# To add blackbox testing to a Rails app, # in your spec_helper.rb # # require 'rackbox' # # Spec::Runner.configure do |config| # config.use_blackbox = true # end # class RackBox # i am an rdoc comment on RackBox's eigenclass class << self # to turn on some verbosity / logging, set: # RackBox.verbose = true attr_accessor :verbose # A port of Merb's request() method, used in tests # # At the moment, we're using #req instead because #request conflicts # with an existing RSpec-Rails method # # Usage: # # req '/' # req login_path # req url_for(:controller => 'login') # # req '/', :method => :post, :params => { 'chunky' => 'bacon' } # # req '/', :data => "some XML data to POST" # # TODO take any additional options and pass them along to the environment, so we can say # req '/', :user_agent => 'some custom user agent' # def req app_or_request, url = nil, options = {} puts "RackBox#request url:#{ url.inspect }, options:#{ options.inspect }" if RackBox.verbose # handle RackBox.request '/foo' if app_or_request.is_a?(String) && ( url.nil? || url.is_a?(Hash) ) options = url || {} url = app_or_request app_or_request = RackBox.app end # need to find the request or app mock_request = nil if app_or_request.is_a? Rack::MockRequest mock_request = app_or_request elsif app_or_request.nil? if RackBox.app.nil? raise "Not sure howto to execute a request against app or request: #{ app_or_request.inspect }" else mock_request = Rack::MockRequest.new(RackBox.app) # default to RackBox.app if nil end elsif app_or_request.respond_to? :call mock_request = Rack::MockRequest.new(app_or_request) else raise "Not sure howto to execute a request against app or request: #{ app_or_request.inspect }" end options[:method] ||= ( options[:params] || options[:data] ) ? :post : :get # if params, default to POST, else default to GET options[:params] ||= { } if options[:data] # input should be the data we're likely POSTing ... this overrides any params input = options[:data] else # input should be params, if any input = RackBox.build_query options[:params] end headers = options.dup headers.delete :data if headers[:data] headers.delete :params if headers[:params] headers.delete :method if headers[:method] # merge input headers[:input] = input puts " requesting #{ options[:method].to_s.upcase } #{ url.inspect } #{ headers.inspect }" if RackBox.verbose mock_request.send options[:method], url, headers end alias request req unless defined? request # the Rack appliction to do 'Black Box' testing against # # To set, in your spec_helper.rb or someplace: # RackBox.app = Rack::Adapter::Rails.new :root => '/root/directory/of/rails/app', :environment => 'test' # # If not explicitly set, uses RAILS_ROOT (if defined?) and RAILS_ENV (if defined?) attr_accessor :app def app unless @app and @app.respond_to?:call if File.file? 'config.ru' @app = Rack::Builder.new { eval(File.read('config.ru')) } elsif defined?RAILS_ENV and defined?RAILS_ROOT raise "You need the Rack::Adapter::Rails to run Rails apps with RackBox." + " Try: sudo gem install thin" unless defined?Rack::Adapter::Rails @app = Rack::Adapter::Rails.new :root => RAILS_ROOT, :environment => RAILS_ENV else raise "RackBox.app not configured." end end @app end # helper method for taking a Hash of params and turning them into POST params # # >> RackBox.build_query :hello => 'there' # => 'hello=there' # # >> RackBox.build_query :hello => 'there', :foo => 'bar' # => 'hello=there&foo=bar' # # >> RackBox.build_query :user => { :name => 'bob', :password => 'secret' } # => 'user[name]=bob&user[password]=secret' # def build_query params_hash = { } # check to make sure no values are Hashes ... # if they are, we need to flatten them! params_hash.each do |key, value| # params_hash :a => { :b => X, :c => Y } # needs to be 'a[b]' => X, 'a[b]' => Y if value.is_a? Hash inner_hash = params_hash.delete key # { :b => X, :c => Y } inner_hash.each do |subkey, subvalue| new_key = "#{ key }[#{ subkey }]" # a[b] or a[c] puts "warning: overwriting query parameter #{ new_key }" if params_hash[new_key] params_hash[new_key] = subvalue # 'a[b]' => X or a[c] => Y end # we really shouldn't keep going thru the #each now that we've altered data! return build_query(params_hash) end end Rack::Utils.build_query params_hash end end end