// ==========================================================================
// Project:   SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework
// Copyright: ©2006-2010 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors.
//            Portions ©2008-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
// License:   Licensed under MIT license (see license.js)
// ==========================================================================

// These are helpful utility functions for calculating range and rect values

SC.mixin( /** @scope SC */ {

  _downloadFrames: 0, // count of download frames inserted into document
  _copy_computed_props: [
    "maxWidth", "maxHeight", "paddingLeft", "paddingRight", "paddingTop", "paddingBottom",
    "fontFamily", "fontSize", "fontStyle", "fontWeight", "fontVariant", "lineHeight",
    Starts a download of the file at the named path.
    Use this method when you want to cause a file to be downloaded to a users
    desktop instead of having it display in the web browser.  Note that your
    server must return a header indicating that the file  is intended for 
    download also.
  download: function(path) {
    var tempDLIFrame=document.createElement('iframe'),
        frameId = 'DownloadFrame_' + this._downloadFrames;
    // Don't set the iFrame content yet if this is Safari
    if (!SC.browser.isSafari) {
    if (SC.browser.isSafari) {
    this._downloadFrames = this._downloadFrames + 1;
    if (!SC.browser.isSafari) {
      var r = function() { 
        frameId = null;
      } ;
      r.invokeLater(null, 2000);
    //remove possible IE7 leak
    tempDLIFrame = null;

    Takes a URL of any type and normalizes it into a fully qualified URL with
    hostname.  For example:
      "some/path" => "http://localhost:4020/some/path" 
      "/some/path" => "http://localhost:4020/some/path"
      "http://localhost:4020/some/path" => "http://localhost:4020/some/path"
    @param url {String} the URL
    @returns {String} the normalized URL
  normalizeURL: function(url) {
    if (url.slice(0,1) == '/') {
      url = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + url ;
    } else if ((url.slice(0,5) == 'http:') || (url.slice(0,6) == 'https:')) {
      // no change
    } else {
      url = window.location.href + '/' + url ;
    return url ;
  /** Return true if the number is between 0 and 1 */
  isPercentage: function(val){
    return (val<1 && val>0);

  /** Return the left edge of the frame */
  minX: function(frame) { 
    return frame.x || 0; 
  /** Return the right edge of the frame. */
  maxX: function(frame) { 
    return (frame.x || 0) + (frame.width || 0); 
  /** Return the midpoint of the frame. */
  midX: function(frame) {
    return (frame.x || 0) + ((frame.width || 0) / 2) ;
  /** Return the top edge of the frame */
  minY: function(frame) {
    return frame.y || 0 ;
  /** Return the bottom edge of the frame */
  maxY: function(frame) {
    return (frame.y || 0) + (frame.height || 0) ;
  /** Return the midpoint of the frame */
  midY: function(frame) {
    return (frame.y || 0) + ((frame.height || 0) / 2) ;
  /** Returns the point that will center the frame X within the passed frame. */
  centerX: function(innerFrame, outerFrame) {
    return (outerFrame.width - innerFrame.width) / 2 ;
  /** Return the point that will center the frame Y within the passed frame. */
  centerY: function(innerFrame, outerFrame) {
    return (outerFrame.height - innerFrame.height) /2  ;
  /** Check if the given point is inside the rect. */
  pointInRect: function(point, f) {
    return  (point.x >= SC.minX(f)) &&
            (point.y >= SC.minY(f)) &&
            (point.x <= SC.maxX(f)) && 
            (point.y <= SC.maxY(f)) ;
  /** Return true if the two frames match.  You can also pass only points or sizes.
    @param r1 {Rect} the first rect
    @param r2 {Rect} the second rect
    @param delta {Float} an optional delta that allows for rects that do not match exactly. Defaults to 0.1
    @returns {Boolean} true if rects match
  rectsEqual: function(r1, r2, delta) {
    if (!r1 || !r2) return (r1 == r2) ;
    if (!delta && delta !== 0) delta = 0.1;
    if ((r1.y != r2.y) && (Math.abs(r1.y - r2.y) > delta)) return NO ; 
    if ((r1.x != r2.x) && (Math.abs(r1.x - r2.x) > delta)) return NO ; 
    if ((r1.width != r2.width) && (Math.abs(r1.width - r2.width) > delta)) return NO ; 
    if ((r1.height != r2.height) && (Math.abs(r1.height - r2.height) > delta)) return NO ; 
    return YES ;
  /** Returns the insersection between two rectangles. 
    @param r1 {Rect} The first rect
    @param r2 {Rect} the second rect
    @returns {Rect} the intersection rect.  width || height will be 0 if they do not interset.
  intersectRects: function(r1, r2) {
    // find all four edges
    var ret = {
      x: Math.max(SC.minX(r1), SC.minX(r2)),
      y: Math.max(SC.minY(r1), SC.minY(r2)),
      width: Math.min(SC.maxX(r1), SC.maxX(r2)),
      height: Math.min(SC.maxY(r1), SC.maxY(r2))
    } ;
    // convert edges to w/h
    ret.width = Math.max(0, ret.width - ret.x) ;
    ret.height = Math.max(0, ret.height - ret.y) ;
    return ret ;
  /** Returns the union between two rectangles
    @param r1 {Rect} The first rect
    @param r2 {Rect} The second rect
    @returns {Rect} The union rect.
  unionRects: function(r1, r2) {
    // find all four edges
    var ret = {
      x: Math.min(SC.minX(r1), SC.minX(r2)),
      y: Math.min(SC.minY(r1), SC.minY(r2)),
      width: Math.max(SC.maxX(r1), SC.maxX(r2)),
      height: Math.max(SC.maxY(r1), SC.maxY(r2))
    } ;
    // convert edges to w/h
    ret.width = Math.max(0, ret.width - ret.x) ;
    ret.height = Math.max(0, ret.height - ret.y) ;
    return ret ;
  /** Duplicates the passed rect.  
    This is faster than Object.clone(). 
    @param r {Rect} The rect to clone.
    @returns {Rect} The cloned rect
  cloneRect: function(r) {
    return { x: r.x, y: r.y, width: r.width, height: r.height } ;
  /** Returns a string representation of the rect as {x, y, width, height}.  
    @param r {Rect} The rect to stringify.
    @returns {String} A string representation of the rect.
  stringFromRect: function(r) {
    if (!r) {
      return "(null)";
    else {
      return '{x:'+r.x+', y:'+r.y+', width:'+r.width+', height:'+r.height+'}';
    Returns a string representation of the layout hash.

