if sketchy.present? then warn "Recipe #{cookbook.name}::#{name} includes #{sketchy.inspect} -- put these in component cookbooks, not the default." ; end end end def generate_header! new_header_lines = ['#'] new_header_lines << "# Cookbook Name:: #{cookbook.name}" new_header_lines << "# Description:: #{desc.commentize}" new_header_lines << "# Recipe:: #{name}" new_header_lines += author_lines new_header_lines << "#" new_header_lines += copyright_lines new_header_lines << "#" new_header_lines << ("# "+cookbook.short_license_text.commentize) << '#' self.header_lines = new_header_lines end end # =========================================================================== # # AttributeFile -- a chef attribute file # # The metadata in here will be merged with anything found in the metadata.rb # file, with these winning # class AttributeFile include Chef::Mixin::FromFile include CookbookComponent attr_reader :all_attributes def initialize(*args, &block) super(*args, &block) @all_attributes = DummyAttributeCollection.new end # # Fake the DSL so we can run the attributes file in our context # def default all_attributes end def set all_attributes end def attribute?(key) node.has_key?(key.to_sym) ; end def node { :hostname => 'hostname', :cluster_name => :cluster_name, :platform => 'ubuntu', :platform_version => '10.4', :cloud => { :private_ips => [''] }, :cpu => { :total => 2 }, :memory => { :total => 2 }, :kernel => { :os => '', :release => '', :machine => '' ,}, :ec2 => { :instance_type => 'm1.large', }, :hbase => { :home_dir => '/usr/lib/hbase', }, :zookeeper => { :home_dir => '/usr/lib/zookeeper', }, :redis => { :slave => 'no' }, :ipaddress => '', :languages => { :ruby => { :version => "1.9" } }, :cassandra => { :mx4j_version => 'x.x' }, :ganglia => { :home_dir => '/var/lib/ganglia' }, }.merge(@all_attributes) end def method_missing(meth, *args) if args.empty? && node.has_key?(meth) node[meth] else super(meth, *args) end end def value_for_platform(hsh) hsh["default"] || hsh[hsh.keys.first] end end # =========================================================================== # # CookbookMetadata -- the main deal. Unifies information from metadata.rb, the # attributes/ files, the rest of the tree; produces a synthesized metadata.rb # and README.md. # class CookbookMetadata < ClusterChef::DslObject include Chef::Mixin::FromFile attr_reader :dirname has_keys :name, :author, :maintainer, :maintainer_email, :license, :version, :description, :long_desc_gen has_keys :long_description attr_reader :all_depends, :all_recipes, :all_attributes, :all_resources, :all_supports, :all_recommends attr_reader :components, :attribute_files # also: grouping, conflicts, provides, replaces, recommends, suggests # definition: provides "here(:kitty, :time_to_eat)" # resource: provides "service[snuggle]" def initialize(nm, dirname, *args, &block) super(*args, &block) name(nm) @dirname = dirname @attribute_files = {} @all_attributes = CookbookMunger::DummyAttributeCollection.new @all_depends ||= {} @all_recommends ||= {} @all_supports ||= %w[ debian ubuntu ] @all_recipes ||= {} @all_resources ||= {} long_desc_gen(%Q{IO.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'README.md'))}) unless long_desc_gen end # # Fake DSL # # add dependency to list def depends(nm, ver=nil) @all_depends[nm] = (ver ? %Q{"#{nm}", "#{ver}"} : %Q{"#{nm}"} ) ; end # add recommended dependency to list def recommends(nm, ver=nil) @all_recommends[nm] = (ver ? %Q{"#{nm}", "#{ver}"} : %Q{"#{nm}"} ) ; end # add supported OS to list def supports(nm, ver=nil) @all_supports << nm ; @all_supports.uniq! ; @all_supports ; end # add resource to list def resource(nm, desc) @all_resources[nm] = { :name => nm, :description => desc } ; end # pull out the non-generated part of the README def long_description(val=nil) return @long_description.to_s if val.nil? lines = val.split(/\n/) until (not lines.last.blank?) || lines.empty? ; lines.pop ; end if lines.last =~ /^> readme generated by \[cluster_chef\]/ # it's one of ours; strip out the generated material until (lines.first =~ /^## (Overview|Attributes)/) || lines.empty? lines.shift end desc = [] lines.shift if lines.first =~ /^## (Overview)/ until (lines.first =~ /^## Attributes/) || lines.empty? desc << lines.shift end else desc = lines end @long_description = desc.join("\n").strip end # add attribute to list def attribute(nm, info={}) return if info[:type] == 'hash' path_segs = nm.split("/") leaf = path_segs.pop attr_branch = @all_attributes path_segs.each{|seg| attr_branch = attr_branch[seg] } if info.present? || (not attr_branch.has_key?