# h2. lib/imw/utils/extensions/core.rb -- extensions to the Ruby core
# == About
# Some useful extensions to basic Ruby classes. This file is required
# by imw/utils so any files required here are automatically
# required when loading IMW.
# Author:: (Philip flip Kromer, Dhruv Bansal) for Infinite Monkeywrench Project (mailto:coders@infochimps.org)
# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 infochimps.org
# License:: GPL 3.0
# Website:: http://infinitemonkeywrench.org/
# puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}: Your monkeywrench does a complicated series of core-burning exercises and emerges with ripped, powerful-looking abs."
require 'imw/utils/extensions/string'
require 'imw/utils/extensions/array'
require 'imw/utils/extensions/hash'
require 'imw/utils/extensions/dir'
require 'imw/utils/extensions/struct'
require 'imw/utils/extensions/symbol'
require 'imw/utils/extensions/file_core'
require 'active_support/core_ext/module/aliasing'
require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank'
require 'active_support/core_ext/object/misc'
#require 'active_support/core_ext/blank.rb'
require 'imw/utils/extensions/class/attribute_accessors'
# require 'ostruct'
require 'set'
module IMW
# A replacement for the standard system call which raises an
# IMW::SystemCallError if the command fails as well as printing the
# command appended to the end of error_message.
def self.system *commands
command = commands.flatten.join ' '
raise IMW::SystemCallError.new(command) unless $?.success?