    Layouts can contain the following keys:
      - left: the left edge
      - top: the top edge
      - right: the right edge
      - bottom: the bottom edge
      - height: the height
      - width: the width
      - centerX: an offset from center X 
      - centerY: an offset from center Y
      - minWidth: a minimum width
      - minHeight: a minimum height
      - maxWidth: a maximum width
      - maxHeight: a maximum height
    @param layout {Hash} The layout hash to stringify.
    @returns {String} A string representation of the layout hash.
  stringFromLayout: function(layout) {
    // Put them in the reverse order that we want to display them, because
    // iterating in reverse is faster for CPUs that can compare against zero
    // quickly.
    var keys = ['maxHeight', 'maxWidth', 'minHeight', 'minWidth', 'centerY',
                'centerX', 'width', 'height', 'bottom', 'right', 'top',
        keyValues = [], key,
        i = keys.length;
    while (--i >= 0) {
      key = keys[i];
      if (layout.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        keyValues.push(key + ':' + layout[key]);
    return '{' + keyValues.join(', ') + '}';
    Given a string and a fixed width, calculates the height of that
    block of text using a style string, a set of class names,
    or both.

    @param str {String} The text to calculate
    @param width {Number} The fixed width to assume the text will fill
    @param style {String} A CSS style declaration.  E.g., 'font-weight: bold'
    @param classNames {Array} An array of class names that may affect the style
    @param ignoreEscape {Boolean} To NOT html escape the string.
    @returns {Number} The height of the text given the passed parameters
  heightForString: function(str, width, style, classNames, ignoreEscape) {
    var elem = this._heightCalcElement, classes, height;
    if(!ignoreEscape) str = SC.RenderContext.escapeHTML(str);
    // Coalesce the array of class names to one string, if the array exists
    classes = (classNames && SC.typeOf(classNames) === SC.T_ARRAY) ? classNames.join(' ') : '';
    if (!width) width = 100; // default to 100 pixels

