TrustyCms::Config Load (7.6ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TrustyCms::Config Load (1.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config`  (13.0ms) CREATE TABLE `schema_migrations` (`version` varchar(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)  (7.6ms) CREATE TABLE `ar_internal_metadata` (`key` varchar(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `value` varchar(255), `created_at` datetime(6) NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (0.4ms) SELECT GET_LOCK('1911292410673641555', 0)  (7.0ms) SELECT `schema_migrations`.`version` FROM `schema_migrations` ORDER BY `schema_migrations`.`version` ASC Migrating to CreateTrustyTables (1)  (1.2ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `config`  (7.7ms) CREATE TABLE `config` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `key` varchar(40) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `value` varchar(255) DEFAULT '')  (8.4ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `key` ON `config` (`key`)  (1.2ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pages`  (10.9ms) CREATE TABLE `pages` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `title` varchar(255), `slug` varchar(100), `breadcrumb` varchar(160), `class_name` varchar(25), `status_id` int DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, `parent_id` int, `layout_id` int, `created_at` datetime, `updated_at` datetime, `published_at` datetime, `created_by` int, `updated_by` int)  (0.8ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `page_parts`  (6.4ms) CREATE TABLE `page_parts` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(100), `filter` varchar(25), `content` text, `page_id` int)  (0.9ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `snippets`  (6.9ms) CREATE TABLE `snippets` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `filter` varchar(25), `content` text, `created_at` datetime, `updated_at` datetime, `created_by` int, `updated_by` int)  (7.4ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `name` ON `snippets` (`name`)  (0.8ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `layouts`  (6.2ms) CREATE TABLE `layouts` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(100), `content` text, `created_at` datetime, `updated_at` datetime, `created_by` int, `updated_by` int)  (1.4ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `users`  (7.4ms) CREATE TABLE `users` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(100), `email` varchar(255), `login` varchar(40) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `password` varchar(40), `admin` tinyint(1) DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL, `developer` tinyint(1) DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime, `updated_at` datetime, `created_by` int, `updated_by` int, `salt` varchar(255))  (6.9ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `login` ON `users` (`login`) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('1') TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to InsertInitialData (2) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('2') TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to RenameFilterColumn (4)  (5.3ms) ALTER TABLE `page_parts` RENAME COLUMN `filter` TO `filter_id`  (5.9ms) ALTER TABLE `snippets` RENAME COLUMN `filter` TO `filter_id` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('4') TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddVirtualColumnToPage (5)  (8.2ms) ALTER TABLE `pages` ADD `virtual` tinyint(1) DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('5') TRANSACTION (0.6ms) COMMIT Migrating to RemoveUserLoginIndex (6)  (4.5ms) DROP INDEX `login` ON `users` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('6') TRANSACTION (0.9ms) COMMIT Migrating to RemoveVirtualColumnFromPage (7)  (5.7ms) ALTER TABLE `pages` DROP COLUMN `virtual` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('7') TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddVirtualColumnToPageAgain (8)  (5.6ms) ALTER TABLE `pages` ADD `virtual` tinyint(1) DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('8') TRANSACTION (0.8ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddContentTypeFieldToLayout (9)  (5.4ms) ALTER TABLE `layouts` ADD `content_type` varchar(40) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('9') TRANSACTION (0.6ms) COMMIT Migrating to CreateSites (10)  (6.2ms) CREATE TABLE `sites` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255), `domain` varchar(255), `homepage_id` int) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('10') TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddOrderToSites (11)  (7.4ms) ALTER TABLE `sites` ADD `position` int DEFAULT 0 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('11') TRANSACTION (0.6ms) COMMIT Migrating to CreateExtensionMeta (12)  (1.2ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `extension_meta`  (6.6ms) CREATE TABLE `extension_meta` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255), `schema_version` int DEFAULT 0, `enabled` tinyint(1) DEFAULT TRUE) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('12') TRANSACTION (0.6ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddNotesFieldToUser (13)  (7.1ms) ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `notes` text TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('13') TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to RenameConfigDefaultPartsKey (14) TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('14') TRANSACTION (0.8ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddOptimisticLocking (15)  (11.3ms) ALTER TABLE `pages` ADD `lock_version` int DEFAULT 0  (5.5ms) ALTER TABLE `layouts` ADD `lock_version` int DEFAULT 0  (5.5ms) ALTER TABLE `snippets` ADD `lock_version` int DEFAULT 0  (6.2ms) ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `lock_version` int DEFAULT 0 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('15') TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddSessions (16)  (5.6ms) CREATE TABLE `sessions` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `session_id` varchar(255), `data` text, `updated_at` datetime)  (8.3ms) CREATE INDEX `index_sessions_on_session_id` ON `sessions` (`session_id`)  (6.1ms) CREATE INDEX `index_sessions_on_updated_at` ON `sessions` (`updated_at`) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('16') TRANSACTION (0.6ms) COMMIT Migrating to RenameCreatedByUpdatedByColumns (17)  (7.8ms) ALTER TABLE `pages` RENAME COLUMN `created_by` TO `created_by_id`  (5.7ms) ALTER TABLE `pages` RENAME COLUMN `updated_by` TO `updated_by_id`  (5.8ms) ALTER TABLE `snippets` RENAME COLUMN `created_by` TO `created_by_id`  (5.6ms) ALTER TABLE `snippets` RENAME COLUMN `updated_by` TO `updated_by_id`  (5.6ms) ALTER TABLE `layouts` RENAME COLUMN `created_by` TO `created_by_id`  (5.2ms) ALTER TABLE `layouts` RENAME COLUMN `updated_by` TO `updated_by_id`  (5.5ms) ALTER TABLE `users` RENAME COLUMN `created_by` TO `created_by_id`  (6.0ms) ALTER TABLE `users` RENAME COLUMN `updated_by` TO `updated_by_id` TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('17') TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddDescriptionAndKeywordsToPages (18)  (6.5ms) ALTER TABLE `pages` ADD `description` varchar(255)  (6.6ms) ALTER TABLE `pages` ADD `keywords` varchar(255) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('18') TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddSessionInfoToUsers (20)  (10.4ms) ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `session_token` varchar(255)  (5.8ms) ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `session_expire` datetime TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20') TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to RemoveSessionExpireFromUsers (21)  (7.3ms) ALTER TABLE `users` DROP COLUMN `session_expire` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('21') TRANSACTION (0.8ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddAdminFieldsToSites (22)  (5.0ms) ALTER TABLE `sites` ADD `created_by_id` int  (5.7ms) ALTER TABLE `sites` ADD `created_at` datetime  (5.0ms) ALTER TABLE `sites` ADD `updated_by_id` int  (5.0ms) ALTER TABLE `sites` ADD `updated_at` datetime  (6.3ms) ALTER TABLE `sites` ADD `subtitle` varchar(255) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('22') TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddSites (23)  (7.2ms) ALTER TABLE `layouts` ADD `site_id` int  (6.3ms) ALTER TABLE `snippets` ADD `site_id` int  (5.8ms) ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `site_id` int TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('23') TRANSACTION (0.6ms) COMMIT Migrating to SiteAbbreviation (24)  (6.5ms) ALTER TABLE `sites` ADD `abbreviation` varchar(255) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('24') TRANSACTION (0.8ms) COMMIT Migrating to RecreateNonUniqueIndexOnSnippetsName (25)  (5.4ms) DROP INDEX `name` ON `snippets`  (8.0ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `name_site_id` ON `snippets` (`name`, `site_id`) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('25') TRANSACTION (0.6ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddSiteIdToPages (26)  (5.6ms) ALTER TABLE `pages` ADD `site_id` int  (7.1ms) CREATE INDEX `index_pages_on_site_id` ON `pages` (`site_id`) Site Load (0.3ms) SELECT `sites`.* FROM `sites` ORDER BY position ASC TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('26') TRANSACTION (0.8ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddBaseDomainToSites (27)  (5.9ms) ALTER TABLE `sites` ADD `base_domain` varchar(255) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('27') TRANSACTION (0.8ms) COMMIT Migrating to CreateAssets (28)  (5.7ms) CREATE TABLE `assets` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `caption` varchar(255), `title` varchar(255)) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('28') TRANSACTION (0.6ms) COMMIT Migrating to CreatePaperclipAttributes (29)  (7.3ms) ALTER TABLE `assets` ADD `asset_file_name` varchar(255)  (5.8ms) ALTER TABLE `assets` ADD `asset_content_type` varchar(255)  (5.8ms) ALTER TABLE `assets` ADD `asset_file_size` int TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('29') TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to CreateUserObserver (30)  (4.7ms) ALTER TABLE `assets` ADD `created_by` int  (5.3ms) ALTER TABLE `assets` ADD `updated_by` int  (5.6ms) ALTER TABLE `assets` ADD `created_at` datetime  (5.4ms) ALTER TABLE `assets` ADD `updated_at` datetime TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('30') TRANSACTION (0.6ms) COMMIT Migrating to CreatePageAttachments (31)  (5.9ms) CREATE TABLE `page_attachments` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `asset_id` int, `page_id` int, `position` int) TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('31') TRANSACTION (0.6ms) COMMIT Migrating to RenameUsers (32)  (6.2ms) ALTER TABLE `assets` RENAME COLUMN `created_by` TO `created_by_id`  (6.6ms) ALTER TABLE `assets` RENAME COLUMN `updated_by` TO `updated_by_id` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('32') TRANSACTION (0.8ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddIndexes (20081203140407)  (11.4ms) CREATE INDEX `pages_class_name` ON `pages` (`class_name`)  (6.9ms) CREATE INDEX `pages_parent_id` ON `pages` (`parent_id`)  (9.2ms) CREATE INDEX `pages_child_slug` ON `pages` (`slug`, `parent_id`)  (8.7ms) CREATE INDEX `pages_published` ON `pages` (`virtual`, `status_id`)  (5.6ms) CREATE INDEX `parts_by_page` ON `page_parts` (`page_id`, `name`) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20081203140407') TRANSACTION (0.6ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddUserLanguage (20090226140109)  (8.2ms) ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `language` varchar(255) TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20090226140109') TRANSACTION (0.9ms) COMMIT Migrating to RenameDeveloperRoleToDesigner (20090929164633)  (7.2ms) ALTER TABLE `users` RENAME COLUMN `developer` TO `designer` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20090929164633') TRANSACTION (0.9ms) COMMIT Migrating to ChangeUserLanguageToLocale (20091003095744)  (6.5ms) ALTER TABLE `users` RENAME COLUMN `language` TO `locale` TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20091003095744') TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddPageFields (20100805154952)  (6.2ms) CREATE TABLE `page_fields` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `page_id` int, `name` varchar(255), `content` varchar(255))  (6.4ms) CREATE INDEX `index_page_fields_on_page_id` ON `page_fields` (`page_id`) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20100805154952') TRANSACTION (0.6ms) COMMIT Migrating to ConvertPageMetas (20100805155020)  (8.0ms) ALTER TABLE `pages` DROP COLUMN `keywords`  (10.4ms) ALTER TABLE `pages` DROP COLUMN `description` TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20100805155020') TRANSACTION (21.2ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddFieldNameIndex (20100810151922)  (5.8ms) DROP INDEX `index_page_fields_on_page_id` ON `page_fields`  (7.0ms) CREATE INDEX `index_page_fields_on_page_id_and_name_and_content` ON `page_fields` (`page_id`, `name`, `content`) TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20100810151922') TRANSACTION (1.0ms) COMMIT Migrating to AssetUuid (20110513205050)  (6.8ms) ALTER TABLE `assets` ADD `uuid` varchar(255) Asset Load (0.8ms) SELECT `assets`.* FROM `assets` ORDER BY created_at DESC TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20110513205050') TRANSACTION (1.0ms) COMMIT Migrating to UpdateConfiguration (20110606111250) TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.4ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20110606111250') TRANSACTION (0.9ms) COMMIT Migrating to Dimensions (20110609101438)  (8.4ms) ALTER TABLE `assets` ADD `original_width` int  (7.9ms) ALTER TABLE `assets` ADD `original_height` int  (5.9ms) ALTER TABLE `assets` ADD `original_extension` varchar(255) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20110609101438') TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddAllowedChildrenCacheToPages (20110902203823)  (7.9ms) ALTER TABLE `pages` ADD `allowed_children_cache` text TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20110902203823') TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to ExtendPagePartContentLimit (20111016150725)  (18.0ms) ALTER TABLE `page_parts` CHANGE `content` `content` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20111016150725') TRANSACTION (1.0ms) COMMIT Migrating to ChangePagesAllowedChildrenCacheToText (20120209231801)  (5.0ms) ALTER TABLE `pages` CHANGE `allowed_children_cache` `allowed_children_cache` text DEFAULT NULL TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20120209231801') TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddPasswordResetToUsers (20160527141249)  (7.1ms) ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `password_reset_token` varchar(255)  (9.1ms) ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `password_reset_sent_at` datetime TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20160527141249') TRANSACTION (0.9ms) COMMIT Migrating to AddPositionToPages (20161027141250)  (11.1ms) ALTER TABLE `pages` ADD `position` int Page Load (0.4ms) SELECT `pages`.