desc "Run the specs" task :slow_spec do stats = {:example=>0, :failures=>0, :pending=>0} Dir["#{::File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../spec/poolparty/**/*_spec.rb"].each do |sp| puts "---------------- #{::File.basename(sp)} ----------------" results = `spec #{sp}` results.match(/([1-9]+0?)\sfailures|errors/) stats[:failures] += $i.to_i puts results end puts "#{stats[:failures]} total errors" end namespace(:pp) do task :build_gem => ["poolparty:vendor:setup", "poolparty:vendor:update", :gemspec, :build] namespace(:setup) do desc "Generate a manifest for quicker loading times" task :manifest do $GENERATING_MANIFEST = true out = capture_stdout do $_poolparty_load_directories.each do |dir| PoolParty.require_directory ::File.join(::File.dirname(__FILE__), '../lib/poolparty', dir) end end, '../config', "manifest.pp"), "w+") {|f| f << {|f| "#{f}"} } puts "Manifest created" end end namespace :vendor do desc "Fetch all the submodules" task :submodules do `git submodule update --init && cd vendor/gems/git-style-binaries && git submodule update --init` end desc "Initialize the submodules" task :setup do `git submodule init` end desc "Update the submodules" task :update do Dir["#{::File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../vendor/gems/*"].each do |dir| puts "Fetching #{dir}..." `cd #{dir} && git fetch && git rebase origin/master` end # `git submodule update` end end namespace :deps do desc "Get all the edge packages required and stash them in pkg/" task :grab do require 'rubygems/dependency_installer' require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../lib/poolparty" di = to = "#{::File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../pkg" existing_gems = Dir["#{to}/*.gem"] PoolParty::Provision::BootStrapper.gem_list.each do |g| unless existing_gems.find {|f| f =~ /#{g}/} puts "Downloading #{g}" spec, url = di.find_spec_by_name_and_version(g).first f = begin spec, "", to rescue Exception => e spec, url, to end f, "#{::File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../pkg/#{::File.basename(f)}" end end FileUtils.rm_rf "#{to}/cache" end task :clean_gem_cache do gem_location = "#{::File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../vendor/dependencies" cache_dir = "#{gem_location}/cache" Dir["#{cache_dir}/*.gem"].each {|file| ::File.unlink file } end desc "Update dependencies gem" task :update => [:clean_gem_cache] do gem_location = "#{::File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../vendor/dependencies" Suitcase::Zipper.gems open("#{gem_location}/gems_list").read.split("\n"), gem_location Suitcase::Zipper.packages [''], gem_location end end end