# # = bio/db/fasta/defline.rb - FASTA defline parser class # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 # GOTO Naohisa , # Toshiaki Katayama # License:: The Ruby License # # $Id: defline.rb,v 2008/06/20 13:22:32 ngoto Exp $ # # == Description # # Bio::FastaDefline is a parser class for definition line (defline) # of the FASTA format. # # == Examples # # rub = Bio::FastaDefline.new('>gi|671595|emb|CAA85678.1| rubisco large subunit [Perovskia abrotanoides]') # rub.entry_id ==> 'gi|671595' # rub.get('emb') ==> 'CAA85678.1' # rub.emb ==> 'CAA85678.1' # rub.gi ==> '671595' # rub.accession ==> 'CAA85678' # rub.accessions ==> [ 'CAA85678' ] # rub.acc_version ==> 'CAA85678.1' # rub.locus ==> nil # rub.list_ids ==> [["gi", "671595"], # ["emb", "CAA85678.1", nil], # ["Perovskia abrotanoides"]] # # ckr = Bio::FastaDefline.new(">gi|2495000|sp|Q63931|CCKR_CAVPO CHOLECYSTOKININ TYPE A RECEPTOR (CCK-A RECEPTOR) (CCK-AR)\001gi|2147182|pir||I51898 cholecystokinin A receptor - guinea pig\001gi|544724|gb|AAB29504.1| cholecystokinin A receptor; CCK-A receptor [Cavia]") # ckr.entry_id ==> "gi|2495000" # ckr.sp ==> "CCKR_CAVPO" # ckr.pir ==> "I51898" # ckr.gb ==> "AAB29504.1" # ckr.gi ==> "2495000" # ckr.accession ==> "AAB29504" # ckr.accessions ==> ["Q63931", "AAB29504"] # ckr.acc_version ==> "AAB29504.1" # ckr.locus ==> nil # ckr.description ==> # "CHOLECYSTOKININ TYPE A RECEPTOR (CCK-A RECEPTOR) (CCK-AR)" # ckr.descriptions ==> # ["CHOLECYSTOKININ TYPE A RECEPTOR (CCK-A RECEPTOR) (CCK-AR)", # "cholecystokinin A receptor - guinea pig", # "cholecystokinin A receptor; CCK-A receptor [Cavia]"] # ckr.words ==> # ["cavia", "cck-a", "cck-ar", "cholecystokinin", "guinea", "pig", # "receptor", "type"] # ckr.id_strings ==> # ["2495000", "Q63931", "CCKR_CAVPO", "2147182", "I51898", # "544724", "AAB29504.1", "Cavia"] # ckr.list_ids ==> # [["gi", "2495000"], ["sp", "Q63931", "CCKR_CAVPO"], # ["gi", "2147182"], ["pir", nil, "I51898"], ["gi", "544724"], # ["gb", "AAB29504.1", nil], ["Cavia"]] # # == References # # * FASTA format (WikiPedia) # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTA_format # # * Fasta format description (NCBI) # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST/fasta.shtml # module Bio #-- # split from fasta.rb revision 1.28 #++ # Parsing FASTA Defline, and extract IDs and other informations. # IDs are NSIDs (NCBI standard FASTA sequence identifiers) # or ":"-separated IDs. # # specs are described in: # ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/blast/documents/README.formatdb # http://blast.wustl.edu/doc/FAQ-Indexing.html#Identifiers # # === Examples # # rub = Bio::FastaDefline.new('>gi|671595|emb|CAA85678.1| rubisco large subunit [Perovskia abrotanoides]') # rub.entry_id ==> 'gi|671595' # rub.get('emb') ==> 'CAA85678.1' # rub.emb ==> 'CAA85678.1' # rub.gi ==> '671595' # rub.accession ==> 'CAA85678' # rub.accessions ==> [ 'CAA85678' ] # rub.acc_version ==> 'CAA85678.1' # rub.locus ==> nil # rub.list_ids ==> [["gi", "671595"], # ["emb", "CAA85678.1", nil], # ["Perovskia abrotanoides"]] # # ckr = Bio::FastaDefline.new(">gi|2495000|sp|Q63931|CCKR_CAVPO CHOLECYSTOKININ TYPE A RECEPTOR (CCK-A RECEPTOR) (CCK-AR)\001gi|2147182|pir||I51898 cholecystokinin A receptor - guinea pig\001gi|544724|gb|AAB29504.1| cholecystokinin A receptor; CCK-A