% row = cell(:elements, :row).new block = cell(:elements, :block).new(class: 'xs-12 sm-12 md-12') code = cell(:elements, :code).new %> <%=raw row.open %> <%=raw block.open %> <%=raw cell(:elements, :title).new(label: 'General: Installation') %>
Install Lato Blog is simple. First of all you need to add the gem on your gemfile:
<%=raw code.open %> gem 'lato_blog', git: 'https://github.com/ideonetwork/lato-blog' <%=raw code.close %>Install the gem with bundle:
<%=raw code.open %> $> bundle install <%=raw code.close %>Copy the Lato Blog migrations on your application:
<%=raw code.open %> $> rails lato_blog:install:migrations <%=raw code.close %>Run the migrations:
<%=raw code.open %> $> bundle exec rake db:migrate <%=raw code.close %> <%=raw block.close %> <%=raw row.close %>