h1. roo h2. What This gem allows you to access the values from open-office documents (.ods). h2. Installing
sudo gem install roo
h2. The basics Currently only read-access is implemented. Please note that the upper left cell of a table is numbered (1,1) or (1,'A') (not 0,0). h2. Demonstration of usage Supposed you have created this spreadsheet: which includes the amount of work you have done for a customer. You can now process this spreadsheet with the following sample code.

  1 require 'rubygems'
  2 require 'roo'
  4 HOURLY_RATE = 123.45
  6 oo = Openoffice.new("/home/tp/Desktop/simple_spreadsheet.ods")
  7 oo.default_sheet = oo.sheets.first
  8 4.upto(1000) do |line|
  9   # puts "line: "+line.to_s
 10   date       = oo.cell(line,'A')
 11   start_time = oo.cell(line,'B')
 12   start_time = 0.0 unless start_time
 13   end_time   = oo.cell(line,'C')
 14   end_time   = 0.0 unless end_time
 15   pause      = oo.cell(line,'D')
 16   pause      = 0.0 unless pause
 17   sum        = (end_time-start_time)-pause
 18   comment    = oo.cell(line,'F')
 19   amount     = sum * HOURLY_RATE
 20   if date
 21     puts "#{date}\t#{sum}\t#{amount}\t#{comment}"
 22   end
 23 end

which produces this output

2007-05-07      1.75    216.0375        lokale lauff��hige Umgebung aufgesetzt, Datenbank eingerichtet, Repository erstellt und anf��nglichen Sourcecode eingestellt
2007-05-07      1.0     123.45  Userstories erfasst
2007-05-08      1.0     123.45  Test neuen User anlegen, Perioden (��berschneidend) anzulegen
2007-05-08      1.0     123.45  Bestandsaufnahme/Aufwandssch��tzung/Korrespondenz
2007-05-08      0.5     61.725  Functional Test Ueberschneidung
2007-05-14      0.5     61.725
2007-05-14      0.5     61.725
2007-05-15      1.0     123.45
2007-05-15      0.75    92.5875 G��stebuch
2007-05-15      0.5     61.725  G��stebuch
2007-05-15      0.5     61.725  G��stebuch
2007-05-16      1.0     123.45  G��stebuch
2007-05-17      0.25    30.8625 G��stebuch
2007-05-17      1.25    154.3125        G��stebuch
2007-05-18      3.0     370.35  G��stebuch
2007-05-18      1.75    216.0375        G��stebuch

With the newly written methods first_column, last_column, first_row and last_row you can change line 8 from

  8 4.upto(1000) do |line|


  8 4.upto(oo.last_row) do |line|

h2. Documentation "rdoc":rdoc/index.html h2. Forum "http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-roo":http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-roo h2. Wiki "http://roo.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl":http://roo.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl h2. License This code is free to use under the terms of Ruby h2. Contact Comments are welcome. Send an email to "Thomas Preymesser":mailto:thopre@gmail.com.