(leaf)) attr_branch[leaf] = CookbookMunger::DummyAttribute.new(nm, info) end attr_branch[leaf] end # add recipe to list def recipe(recipe_name, desc=nil) recipe_name = 'default' if recipe_name == name recipe_name = recipe_name.gsub(/^#{name}::/, "") # desc = (recipe_name == 'default' ? "Base configuration for #{name}" : recipe_name.titleize) if (desc.blank? || desc == recipe_name.titleize) filename = file_in_cookbook("recipes/#{recipe_name}.rb") @all_recipes[recipe_name] ||= RecipeFile.read(self, recipe_name, desc, filename) @all_recipes[recipe_name].desc ||= desc if desc.present? @all_recipes[recipe_name] end # # Read project # def file_in_cookbook(filename) File.expand_path(filename, self.dirname) end def load_components from_file(file_in_cookbook("metadata.rb")) @components = { :attributes => Dir[file_in_cookbook('attributes/*.rb') ].map{|f| nm = File.basename(f, '.rb') ; AttributeFile.read(self, nm, "attributes[#{self.name}::#{nm}", f) }, :recipes => Dir[file_in_cookbook('recipes/*.rb') ].map{|f| nm = File.basename(f, '.rb') ; recipe("#{name}::#{nm}") }, :resources => Dir[file_in_cookbook('resources/*.rb') ].map{|f| File.basename(f, '.rb') }, :providers => Dir[file_in_cookbook('providers/*.rb') ].map{|f| File.basename(f, '.rb') }, :templates => Dir[file_in_cookbook('templates/**/*.rb') ].map{|f| File.join(File.basename(File.dirname(f)), File.basename(f, '.rb')) }, :definitions => Dir[file_in_cookbook('definitions/*.rb') ].map{|f| File.basename(f, '.rb') }, :libraries => Dir[file_in_cookbook('definitions/*.rb') ].map{|f| File.basename(f, '.rb') }, } components[:attributes].each do |attrib_file| merge_attribute_file(attrib_file) end end def merge_attribute_file(attrib_file) attrib_file.execute! attrib_file.all_attributes.attrs.each do |af_attrib| my_attrib = attribute(af_attrib.name) my_attrib.merge!(af_attrib.to_hash) end end def lint! # Settings.each do |attr, sval| # my_val = self.send(attr) rescue nil # warn([name, attr, sval, my_val ]) unless sval == my_val # end lint_dependencies lint_presence components[:recipes].each(&:lint) end def lint_dependencies include_cookbooks = [] components[:recipes].each do |recipe| include_cookbooks += recipe.include_cookbooks end include_cookbooks = include_cookbooks.sort.uniq missing_dependencies = (include_cookbooks - all_depends.keys - [name]) missing_includes = (all_depends.keys - include_cookbooks - [name]) warn "Coookbook #{name} doesn't declare dependency on #{missing_dependencies.join(", ")}, but has an include_recipe that refers to it" if missing_dependencies.present? warn "Coookbook #{name} declares dependency on #{missing_includes.join(", ")}, but never calls include_recipe with it" if missing_includes.present? end def lint_presence components[:recipes].each do |recipe| warn "Recipe #{name}::#{recipe.name} #{recipe.filename} missing, though it is alluded to in #{name}/metadata.rb" unless File.exists?(recipe.filename) end end def dump load_components lint! File.open(file_in_cookbook('metadata.rb.bak'), 'w') do |f| f << render('metadata.rb') end File.open(file_in_cookbook('README.md.bak'), 'w') do |f| f << render('README.md') end components[:recipes].each do |recipe| recipe.generate_header! recipe.dump end end # # Content # def self.licenses return @licenses if @licenses @licenses = YAML.load(File.read(File.expand_path("licenses.yaml", CookbookMunger::TEMPLATE_ROOT))) end def license_info @license_info = self.class.licenses.values.detect{|lic| lic[:name] == license } end def short_license_text license_info ? license_info[:short] : '(no license specified)' end def copyright_text "2011, #{maintainer}" end # # Display # def render(filename) self.class.template(filename).result(self.send(:binding)) end def self.template(filename) template_text = File.read(File.expand_path("#{filename}.erb", CookbookMunger::TEMPLATE_ROOT)) Erubis::Eruby.new(template_text) end end puts "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" puts "\n\n++++++++++++++++ COOKBOOK MUNGE NOM NOM NOM +++++++++++++++++++\n\n" Settings.cookbook_paths.each do |cookbook_path| Dir["#{cookbook_path}/*/metadata.rb"].each do |f| dirname = File.dirname(f) nm = File.basename(dirname) puts "====== %-20s ====================" % nm cookbook_metadata = CookbookMetadata.new(nm, dirname, Settings.dup) cookbook_metadata.dump end end end