# Iconly Ruby on Rails 5 engine that stores SVG and generate your web font icons. ### Installation Iconly uses [Fontcustom](https://github.com/FontCustom/fontcustom), so you need to have that and FontForge installed as per their [instructions](https://github.com/FontCustom/fontcustom). Once Fontcustom is installed, add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'iconly', github: 'lugolabs/iconly' ``` And then execute: ```bash $ bundle ``` ### Usage Iconly needs a few options setup to get working. Add these to a `config/initializers/iconly.rb` file: - `login_path` - Iconly does not provide user authentication, allowing you to include the authentication method of your choice. The `login_path` should point at your Login page - `logout_path` - your logout page, should respond to `DELETE` HTTP method - `svg_folder` - the public folder where the SVG files will be stored. - `downloads_folder` - the folder that will store the generated fonts E.g.: ```ruby Iconly.logout_path = '/logout' Iconly.login_path = '/login' Iconly.svg_folder = 'test/dummy/public' Iconly.downloads_folder = Rails.root.join('tmp/downloads').to_s ``` #### Database Iconly uses PostgreSQL as its backend database, and installs `pg` gem. It creates a few tables to store SVG metadata, and a `users` table for ownerships. To start, copy the Iconly migrations to your database: ```bash bin/rails iconly:install:migrations ``` and run them: ```bash bin/rails db:migrate SCOPE=iconly ``` #### Front end Iconly app uses *Turbolinks*, and *Bootstrap 4* for its interface. #### Example Check the [Dummy](https://github.com/lugolabs/iconly/tree/master/test/dummy) application for a working example. Create, migrate, and seed the database: ```bash bin/rails db:create bin/rails db:migrate bin/rails db:seed ``` This will create a sample user to get you started. Start the Rails app in `test/dummy` folder. ### License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).