use std::{io, mem}; use windows_sys::Win32::Foundation::HANDLE; use windows_sys::Win32::System::Console::{GetConsoleMode, SetConsoleMode}; use windows_sys::Win32::System::Console::{ GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo, SetConsoleTextAttribute, CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO, ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING, FOREGROUND_BLUE, FOREGROUND_GREEN, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY, FOREGROUND_RED, }; use crate::{AsHandleRef, HandleRef}; use FOREGROUND_BLUE as FG_BLUE; use FOREGROUND_GREEN as FG_GREEN; use FOREGROUND_INTENSITY as FG_INTENSITY; use FOREGROUND_RED as FG_RED; const FG_CYAN: u16 = FG_BLUE | FG_GREEN; const FG_MAGENTA: u16 = FG_BLUE | FG_RED; const FG_YELLOW: u16 = FG_GREEN | FG_RED; const FG_WHITE: u16 = FG_BLUE | FG_GREEN | FG_RED; /// Query the given handle for information about the console's screen buffer. /// /// The given handle should represent a console. Otherwise, an error is /// returned. /// /// This corresponds to calling [`GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo`]. /// /// [`GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo`]: pub fn screen_buffer_info( h: H, ) -> io::Result { unsafe { let mut info: CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO = mem::zeroed(); let rc = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h.as_raw() as HANDLE, &mut info); if rc == 0 { return Err(io::Error::last_os_error()); } Ok(ScreenBufferInfo(info)) } } /// Set the text attributes of the console represented by the given handle. /// /// This corresponds to calling [`SetConsoleTextAttribute`]. /// /// [`SetConsoleTextAttribute`]: pub fn set_text_attributes( h: H, attributes: u16, ) -> io::Result<()> { if unsafe { SetConsoleTextAttribute(h.as_raw() as HANDLE, attributes) } == 0 { Err(io::Error::last_os_error()) } else { Ok(()) } } /// Query the mode of the console represented by the given handle. /// /// This corresponds to calling [`GetConsoleMode`], which describes the return /// value. /// /// [`GetConsoleMode`]: pub fn mode(h: H) -> io::Result { let mut mode = 0; if unsafe { GetConsoleMode(h.as_raw() as HANDLE, &mut mode) } == 0 { Err(io::Error::last_os_error()) } else { Ok(mode) } } /// Set the mode of the console represented by the given handle. /// /// This corresponds to calling [`SetConsoleMode`], which describes the format /// of the mode parameter. /// /// [`SetConsoleMode`]: pub fn set_mode(h: H, mode: u32) -> io::Result<()> { if unsafe { SetConsoleMode(h.as_raw() as HANDLE, mode) } == 0 { Err(io::Error::last_os_error()) } else { Ok(()) } } /// Represents console screen buffer information such as size, cursor position /// and styling attributes. /// /// This wraps a [`CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO`]. /// /// [`CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO`]: #[derive(Clone)] pub struct ScreenBufferInfo(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO); impl ScreenBufferInfo { /// Returns the size of the console screen buffer, in character columns and /// rows. /// /// This corresponds to `dwSize`. pub fn size(&self) -> (i16, i16) { (self.0.dwSize.X, self.0.dwSize.Y) } /// Returns the position of the cursor in terms of column and row /// coordinates of the console screen buffer. /// /// This corresponds to `dwCursorPosition`. pub fn cursor_position(&self) -> (i16, i16) { (self.0.dwCursorPosition.X, self.0.dwCursorPosition.Y) } /// Returns the character attributes associated with this console. /// /// This corresponds to `wAttributes`. /// /// See [`char info`] for more details. /// /// [`char info`]: pub fn attributes(&self) -> u16 { self.0.wAttributes } /// Returns the maximum size of the console window, in character columns /// and rows, given the current screen buffer size and font and the screen /// size. pub fn max_window_size(&self) -> (i16, i16) { (self.0.dwMaximumWindowSize.X, self.0.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y) } /// Returns the console screen buffer coordinates of the upper-left and /// lower-right corners of the display window. /// /// This corresponds to `srWindow`. pub fn window_rect(&self) -> SmallRect { SmallRect { left: self.0.srWindow.Left, top: self.0.srWindow.Top, right: self.0.srWindow.Right, bottom: self.0.srWindow.Bottom, } } } /// Defines the coordinates of the upper left and lower right corners of a rectangle. /// /// This corresponds to [`SMALL_RECT`]. /// /// [`SMALL_RECT`]: pub struct SmallRect { pub left: i16, pub top: i16, pub right: i16, pub bottom: i16, } /// A Windows console. /// /// This represents a very limited set of functionality available to a Windows /// console. In particular, it can only change text attributes such as color /// and intensity. This may grow over time. If you need more routines, please /// file an issue and/or PR. /// /// There is no way to "write" to this console. Simply write to /// stdout or stderr instead, while interleaving instructions to the console /// to change text attributes. /// /// A common pitfall when using a console is to forget to flush writes to /// stdout before setting new text attributes. /// /// # Example /// ```no_run /// # #[cfg(windows)] /// # { /// use winapi_util::console::{Console, Color, Intense}; /// /// let mut con = Console::stdout().unwrap(); /// con.fg(Intense::Yes, Color::Cyan).unwrap(); /// println!