    // Only create the offscreen element once, then cache it
    if (!elem) {
      elem = this._heightCalcElement = document.createElement('div');
      document.body.insertBefore(elem, null);

    style = style+'; width: '+width+'px; left: '+(-1*width)+'px; position: absolute';
    var cqElem = SC.$(elem);
    cqElem.attr('style', style);

    if (classes !== '') {
      cqElem.attr('class', classes);

    elem.innerHTML = str;
    height = elem.clientHeight;

    elem = null; // don't leak memory
    return height;
    Sets up a string measuring environment.
    You may want to use this, in conjunction with teardownStringMeasurement and
    measureString, instead of metricsForString, if you will be measuring many 
    strings with the same settings. It would be a lot more efficient, as it 
    would only prepare and teardown once instead of several times.
    @param exampleElement The example element to grab styles from, or the style 
                          string to use.
    @param classNames {String} (Optional) Class names to add to the test element.
  prepareStringMeasurement: function(exampleElement, classNames) {
    var element = this._metricsCalculationElement, classes, styles, style,
    // collect the class names
    classes = SC.A(classNames).join(' ');
    // get the calculation element
    if (!element) {
      element = this._metricsCalculationElement = document.createElement("div");
      document.body.insertBefore(element, null);

    cqElem = SC.$(element);    
    // two possibilities: example element or type string
    if (SC.typeOf(exampleElement) != SC.T_STRING) {
      var computed = null;
      if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
        computed = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(exampleElement, null);
      } else {
        computed = exampleElement.currentStyle;
      // set (lovely cssText property here helps a lot—if it works. Unfortunately, only Safari supplies it.)
      style = computed.cssText;

      // if that didn't work (Safari-only?) go alternate route. This is SLOW code...
      if (!style || style.trim() === "") {
        // there is only one way to do it...
        var props = this._copy_computed_props;
        // firefox ONLY allows this method
        for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
          var prop = props[i], val = computed[prop];
          element.style[prop] = val;
        // and why does firefox specifically need "font" set?
        var cs = element.style; // cached style
        if (cs.font === "") {
          var font = "";
          if (cs.fontStyle) font += cs.fontStyle + " ";
          if (cs.fontVariant) font += cs.fontVariant + " ";
          if (cs.fontWeight) font += cs.fontWeight + " ";
          if (cs.fontSize) font += cs.fontSize; else font += "10px"; //force a default
          if (cs.lineHeight) font += "/" + cs.lineHeight;
          font += " ";
          if (cs.fontFamily) font += cs.fontFamily; else cs += "sans-serif";
          element.style.font = font;
        SC.mixin(element.style, {
          left: "0px", top: "0px", position: "absolute", bottom: "auto", right: "auto", width: "auto", height: "auto"
        // set style
        cqElem.attr("style", style + "; position:absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; bottom: auto; right: auto; width: auto; height: auto;");
      // clean up
      computed = null;
    } else {
      // it is a style string already
      style = exampleElement;
      // set style
      cqElem.attr("style", style + "; position:absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; bottom: auto; right: auto; width: auto; height: auto;");
    element.className = classes;
    element = null;
    Tears down the string measurement environment. Usually, this doesn't _have_
    to be called, but there are too many what ifs: for example, what if the measurement
    environment has a bright green background and is over 10,000px wide? Guess what: it will
    become visible on the screen.
    So, generally, we tear the measurement environment down so that it doesn't cause issue.
    However, we keep the DOM element for efficiency.
  teardownStringMeasurement: function() {
    var element = this._metricsCalculationElement;
    // clear element
    element.innerHTML = "";
    element.className = "";
    element.setAttribute("style", ""); // get rid of any junk from computed style.
    element = null;
    Measures a string in the prepared environment.
    An easier and simpler alternative (but less efficient for bulk measuring) is metricsForString.
    @param string {String} The string to measure.
    @param ignoreEscape {Boolean} To NOT html escape the string.
  measureString: function(string, ignoreEscape) {
    if(!ignoreEscape) string = SC.RenderContext.escapeHTML(string);
    var element = this._metricsCalculationElement;
    if (!element) {
      throw "measureString requires a string measurement environment to be set up. Did you mean metricsForString?";
    // the conclusion of which to use (innerText or textContent) should be cached
    if (typeof element.innerText != "undefined") element.innerText = string;
    else element.textContent = string;
    // generate result
    var result = {
      width: element.clientWidth,
      height: element.clientHeight
    element = null;
    return result;
    Given a string and an example element or style string, and an optional
    set of class names, calculates the width and height of that block of text.
    To constrain the width, set max-width on the exampleElement or in the style string.
    @param string {String} The string to measure.
    @param exampleElement The example element to grab styles from, or the style string to use.
    @param classNames {String} (Optional) Class names to add to the test element.
    @param ignoreEscape {Boolean} To NOT html escape the string.
  metricsForString: function(string, exampleElement, classNames, ignoreEscape) {
    if(!ignoreEscape) string = SC.RenderContext.escapeHTML(string);
    SC.prepareStringMeasurement(exampleElement, classNames);
    var result = SC.measureString(string);
    return result;

