# typed: strict
# frozen_string_literal: true

module Tapioca
  module Runtime
    # This class is responsible for storing and looking up information related to generic types.
    # The class stores 2 different kinds of data, in two separate lookup tables:
    #   1. a lookup of generic type instances by name: `@generic_instances`
    #   2. a lookup of type variable serializer by constant and type variable
    #      instance: `@type_variables`
    # By storing the above data, we can cheaply query each constant against this registry
    # to see if it declares any generic type variables. This becomes a simple lookup in the
    # `@type_variables` hash table with the given constant.
    # If there is no entry, then we can cheaply know that we can skip generic type
    # information generation for this type.
    # On the other hand, if we get a result, then the result will be a hash of type
    # variable to type variable serializers. This allows us to associate type variables
    # to the constant names that represent them, easily.
    module GenericTypeRegistry
      @generic_instances = T.let(
        T::Hash[String, Module]

      @type_variables = T.let(
        T::Hash[Module, T::Array[TypeVariableModule]]

      class << self
        extend T::Sig

        # This method is responsible for building the name of the instantiated concrete type
        # and cloning the given constant so that we can return a type that is the same
        # as the current type but is a different instance and has a different name method.
        # We cache those cloned instances by their name in `@generic_instances`, so that
        # we don't keep instantiating a new type every single time it is referenced.
        # For example, `[Foo[Integer], Foo[Integer], Foo[Integer], Foo[String]]` will only
        # result in 2 clones (1 for `Foo[Integer]` and another for `Foo[String]`) and
        # 2 hash lookups (for the other two `Foo[Integer]`s).
        # This method returns the created or cached clone of the constant.
        sig { params(constant: T.untyped, types: T.untyped).returns(Module) }
        def register_type(constant, types)
          # Build the name of the instantiated generic type,
          # something like `"Foo[X, Y, Z]"`
          type_list = types.map { |type| T::Utils.coerce(type).name }.join(", ")
          name = "#{Reflection.name_of(constant)}[#{type_list}]"

          # Create a generic type with an overridden `name`
          # method that returns the name we constructed above.
          # Also, we try to memoize the generic type based on the name, so that
          # we don't have to keep recreating them all the time.
          @generic_instances[name] ||= create_generic_type(constant, name)

        sig { params(instance: Object).returns(T::Boolean) }
        def generic_type_instance?(instance)
          @generic_instances.values.any? { |generic_type| generic_type === instance }

        sig { params(constant: Module).returns(T.nilable(T::Array[TypeVariableModule])) }
        def lookup_type_variables(constant)

        # This method is called from intercepted calls to `type_member` and `type_template`.
        # We get passed all the arguments to those methods, as well as the `T::Types::TypeVariable`
        # instance generated by the Sorbet defined `type_member`/`type_template` call on `T::Generic`.
        # This method creates a `String` with that data and stores it in the
        # `@type_variables` lookup table, keyed by the `constant` and `type_variable`.
        # Finally, the original `type_variable` is returned from this method, so that the caller
        # can return it from the original methods as well.
        sig do
            constant: T.untyped,
            type_variable: TypeVariableModule,
        def register_type_variable(constant, type_variable)
          type_variables = lookup_or_initialize_type_variables(constant)

          type_variables << type_variable


        sig { params(constant: Module, name: String).returns(Module) }
        def create_generic_type(constant, name)
          generic_type = case constant
          when Class
            # For classes, we want to create a subclass, so that an instance of
            # the generic class `Foo[Bar]` is still a `Foo`. That is:
            # `Foo[Bar].new.is_a?(Foo)` should be true, which isn't the case
            # if we just clone the class. But subclassing works just fine.
            # This can only be a module and it is fine to just clone modules
            # since they can't have instances and will not have `is_a?` relationships.
            # Moreover, we never `include`/`extend` any generic modules into the
            # ancestor tree, so this doesn't become a problem with checking the
            # instance of a class being `is_a?` of a module type.

          # Let's set the `name` and `to_s` methods to return the proper generic name
          name_proc = -> { name }
          generic_type.define_singleton_method(:name, name_proc)
          generic_type.define_singleton_method(:to_s, name_proc)

          # We need to define a `<=` method on the cloned constant, so that Sorbet
          # can do covariance/contravariance checks on the type variables.
          # Normally, we would be doing proper covariance/contravariance checks here, but
          # that is not necessary, since we are not implementing a runtime type checker
          # here. It is just enough for the checks to pass, so that we can serialize the
          # signatures, assuming the sigs were well-formed.
          # So we act like all subtype checks pass.
          generic_type.define_singleton_method(:<=) { |_| true }

          # Return the generic type we created

        sig { params(constant: Class).returns(Class) }
        def create_safe_subclass(constant)
          # Lookup the "inherited" class method
          inherited_method = constant.method(:inherited)
          # and the module that defines it
          owner = inherited_method.owner

          # If no one has overriden the inherited method yet, just subclass
          return Class.new(constant) if Class == owner

            # Otherwise, some inherited method could be preventing us
            # from creating subclasses, so let's override it and rescue
            owner.send(:define_method, :inherited) do |s|
              # Ignoring errors

            # return a subclass
            # Reinstate the original inherited method back.
            owner.send(:define_method, :inherited, inherited_method)

        sig { params(constant: Module).returns(T::Array[TypeVariableModule]) }
        def lookup_or_initialize_type_variables(constant)
          @type_variables[constant] ||= []