("This text will be intense cyan."); /// con.reset().unwrap(); /// println!("This text will be normal."); /// # } /// ``` #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Console { kind: HandleKind, start_attr: TextAttributes, cur_attr: TextAttributes, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] enum HandleKind { Stdout, Stderr, } impl HandleKind { fn handle(&self) -> HandleRef { match *self { HandleKind::Stdout => HandleRef::stdout(), HandleKind::Stderr => HandleRef::stderr(), } } } impl Console { /// Get a console for a standard I/O stream. fn create_for_stream(kind: HandleKind) -> io::Result { let h = kind.handle(); let info = screen_buffer_info(&h)?; let attr = TextAttributes::from_word(info.attributes()); Ok(Console { kind, start_attr: attr, cur_attr: attr }) } /// Create a new Console to stdout. /// /// If there was a problem creating the console, then an error is returned. pub fn stdout() -> io::Result { Self::create_for_stream(HandleKind::Stdout) } /// Create a new Console to stderr. /// /// If there was a problem creating the console, then an error is returned. pub fn stderr() -> io::Result { Self::create_for_stream(HandleKind::Stderr) } /// Applies the current text attributes. fn set(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { set_text_attributes(self.kind.handle(), self.cur_attr.to_word()) } /// Apply the given intensity and color attributes to the console /// foreground. /// /// If there was a problem setting attributes on the console, then an error /// is returned. pub fn fg(&mut self, intense: Intense, color: Color) -> io::Result<()> { self.cur_attr.fg_color = color; self.cur_attr.fg_intense = intense; self.set() } /// Apply the given intensity and color attributes to the console /// background. /// /// If there was a problem setting attributes on the console, then an error /// is returned. pub fn bg(&mut self, intense: Intense, color: Color) -> io::Result<()> { self.cur_attr.bg_color = color; self.cur_attr.bg_intense = intense; self.set() } /// Reset the console text attributes to their original settings. /// /// The original settings correspond to the text attributes on the console /// when this `Console` value was created. /// /// If there was a problem setting attributes on the console, then an error /// is returned. pub fn reset(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { self.cur_attr = self.start_attr; self.set() } /// Toggle virtual terminal processing. /// /// This method attempts to toggle virtual terminal processing for this /// console. If there was a problem toggling it, then an error returned. /// On success, the caller may assume that toggling it was successful. /// /// When virtual terminal processing is enabled, characters emitted to the /// console are parsed for VT100 and similar control character sequences /// that control color and other similar operations. pub fn set_virtual_terminal_processing( &mut self, yes: bool, ) -> io::Result<()> { let vt = ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING; let handle = self.kind.handle(); let old_mode = mode(&handle)?; let new_mode = if yes { old_mode | vt } else { old_mode & !vt }; if old_mode == new_mode { return Ok(()); } set_mode(&handle, new_mode) } } /// A representation of text attributes for the Windows console. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] struct TextAttributes { fg_color: Color, fg_intense: Intense, bg_color: Color, bg_intense: Intense, } impl TextAttributes { fn to_word(&self) -> u16 { let mut w = 0; w |= self.fg_color.to_fg(); w |= self.fg_intense.to_fg(); w |= self.bg_color.to_bg(); w |= self.bg_intense.to_bg(); w } fn from_word(word: u16) -> TextAttributes { TextAttributes { fg_color: Color::from_fg(word), fg_intense: Intense::from_fg(word), bg_color: Color::from_bg(word), bg_intense: Intense::from_bg(word), } } } /// Whether to use intense colors or not. #[allow(missing_docs)] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum Intense { Yes, No, } impl Intense { fn to_bg(&self) -> u16 { self.to_fg() << 4 } fn from_bg(word: u16) -> Intense { Intense::from_fg(word >> 4) } fn to_fg(&self) -> u16 { match *self { Intense::No => 0, Intense::Yes => FG_INTENSITY, } } fn from_fg(word: u16) -> Intense { if word & FG_INTENSITY > 0 { Intense::Yes } else { Intense::No } } } /// The set of available colors for use with a Windows console. #[allow(missing_docs)] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum Color { Black, Blue, Green, Red, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, White, } impl Color { fn to_bg(&self) -> u16 { self.to_fg() << 4 } fn from_bg(word: u16) -> Color { Color::from_fg(word >> 4) } fn to_fg(&self) -> u16 { match *self { Color::Black => 0, Color::Blue => FG_BLUE, Color::Green => FG_GREEN, Color::Red => FG_RED, Color::Cyan => FG_CYAN, Color::Magenta => FG_MAGENTA, Color::Yellow => FG_YELLOW, Color::White => FG_WHITE, } } fn from_fg(word: u16) -> Color { match word & 0b111 { FG_BLUE => Color::Blue, FG_GREEN => Color::Green, FG_RED => Color::Red, FG_CYAN => Color::Cyan, FG_MAGENTA => Color::Magenta, FG_YELLOW => Color::Yellow, FG_WHITE => Color::White, _ => Color::Black, } } }