* FROM `pages` WHERE `pages`.`parent_id` IS NULL TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20161027141250') TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT Migrating to CreateAdminUsers (20200117141251)  (7.9ms) CREATE TABLE `admins` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `email` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `encrypted_password` varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `reset_password_token` varchar(255), `reset_password_sent_at` datetime, `remember_created_at` datetime, `sign_in_count` int DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `current_sign_in_at` datetime, `last_sign_in_at` datetime, `current_sign_in_ip` varchar(255), `last_sign_in_ip` varchar(255), `confirmation_token` varchar(255), `confirmed_at` datetime, `confirmation_sent_at` datetime, `unconfirmed_email` varchar(255), `failed_attempts` int DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `unlock_token` varchar(255), `locked_at` datetime, `first_name` varchar(255), `last_name` varchar(255), `admin` tinyint(1), `designer` tinyint(1), `content_editor` tinyint(1), `site_id` int, `updated_by_id` int, `notes` text, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20200117141251') TRANSACTION (0.8ms) COMMIT Migrating to CreateActiveStorageTables (20210331134718)  (8.0ms) CREATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `key` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `filename` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `content_type` varchar(255), `metadata` text, `service_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `byte_size` bigint NOT NULL, `checksum` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, UNIQUE INDEX `index_active_storage_blobs_on_key` (`key`))  (9.4ms) CREATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `record_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `record_id` bigint NOT NULL, `blob_id` bigint NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL, INDEX `index_active_storage_attachments_on_blob_id` (`blob_id`), UNIQUE INDEX `index_active_storage_attachments_uniqueness` (`record_type`, `record_id`, `name`, `blob_id`), CONSTRAINT `fk_rails_c3b3935057` FOREIGN KEY (`blob_id`) REFERENCES `active_storage_blobs` (`id`) )  (8.9ms) CREATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `blob_id` bigint NOT NULL, `variation_digest` varchar(255) NOT NULL, UNIQUE INDEX `index_active_storage_variant_records_uniqueness` (`blob_id`, `variation_digest`), CONSTRAINT `fk_rails_993965df05` FOREIGN KEY (`blob_id`) REFERENCES `active_storage_blobs` (`id`) ) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `schema_migrations` (`version`) VALUES ('20210331134718') TRANSACTION (0.6ms) COMMIT ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Load (0.6ms) SELECT `ar_internal_metadata`.* FROM `ar_internal_metadata` WHERE `ar_internal_metadata`.`key` = 'environment' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `ar_internal_metadata` (`key`, `value`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('environment', 'test', '2024-10-05 19:18:11.104701', '2024-10-05 19:18:11.104701') TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT  (0.4ms) SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('1911292410673641555')  (0.5ms) SELECT `schema_migrations`.`version` FROM `schema_migrations` ORDER BY `schema_migrations`.`version` ASC TrustyCms::Config Load (0.7ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'admin.title' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.4ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('admin.title', 'TrustyCms CMS') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.9ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.6ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('', 'Body,Extended') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.2ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('', 'Draft') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.0ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'pagination.param_name' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.6ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('pagination.param_name', 'page') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.2ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'pagination.per_page_param_name' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('pagination.per_page_param_name', 'per_page') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.0ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'admin.pagination.per_page' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('admin.pagination.per_page', '50') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.0ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'site.title' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('site.title', 'Your site title') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (1.7ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('', '') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (1.9ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'user.allow_password_reset?' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('user.allow_password_reset?', 'true') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.1ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'session_timeout' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('session_timeout', '1209600') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.0ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'paperclip.url' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('paperclip.url', '/system/:attachment/:id/:style/:basename:no_original_style.:extension') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (1.5ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'paperclip.path' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('paperclip.path', ':rails_root/public/system/:attachment/:id/:style/:basename:no_original_style.:extension') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.0ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'paperclip.skip_filetype_validation' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('paperclip.skip_filetype_validation', 'true') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (1.8ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('', 'filesystem') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (1.7ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'paperclip.fog.public?' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('paperclip.fog.public?', 'true') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (1.3ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'assets.create_image_thumbnails?' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('assets.create_image_thumbnails?', 'true') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.2ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'assets.create_video_thumbnails?' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('assets.create_video_thumbnails?', 'true') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (1.6ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'assets.create_pdf_thumbnails?' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('assets.create_pdf_thumbnails?', 'true') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.0ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'assets.thumbnails.image' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('assets.thumbnails.image', 'normal:size=640x640>|small:size=320x320>') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.1ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('', 'normal:size=640x640>,format=jpg|small:size=320x320>,format=jpg') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.6ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'assets.thumbnails.pdf' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('assets.thumbnails.pdf', 'normal:size=640x640>,format=jpg|small:size=320x320>,format=jpg') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.1ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'assets.max_asset_size' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('assets.max_asset_size', '5') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.3ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'assets.display_size' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('assets.display_size', 'normal') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.2ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'assets.insertion_size' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('assets.insertion_size', 'normal') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.1ms) COMMIT  (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT class_name FROM pages WHERE class_name <> '' AND class_name IS NOT NULL TrustyCms::Config Load (0.8ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'admin.title' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Update (0.4ms) UPDATE `config` SET `config`.`value` = 'TrustyCMS' WHERE `config`.`id` = 1 TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.6ms) COMMIT TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.4ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'admin.subtitle' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('admin.subtitle', 'Publishing for Small Teams') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (1.6ms) COMMIT TRANSACTION (0.4ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Update (0.4ms) UPDATE `config` SET `config`.`value` = 'body, extended' WHERE `config`.`id` = 2 TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (1.4ms) COMMIT TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.3ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.3ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`) VALUES ('') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.5ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.6ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('', 'Keywords, Description') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.6ms) COMMIT TRANSACTION (0.4ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.4ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'defaults.snippet.filter' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`) VALUES ('defaults.snippet.filter') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (1.7ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'session_timeout' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'default_locale' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('default_locale', 'en') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (2.1ms) COMMIT TRANSACTION (0.4ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) COMMIT TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.5ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'trusty_cms_test'  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (10.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.4ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN  (0.5ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (14.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (11.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (15.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.5ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (12.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (10.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (12.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (11.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (10.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'local.timezone' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1 TrustyCms::Config Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `config` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('local.timezone', 'UTC') TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (13.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (10.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config`  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (12.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (11.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK Layout Exists? (1.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = '' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1  (0.7ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (11.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (12.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (11.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.4ms) BEGIN Layout Exists? (1.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (11.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (10.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN Layout Exists? (0.9ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = 'Normal' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 Layout Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `layouts` (`name`, `content`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `lock_version`) VALUES ('Normal', 'Content!', '2024-10-05 19:18:21', '2024-10-05 19:18:21', 0) TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN Layout Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = 'Normal' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) ROLLBACK  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (11.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (45.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (12.