receptor [Cavia]") # ckr.entry_id ==> "gi|2495000" # ckr.sp ==> "CCKR_CAVPO" # ckr.pir ==> "I51898" # ckr.gb ==> "AAB29504.1" # ckr.gi ==> "2495000" # ckr.accession ==> "AAB29504" # ckr.accessions ==> ["Q63931", "AAB29504"] # ckr.acc_version ==> "AAB29504.1" # ckr.locus ==> nil # ckr.description ==> # "CHOLECYSTOKININ TYPE A RECEPTOR (CCK-A RECEPTOR) (CCK-AR)" # ckr.descriptions ==> # ["CHOLECYSTOKININ TYPE A RECEPTOR (CCK-A RECEPTOR) (CCK-AR)", # "cholecystokinin A receptor - guinea pig", # "cholecystokinin A receptor; CCK-A receptor [Cavia]"] # ckr.words ==> # ["cavia", "cck-a", "cck-ar", "cholecystokinin", "guinea", "pig", # "receptor", "type"] # ckr.id_strings ==> # ["2495000", "Q63931", "CCKR_CAVPO", "2147182", "I51898", # "544724", "AAB29504.1", "Cavia"] # ckr.list_ids ==> # [["gi", "2495000"], ["sp", "Q63931", "CCKR_CAVPO"], # ["gi", "2147182"], ["pir", nil, "I51898"], ["gi", "544724"], # ["gb", "AAB29504.1", nil], ["Cavia"]] # # === Refereneces # # * Fasta format description (NCBI) # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST/fasta.shtml # # * Frequently Asked Questions: Indexing of Sequence Identifiers (by Warren R. Gish.) # http://blast.wustl.edu/doc/FAQ-Indexing.html#Identifiers # # * README.formatdb # ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/blast/documents/README.formatdb # class FastaDefline NSIDs = { # NCBI and WU-BLAST 'gi' => [ 'gi' ], # NCBI GI 'gb' => [ 'acc_version', 'locus' ], # GenBank 'emb' => [ 'acc_version', 'locus' ], # EMBL 'dbj' => [ 'acc_version', 'locus' ], # DDBJ 'sp' => [ 'accession', 'entry_id' ], # SWISS-PROT 'pdb' => [ 'entry_id', 'chain' ], # PDB 'bbs' => [ 'number' ], # GenInfo Backbone Id 'gnl' => [ 'database' , 'entry_id' ], # General database identifier 'ref' => [ 'acc_version' , 'locus' ], # NCBI Reference Sequence 'lcl' => [ 'entry_id' ], # Local Sequence identifier # WU-BLAST and NCBI 'pir' => [ 'accession', 'entry_id' ], # PIR 'prf' => [ 'accession', 'entry_id' ], # Protein Research Foundation 'pat' => [ 'country', 'number', 'serial' ], # Patents # WU-BLAST only 'bbm' => [ 'number' ], # NCBI GenInfo Backbone database identifier 'gim' => [ 'number' ], # NCBI GenInfo Import identifier 'gp' => [ 'acc_version', 'locus' ], # GenPept 'oth' => [ 'accession', 'name', 'release' ], # Other (user-definable) identifier 'tpd' => [ 'accession', 'name' ], # Third party annotation, DDBJ 'tpe' => [ 'accession', 'name' ], # Third party annotation, EMBL 'tpg' => [ 'accession', 'name' ], # Third party annotation, GenBank # Original 'ri' => [ 'entry_id', 'rearray_id', 'len' ], # RIKEN FANTOM DB } # Shows array that contains IDs (or ID-like strings). # Returns an array of arrays of strings. attr_reader :list_ids # Shows a possibly unique identifier. # Returns a string. attr_reader :entry_id # Parses given string. def initialize(str) @deflines = [] @info = {} @list_ids = [] @entry_id = nil lines = str.split("\x01") lines.each do |line| add_defline(line) end end #def initialize # Parses given string and adds parsed data. def add_defline(str) case str when /^\>?\s*((?:[^\|\s]*\|)+[^\s]+)\s*(.