  /** Finds the absolute viewportOffset for a given element.
    This method is more accurate than the version provided by prototype.
    If you pass NULL to this method, it will return a { x:0, y:0 }
    @param el The DOM element
    @returns {Point} A hash with x,y offsets.
  viewportOffset: function(el) {
    // Some browsers natively implement getBoundingClientRect, so if it's
    // available we'll use it for speed.
    if (el.getBoundingClientRect) {
      var boundingRect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
      return { x:boundingRect.left, y:boundingRect.top };
    var valueL = 0, valueT = 0, cqElement, overflow, left, top, offsetParent,
        element = el, isFirefox3 = SC.browser.mozilla >= 3 ;
    // add up all the offsets for the element.
    while (element) {
      cqElement = SC.$(element);
      valueT += (element.offsetTop  || 0);
      if (!isFirefox3 || (element !== el)) {
        valueT += (element.clientTop  || 0);

      valueL += (element.offsetLeft || 0);
      if (!isFirefox3 || (element !== el)) {
        valueL += (element.clientLeft || 0);

      // bizarely for FireFox if your offsetParent has a border, then it can 
      // impact the offset. 
      if (SC.browser.mozilla) {
        overflow = cqElement.attr('overflow') ;
        if (overflow !== 'visible') {
          left = parseInt(cqElement.attr('borderLeftWidth'),0) || 0 ;
          top = parseInt(cqElement.attr('borderTopWidth'),0) || 0 ;
          if (el !== element) {
            left *= 2; top *= 2 ;
          valueL += left; valueT += top ;
        // In FireFox 3 -- the offsetTop/offsetLeft subtracts the clientTop/
        // clientLeft of the offset parent.
        offsetParent = element.offsetParent ;
        if (SC.browser.mozilla.match(/1[.]9/) && offsetParent) {
          valueT -= offsetParent.clientTop ;
          valueL -= offsetParent.clientLeft;

      // Safari fix
      if (element.offsetParent == document.body &&
        cqElement.attr('position') === 'absolute') break;

      element = element.offsetParent ;


    element = el;
    while (element) {
      if (!SC.browser.isOpera || element.tagName === 'BODY') {
        valueT -= element.scrollTop  || 0;
        valueL -= element.scrollLeft || 0;
      element = element.parentNode ;

    return { x: valueL, y: valueT } ;
  /** A Point at {0,0} */
  ZERO_POINT: { x: 0, y: 0 },
  /** A zero length range at zero. */
  ZERO_RANGE: { start: 0, length: 0 },

  RANGE_NOT_FOUND: { start: 0, length: -1 },
  /** Returns true if the passed index is in the specified range */
  valueInRange: function(value, range) {
    return (value >= 0) && (value >= range.start) && (value < (range.start + range.length));  
  /** Returns first value of the range. */
  minRange: function(range) { return range.start; },
  /** Returns the first value outside of the range. */
  maxRange: function(range) { return (range.length < 0) ? -1 : (range.start + range.length); },
  /** Returns the union of two ranges.  If one range is null, the other
   range will be returned.  */
  unionRanges: function(r1, r2) { 
    if ((r1 == null) || (r1.length < 0)) return r2 ;
    if ((r2 == null) || (r2.length < 0)) return r1 ;
    var min = Math.min(r1.start, r2.start),
        max = Math.max(SC.maxRange(r1), SC.maxRange(r2)) ;
    return { start: min, length: max - min } ;
  /** Returns the intersection of the two ranges or SC.RANGE_NOT_FOUND */
  intersectRanges: function(r1, r2) {
    if ((r1 == null) || (r2 == null)) return SC.RANGE_NOT_FOUND ;
    if ((r1.length < 0) || (r2.length < 0)) return SC.RANGE_NOT_FOUND;
    var min = Math.max(SC.minRange(r1), SC.minRange(r2)),
        max = Math.min(SC.maxRange(r1), SC.maxRange(r2)) ;
    if (max < min) return SC.RANGE_NOT_FOUND ;
    return { start: min, length: max-min };
  /** Returns the difference of the two ranges or SC.RANGE_NOT_FOUND */
  subtractRanges: function(r1, r2) {
    if ((r1 == null) || (r2 == null)) return SC.RANGE_NOT_FOUND ;
    if ((r1.length < 0) || (r2.length < 0)) return SC.RANGE_NOT_FOUND;
    var max = Math.max(SC.minRange(r1), SC.minRange(r2)),
        min = Math.min(SC.maxRange(r1), SC.maxRange(r2)) ;
    if (max < min) return SC.RANGE_NOT_FOUND ;
    return { start: min, length: max-min };
  /** Returns a clone of the range. */
  cloneRange: function(r) { 
    return { start: r.start, length: r.length }; 
  /** Returns true if the two passed ranges are equal.  A null value is
    treated like RANGE_NOT_FOUND.
  rangesEqual: function(r1, r2) {
    if (r1===r2) return true ;
    if (r1 == null) return r2.length < 0 ;
    if (r2 == null) return r1.length < 0 ;
    return (r1.start == r2.start) && (r1.length == r2.length) ;