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.9ms) SELECT DISTINCT class_name FROM pages WHERE class_name <> '' AND class_name IS NOT NULL TrustyCms::Config Load (0.6ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'admin.title' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.3ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'admin.subtitle' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.3ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.4ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.7ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.4ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.6ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.3ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.3ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'defaults.snippet.filter' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'session_timeout' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.4ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'default_locale' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) COMMIT TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN Layout Exists? (0.8ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) ROLLBACK  (0.5ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'trusty_cms_test'  (16.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (11.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (10.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Layout Exists? (1.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = '' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (11.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (13.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (11.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN Layout Exists? (0.8ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = 'Normal' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 Layout Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `layouts` (`name`, `content`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `lock_version`) VALUES ('Normal', 'Content!', '2024-10-05 19:41:16', '2024-10-05 19:41:16', 0) TRANSACTION (0.9ms) COMMIT TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN Layout Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = 'Normal' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (12.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'local.timezone' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (13.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (12.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config`  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (13.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (10.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (12.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (10.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (11.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (11.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (11.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (11.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (11.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (11.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (11.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (12.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (12.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (11.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (11.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (1.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT class_name FROM pages WHERE class_name <> '' AND class_name IS NOT NULL TrustyCms::Config Load (0.7ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TrustyCms::Config Load (0.7ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'admin.title' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.4ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.8ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'admin.subtitle' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.5ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.6ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.3ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.3ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'defaults.snippet.filter' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'session_timeout' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.3ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'default_locale' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) COMMIT TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.8ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'trusty_cms_test'  (14.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (13.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (11.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (10.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (11.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (12.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (16.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (12.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (12.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (10.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.5ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN  (0.5ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (16.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (15.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (11.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (11.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (11.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (16.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (12.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (11.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (13.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (13.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (11.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (11.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (11.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (13.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (17.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (12.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (10.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (11.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (10.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.4ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (13.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (14.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (11.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (10.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (10.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (11.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (11.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (16.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (12.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (10.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (12.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (10.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (13.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (12.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (12.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (10.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (10.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (11.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (12.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (17.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (12.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (10.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (11.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (11.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.4ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.4ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (13.