module Awetestlib module Regression # Methods for capture and manipulation of data contained in # text, values, and/or states of spans, text fields, radios, checkboxes, and select_lists. module PageData # @!group Core =begin rdoc :category: Page Data :tags: data, DOM, page _Parameters_:: *browser* is any container element, usually the browser window or a div within it. Best to use is the smallest that contains the desired data. *types* is an array that defaults to all of: :text, :textarea, :select_list, :span, :hidden, :checkbox, and :radio. Set types to an array of a subset of these if fewer elements are desired. No positive validations are reported but failure is rescued and reported. =end def capture_page_data(browser, types = [:text, :textarea, :select_list, :span, :hidden, :checkbox, :radio]) start = debug_to_log("Begin #{__method__}") data = data[:id] = data[:name] = data[:index] = types.each do |type| #debug_to_log("#{__method__}: #{type}. . .") data[:id][type], data[:name][type], data[:index][type] = parse_elements(browser, type) end data rescue failed_to_log("#{__method__}: '#{$!}'") ensure stop = passed_to_log("#{__method__.to_s.titleize} finished. (#{"%.5f" % (stop - start)} secs)") #debug_to_log("End #{__method__}") end def compare_page_data(before, after, how, desc = '') [:text, :textarea, :select_list, :span, :hidden, :checkbox, :radio].each do |type| before[how][type].each_key do |what| msg = "#{desc} #{type} #{how}=#{what}: Expected '#{before[how][type][what]}'." if after[how][type][what] == before[how][type][what] passed_to_log(msg) else failed_to_log("#{msg} Found '#{after[how][type][what]}'") end end end rescue failed_to_log("Unable to compare before and after page data. '#{$!}'") end =begin rdoc :category: Page Data :tags:data, DOM *data* is the hash returned by capture_page_data(). *how* is one of :id, :name, :index *what* is the target value for how. It can be a string or a regular expression *type* is one of :text,:textarea,:select_list,:span,:hidden,:checkbox,:radio *get_text* determines whether selected option's text or value is returned. Default is true, i.e., return the selected text. This only applies when the *type* is :select_list. =end def fetch_page_data(data, how, what, type, get_text = true) rslt = data[how][type][what] if type == :select_list value, text = rslt.split('::') if get_text rslt = text else rslt = value end end rslt end =begin rdoc :category: Page Data :tags:data, DOM *browser* is any container element. best to use is the smallest that contains the desired data. *type* is one of these symbols: :text,:textarea,:select_list,:span,:hidden,:checkbox,:radio Returns three hashes: id[type][id] = value, name[type][id] = value, index[type][id] = value A given element appears once in the set of hashes depending on how is is found: id first then name, then index. Select list value is in the form 'value::text'. parse with x.split('::') No positive validations are reported but failure is rescued and reported. =end def parse_elements(browser, type) id = name = index = idx = 0 #debug_to_log("#{__method__}: #{type}") case type when :span collection = browser.spans when :select_list collection = browser.select_lists when :radio collection = browser.radios when :checkbox collection = browser.checkboxes else collection = browser.elements(:type, type.to_s) end #debug_to_log("#{__method__}: collection: #{collection.inspect}") collection.each do |e| case type when :span vlu = e.text when :select_list vlu = "#{e.value}::#{e.selected_options[0]}" when :radio vlu = e.set? when :checkbox vlu = e.set? else vlu = e.value end idx += 1 if > 0 and not =~ /^__[A-Z]/ id[] = vlu elsif > 0 and not =~ /^__[A-Z]/ name[] = vlu else index[idx] = vlu if not type == :hidden end end [id, name, index] rescue failed_to_log("#{__method__}: '#{$!}'") end def get_textfield_value(browser, how, what, desc = '') msg = build_message("Return value in textfield #{how}='#{what}'", desc) tf = browser.text_field(how, what) if tf debug_to_log("#{tf.inspect}") vlu = tf.value passed_to_log("#{msg} Value='#{vlu}'") vlu else failed_to_log("#{msg}") end rescue failed_to_log("Unable to #{msg}: '#{$!}'") end def get_element_text(browser, element, how, what, desc = '') msg = build_message("Return text in #{element} #{how}='#{what}'", desc) text = browser.element(how, what).text passed_to_log("#{msg} text='#{text}'") text rescue failed_to_log("Unable to #{msg}: '#{$!}'") end # @!endgroup Core # @!group Legacy (Backward compatible usage) def get_textfield_value_by_name(browser, strg, desc = '') get_textfield_value(browser, :name, strg, desc) end def get_textfield_value_by_id(browser, strg) get_textfield_value(browser, :id, strg) end # @!endgroup Legacy end end end