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"I had a class with Jim Weirich on testing last week and we were allowed to choose our testing frameworks. Kirk Haines and I were paired up and we cracked open the code for a few test frameworks... I MUST say that minitest is *very* readable / understandable compared to the 'other two' options we looked at. Nicely done and thank you for helping us keep our mental sanity." -- Wayne E. Seguin minitest/unit is a small and incredibly fast unit testing framework. It provides a rich set of assertions to make your tests clean and readable. minitest/spec is a functionally complete spec engine. It hooks onto minitest/unit and seamlessly bridges test assertions over to spec expectations. minitest/benchmark is an awesome way to assert the performance of your algorithms in a repeatable manner. Now you can assert that your newb co-worker doesn't replace your linear algorithm with an exponential one! minitest/mock by Steven Baker, is a beautifully tiny mock (and stub) object framework. minitest/pride shows pride in testing and adds coloring to your test output. I guess it is an example of how to write IO pipes too. :P minitest/unit is meant to have a clean implementation for language implementors that need a minimal set of methods to bootstrap a working test suite. For example, there is no magic involved for test-case discovery. "Again, I can't praise enough the idea of a testing/specing framework that I can actually read in full in one sitting!" -- Piotr Szotkowski Comparing to rspec: rspec is a testing DSL. minitest is ruby. -- Adam Hawkins, "Bow Before MiniTest" minitest doesn't reinvent anything that ruby already provides, like: classes, modules, inheritance, methods. This means you only have to learn ruby to use minitest and all of your regular OO practices like extract-method refactorings still apply.https://github.com/seattlerb/minitestMIT i14 [G;tzinfo1.2.2Daylight savings aware timezone libraryTZInfo provides daylight savings aware transformations between times in different time zones.http://tzinfo.github.ioMITU #EiY!thread_safe0.3.4A collection of data structures and utilities to make thread-safe programming in Ruby easierThread-safe collections and utilities for Rubyhttps://github.com/headius/thread_safeApache 2.0{ [3Wminitest5.4.0minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarkingmin6 Ijson1.8.1This json is bundled with Rubyother ikMi18n0.6.11New wave Internationalization support for RubyNew wave Internationalization support for Ruby.http://github.com/svenfuchs/i18nMIT WmWC %eK_mini_portile0.6.0Simplistic port-like solution for developersSimplistic port-like solution for developers. It provides a standard and simplified way to compile against dependency libraries without messing up your system.http://github.com/luislavena/mini_portileMIT !a_cmime-types2.3The mime-types library provides a library and registry for information about M[ y/bundler1.6.5The best way to manage your application's dependenciesBundler manages an application's dependencies through its entire life, across many machines, systematically and repeatablyhttp://bundler.ioMITD 'CiAactivesupport4.1.4A toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted from the Rails framework.A toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted from the Rails framework. Rich support for multibyte strings, internationalization, time zones, and testing.http://www.rubyonrails.orgMIT + QC;rack1.5.2a modular Ruby webserver interfaceRack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.github.com/. http://rack.github.com/MITZ yu3nokogiri1.6.3.1Nokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parserNokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features is the ability to search documents via XPath or CSS3 selectors. XML is like violence - if it doesn’t solve your problems, you are not using enough of it.http://nokogiri.orgMIT C C' m]Ucliver0.3.2Cross-platform version constraints for cli toolsAssertions for command-line dependencieshttps://www.github.com/yaauie/cliverMIT+ i Scapybara2.4.1Capybara aims to simplify the process of integration testing Rack applications, such as Rails, Sinatra or MerbCapybara is an integration testing tool for rack based web applications. It simulates how a user would interact with a websitehttp://github.com/jnicklas/capybaraMIT UuM xpath2.0.0Generate XPath expressions from RubyXPath is a Ruby DSL for generating XPath expressionshttp://github.com/jnicklas/xpathMITa MSrack-test0.6.2Simple testing API built on RackRack::Test is a small, simple testing API for Rack apps. It can be used on its own or as a reusable starting point for Web frameworks and testing libraries to build on. Most of its initial functionality is an extraction of Merb 1.0's request helpers feature.http://github.com/brynary/rack-testMIT  G M +Y/c%levenshtein-ffi1.1.0An FFI version of the levenshtein gem.Provides a fast, cross-Ruby implementation of the levenshtein distance algorithm.http://github.com/dbalatero/levenshtein-ffiBSD 2-Clauseg oGhighline1.6.21HighLine is a high-level command-line IO library.A high-level IO library that provides validation, type conversion, and more for command-line interfaces. HighLine also includes a complete menu system that can crank out anything from simple list selection to complete shells with just minutes of work. http://highline.rubyforge.orgrubyK -Iffi1.9.3Ruby FFIRuby FFI libraryhttp://wiki.github.com/ffi/ffiBSDj - fedux_org-stdlib0.6.51Collection of useful libraries. It maybe depend on external libraries.MIT ^|1 -+password_changer0.0.1Change passwordMIT/  9thor0.19.1Thor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces.Thor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces.http://whatisthor.com/MIT_ #G_poltergeist1.5.1PhantomJS driver for CapybaraPoltergeist is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on a headless WebKit browser, provided by PhantomJS.http://github.com/jonleighton/poltergeistMIT{ -gewebsocket-driver0.3.4WebSocket protocol handler with pluggable I/Ohttp://github.com/faye/websocket-driver-rubyMIT" !ioWmulti_json1.10.1A common interface to multiple JSON libraries.A common interface to multiple JSON libraries, including Oj, Yajl, the JSON gem (with C-extensions), the pure-Ruby JSON gem, NSJSONSerialization, gson.rb, JrJackson, and OkJson.http://github.com/intridea/multi_jsonMITIME content type definitionsThe mime-types library provides a library and registry for information about MIME content type definitions. It can be used to determine defined filename extensions for MIME types, or to use filename extensions to look up the likely MIME type definitions. MIME content types are used in MIME-compliant communications, as in e-mail or HTTP traffic, to indicate the type of content which is transmitted. The mime-types library provides the ability for detailed information about MIME entities (provided as an enumerable collection of MIME::Type objects) to be determined and used programmatically. There are many types defined by RFCs and vendors, so the list is long but by definition incomplete; don't hesitate to to add additional type definitions (see Contributing.rdoc). The primary sources for MIME type definitions found in mime-types is the IANA collection of registrations (see below for the link), RFCs, and W3C recommendations. This is release 2.2, mostly changing how the MIME type registry is updated from the IANA registry (the format of which was incompatibly changed shortly before this release) and taking advantage of the extra data available from IANA registry in the form of MIME::Type#xrefs. In addition, the {LTSW list}[http://www.ltsw.se/knbase/internet/mime.htp] has been dropped as a supported list. As a reminder, mime-types 2.x is no longer compatible with Ruby 1.8 and mime-types 1.x is only being maintained for security issues. No new MIME types or features will be added. mime-types (previously called MIME::Types for Ruby) was originally based on MIME::Types for Perl by Mark Overmeer, copyright 2001 - 2009. It is built to conform to the MIME types of RFCs 2045 and 2231. It tracks the {IANA Media Types registry}[https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml] with some types added by the users of mime-types.https://github.com/halostatue/mime-types/multiple licenses: MIT, Artistic 2.0, GPL-2