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (13.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (11.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (12.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (11.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (11.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (11.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (12.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.4ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (11.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (11.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config`  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (12.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (11.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'local.timezone' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (12.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK Layout Exists? (1.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = '' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1  (0.5ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (13.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (11.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (10.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN Layout Exists? (0.9ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = 'Normal' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 Layout Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `layouts` (`name`, `content`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `lock_version`) VALUES ('Normal', 'Content!', '2024-10-05 19:43:44', '2024-10-05 19:43:44', 0) TRANSACTION (0.7ms) COMMIT TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN Layout Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = 'Normal' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (12.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN Layout Exists? (0.9ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (11.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1  (0.9ms) SELECT DISTINCT class_name FROM pages WHERE class_name <> '' AND class_name IS NOT NULL TrustyCms::Config Load (0.6ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TrustyCms::Config Load (0.6ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'admin.title' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.4ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'admin.subtitle' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.4ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.4ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.5ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.3ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'defaults.snippet.filter' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.4ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'session_timeout' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.4ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'default_locale' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.4ms) COMMIT TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN Layout Exists? (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = 'Normal' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 Layout Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `layouts` (`name`, `content`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `lock_version`) VALUES ('Normal', 'Content!', '2024-10-05 19:46:07', '2024-10-05 19:46:07', 0) TRANSACTION (0.8ms) COMMIT TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN Layout Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = 'Normal' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.4ms) ROLLBACK  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (1.9ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'trusty_cms_test'  (12.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (11.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (11.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (11.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (12.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (14.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Layout Exists? (1.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = '' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (16.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (12.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (11.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (15.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (11.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.4ms) BEGIN Layout Exists? (0.9ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (13.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (12.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (12.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (11.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (12.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (32.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (15.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (12.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (13.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (11.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (11.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (12.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (14.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (10.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (12.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (10.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (15.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (12.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (11.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (14.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (11.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (16.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (14.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (14.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (10.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (11.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (15.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (10.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (13.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (10.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (11.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (12.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (12.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (11.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (11.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (11.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (15.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (11.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (15.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (11.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (11.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (16.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (11.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (14.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (12.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (11.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (16.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (10.