*)$/ # NSIDs # examples: # >gi|9910844|sp|Q9UWG2|RL3_METVA 50S ribosomal protein L3P # # note: regexp (:?) means grouping without backreferences i = $1 d = $2 tks = i.split('|') tks << '' if i[-1,1] == '|' a = parse_NSIDs(tks) i = a[0].join('|') a.unshift('|') d = tks.join('|') + ' ' + d unless tks.empty? a << d this_line = a match_EC(d) parse_square_brackets(d).each do |x| if !match_EC(x, false) and x =~ /\A[A-Z]/ then di = [ x ] @list_ids << di @info['organism'] = x unless @info['organism'] end end when /^\>?\s*([a-zA-Z0-9]+\:[^\s]+)\s*(.*)$/ # examples: # >sce:YBR160W CDC28, SRM5; cyclin-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit [EC:2.7.1.-] [SP:CC28_YEAST] # >emb:CACDC28 [X80034] C.albicans CDC28 gene i = $1 d = $2 a = parse_ColonSepID(i) i = a.join(':') this_line = [ ':', a , d ] match_EC(d) parse_square_brackets(d).each do |x| if !match_EC(x, false) and x =~ /:/ then parse_ColonSepID(x) elsif x =~ /\A\s*([A-Z][A-Z0-9_\.]+)\s*\z/ then @list_ids << [ $1 ] end end when /^\>?\s*(\S+)(?:\s+(.+))?$/ # examples: # >ABC12345 this is test i = $1 d = $2.to_s @list_ids << [ i.chomp('.') ] this_line = [ '', [ i ], d ] match_EC(d) else i = str d = '' match_EC(i) this_line = [ '', [ i ], d ] end @deflines << this_line @entry_id = i unless @entry_id end def match_EC(str, write_flag = true) di = nil str.scan(/EC\:((:?[\-\d]+\.){3}(:?[\-\d]+))/i) do |x| di = [ 'EC', $1 ] if write_flag then @info['ec'] = di[1] if (!@info['ec'] or @info['ec'].to_s =~ /\-/) @list_ids << di end end di end private :match_EC def parse_square_brackets(str) r = [] str.scan(/\[([^\]]*)\]/) do |x| r << x[0] end r end private :parse_square_brackets def parse_ColonSepID(str) di = str.split(':', 2) di << nil if di.size <= 1 @list_ids << di di end private :parse_ColonSepID def parse_NSIDs(ary) # this method destroys ary data = [] while token = ary.shift if labels = self.class::NSIDs[token] then di = [ token ] idtype = token labels.each do |x| token = ary.shift break unless token if self.class::NSIDs[token] then ary.unshift(token) break #each end if token.length > 0 then di << token else di << nil end end data << di else if token.length > 0 then # UCID (uncontrolled identifiers) di = [ token ] data << di @info['ucid'] = token unless @info['ucid'] end break #while end end #while @list_ids.concat data data end #def parse_NSIDs private :parse_NSIDs # Shows original string. # Note that the result of this method may be different from # original string which is given in FastaDefline.new method. def to_s @deflines.collect { |a| s = a[0] (a[1..-2].collect { |x| x.join(s) }.join(s) + ' ' + a[-1]).strip }.join("\x01") end # Shows description. def description @deflines[0].to_a[-1] end # Returns descriptions. def descriptions @deflines.collect do |a| a[-1] end end # Shows ID-like strings. # Returns an array of strings. def id_strings r = [] @list_ids.each do |a| if a.size >= 2 then r.concat a[1..-1].find_all { |x| x } else if a[0].to_s.size > 0 and a[0] =~ /\A[A-Za-z0-9\.\-\_]+\z/ r << a[0] end end end r.concat( words(true, []).find_all do |x| x =~ /\A[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9\_]*[0-9]+[A-Za-z0-9\_]+\z/ or x =~ /\A[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*\_[A-Z0-9\_]+\z/ end) r end KillWords = [ 'an', 'the', 'this', 'that', 'is', 'are', 'were', 'was', 'be', 'can', 'may', 'might', 'as', 'at', 'by', 'for', 'in', 'of', 'on', 'to', 'with', 'from', 'and', 'or', 'not', 'dna', 'rna', 'mrna', 'cdna', 'orf', 'aa', 'nt', 'pct', 'id', 'ec', 'sp', 'subsp', 'similar', 'involved', 'identical', 'identity', 'cds', 'clone', 'library', 'contig', 'contigs', 'homolog', 'homologue', 'homologs', 'homologous', 'protein', 'proteins', 'gene', 'genes', 'product', 'products', 'sequence', 'sequences', 'strain', 'strains', 'region', 'regions', ] KillWordsHash = {} KillWords.each { |x| KillWordsHash[x] = true } KillRegexpArray = [ /\A\d{1,3}\%?