  /** Returns hex color from hsv value */
  convertHsvToHex: function (h, s, v) {
    var r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;

    if (v > 0) {
      var i = (h == 1) ? 0 : Math.floor(h * 6),
          f = (h == 1) ? 0 : (h * 6) - i,
          p = v * (1 - s),
          q = v * (1 - (s * f)),
          t = v * (1 - (s * (1 - f))),
          rgb = [[v,t,p],[q,v,p],[p,v,t],[p,q,v],[t,p,v],[v,p,q]];
      r = Math.round(255 * rgb[i][0]);
      g = Math.round(255 * rgb[i][1]);
      b = Math.round(255 * rgb[i][2]);
    return this.parseColor('rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')');

  /** Returns hsv color from hex value */
  convertHexToHsv: function (hex) {
    var rgb = this.expandColor(hex),
        max = Math.max(Math.max(rgb[0], rgb[1]), rgb[2]),
        min = Math.min(Math.min(rgb[0], rgb[1]), rgb[2]),
        s = (max === 0) ? 0 : (1 - min/max),
        v = max/255,
        h = (max == min) ? 0 : ((max == rgb[0]) ? ((rgb[1]-rgb[2])/(max-min)/6) : ((max == rgb[1]) ? ((rgb[2]-rgb[0])/(max-min)/6+1/3) : ((rgb[0]-rgb[1])/(max-min)/6+2/3)));
    h = (h < 0) ? (h + 1) : ((h > 1)  ? (h - 1) : h);
    return [h, s, v];

  /** regular expression for parsing color: rgb, hex */
  PARSE_COLOR_RGBRE: /^rgb\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)$/i,
  PARSE_COLOR_HEXRE: /^\#([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{6})$/,

  // return an array of r,g,b colour
  expandColor: function(color) {
    var hexColor, red, green, blue;
    hexColor = this.parseColor(color);
    if (hexColor) {
      red = parseInt(hexColor.slice(1, 3), 16);
      green = parseInt(hexColor.slice(3, 5), 16);
      blue = parseInt(hexColor.slice(5, 7), 16);
      return [red,green,blue];

  // parse rgb color or 3-digit hex color to return a properly formatted 6-digit hex colour spec, or false
  parseColor: function(string) {
    var i=0, color = '#', match, part;
    if(match = this.PARSE_COLOR_RGBRE.exec(string)) {
      for (i=1; i<=3; i++) {
        part = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, parseInt(match[i],0)));
        color += this.toColorPart(part);
      return color;
    if (match = this.PARSE_COLOR_HEXRE.exec(string)) {
      if(match[1].length == 3) {
        for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
          color += match[1].charAt(i) + match[1].charAt(i);
        return color;
      return '#' + match[1];
    return false;

  // convert one r,g,b number to a 2 digit hex string
  toColorPart: function(number) {
    if (number > 255) number = 255;
    var digits = number.toString(16);
    if (number < 16) return '0' + digits;
    return digits;
  // Get the computed style from specific element. Useful for cloning styles
  getStyle: function(oElm, strCssRule){
  	var strValue = "";
  	if(document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle){
  		strValue = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(oElm, "").getPropertyValue(strCssRule);
  	else if(oElm.currentStyle){
  		strCssRule = strCssRule.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function (strMatch, p1){
  			return p1.toUpperCase();
  		strValue = oElm.currentStyle[strCssRule];
  	return strValue;

  // Convert double byte characters to standard Unicode. Considers only
  // conversions from zenkaku to hankaky roomaji
  uniJapaneseConvert: function (str){ 
    var nChar, cString= '', j, jLen;
    //here we cycle through the characters in the current value 
    for (j=0, jLen = str.length; j<jLen; j++){ 
      nChar = str.charCodeAt(j);

      //here we do the unicode conversion from zenkaku to hankaku roomaji 
      nChar = ((nChar>=65281 && nChar<=65392)?nChar-65248:nChar);

      //MS IME seems to put this character in as the hyphen from keyboard but not numeric pad... 
      nChar = ( nChar===12540?45:nChar) ;
      cString = cString + String.fromCharCode(nChar); 
    return cString; 
}) ;