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (15.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (12.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (11.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (12.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (11.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (16.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (11.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (15.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (11.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (12.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (12.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (10.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'local.timezone' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (12.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (11.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (11.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (11.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (11.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (11.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.3ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config`  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (13.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (13.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (11.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (11.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (15.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (11.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (13.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK  (1.0ms) SELECT DISTINCT class_name FROM pages WHERE class_name <> '' AND class_name IS NOT NULL TrustyCms::Config Load (0.7ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TrustyCms::Config Load (0.7ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'admin.title' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.3ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.6ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'admin.subtitle' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.4ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.3ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.4ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.3ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.4ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.3ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = '' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.4ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'defaults.snippet.filter' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'session_timeout' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.2ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.3ms) COMMIT TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'default_locale' LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` TRANSACTION (0.2ms) COMMIT TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN Layout Exists? (0.8ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.4ms) ROLLBACK  (0.5ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (0.6ms) select table_name from information_schema.views where table_schema = 'trusty_cms_test'  (15.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (11.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 Layout Exists? (1.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = '' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.4ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (13.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (11.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (12.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN Layout Exists? (0.8ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = 'Normal' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 Layout Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `layouts` (`name`, `content`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `lock_version`) VALUES ('Normal', 'Content!', '2024-10-05 19:46:41', '2024-10-05 19:46:41', 0) TRANSACTION (0.9ms) COMMIT TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN Layout Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `layouts` WHERE `layouts`.`name` = 'Normal' AND `layouts`.`site_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (12.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.5ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config` WHERE `config`.`key` = 'local.timezone' ORDER BY `config`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN TrustyCms::Config Load (0.4ms) SELECT `config`.* FROM `config`  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (13.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.5ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (11.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (11.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (11.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (9.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (10.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.3ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (11.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (13.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.2ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (8.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (12.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.4ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.1ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (8.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (8.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (14.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.2ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (7.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.1ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (8.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (8.4ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (12.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (9.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (8.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.3ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.2ms) ROLLBACK TRANSACTION (0.3ms) BEGIN  (0.2ms) SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_attachments`  (10.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_blobs`  (9.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `active_storage_variant_records`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `admins`  (10.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `assets`  (7.9ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `extension_meta`  (8.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `layouts`  (7.7ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_attachments`  (8.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_fields`  (9.0ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `page_parts`  (12.5ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `pages`  (10.8ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sessions`  (8.1ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `sites`  (9.6ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `snippets`  (9.3ms) TRUNCATE TABLE `users`  (0.2ms) SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1 TRANSACTION (0.1ms) ROLLBACK