\z/, /\A[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9\_]*[0-9]+[A-Za-z0-9\_]+\z/, /\A[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*\_[A-Z0-9\_]+\z/ ] # Shows words used in the defline. Returns an Array. def words(case_sensitive = nil, kill_regexp = self.class::KillRegexpArray, kwhash = self.class::KillWordsHash) a = descriptions.join(' ').split(/[\.\,\;\:\(\)\[\]\{\}\<\>\"\'\`\~\/\|\?\!\&\@\#\s\x00-\x1f\x7f]+/) a.collect! do |x| x.sub!(/\A[\$\*\-\+]+/, '') x.sub!(/[\$\*\-\=]+\z/, '') if x.size <= 1 then nil elsif kwhash[x.downcase] then nil else if kill_regexp.find { |expr| expr =~ x } then nil else x end end end a.compact! a.collect! { |x| x.downcase } unless case_sensitive a.sort! a.uniq! a end # Returns identifires by a database name. def get(dbname) db = dbname.to_s r = nil unless r = @info[db] then di = @list_ids.find { |x| x[0] == db.to_s } if di and di.size <= 2 then r = di[-1] elsif di then labels = self.class::NSIDs[db] [ 'acc_version', 'entry_id', 'locus', 'accession', 'number'].each do |x| if i = labels.index(x) then r = di[i+1] break if r end end r = di[1..-1].find { |x| x } unless r end @info[db] = r if r end r end # Returns an identifier by given type. def get_by_type(type_str) @list_ids.each do |x| if labels = self.class::NSIDs[x[0]] then if i = labels.index(type_str) then return x[i+1] end end end nil end # Returns identifiers by given type. def get_all_by_type(*type_strarg) d = [] @list_ids.each do |x| if labels = self.class::NSIDs[x[0]] then type_strarg.each do |y| if i = labels.index(y) then d << x[i+1] if x[i+1] end end end end d end # Shows locus. # If the entry has more than two of such IDs, # only the first ID are shown. # Returns a string or nil. def locus unless defined?(@locus) @locus = get_by_type('locus') end @locus end # Shows GI. # If the entry has more than two of such IDs, # only the first ID are shown. # Returns a string or nil. def gi unless defined?(@gi) then @gi = get_by_type('gi') end @gi end # Shows accession with version number. # If the entry has more than two of such IDs, # only the first ID are shown. # Returns a string or nil. def acc_version unless defined?(@acc_version) then @acc_version = get_by_type('acc_version') end @acc_version end # Shows accession numbers. # Returns an array of strings. def accessions unless defined?(@accessions) then @accessions = get_all_by_type('accession', 'acc_version') @accessions.collect! { |x| x.sub(/\..*\z/, '') } end @accessions end # Shows an accession number. def accession unless defined?(@accession) then if acc_version then @accession = acc_version.split('.')[0] else @accession = accessions[0] end end @accession end def method_missing(name, *args) # raise ArgumentError, # "wrong # of arguments(#{args.size} for 1)" if args.size >= 2 r = get(name, *args) if !r and !(self.class::NSIDs[name.to_s]) then raise "NameError: undefined method `#{name.inspect}'" end r end end #class FastaDefline end #module Bio