/***************************************************************************** * FILE: anytime.css - The Any+Time(TM) JavaScript Library (stylesheet) * * VERSION: 4.1112K * * Copyright 2008-2011 Andrew M. Andrews III (www.AMA3.com). Some Rights * Reserved. This work licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- * Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License except in jurisdicitons * for which the license has been ported by Creative Commons International, * where the work is licensed under the applicable ported license instead. * For a copy of the unported license, visit * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ * or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, * San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. For ported versions of the * license, visit http://creativecommons.org/international/ * * Alternative licensing arrangements may be made by contacting the * author at http://www.AMA3.com/contact/ * * This file provides default styling for the Any+Time JavaScript Library's * calendar widget. The styles within can be overridden to customize the * picker's appearance for a particular platform. jQuery UI styles (such * as those created by jQuery ThemeRoller) will override the styles in this * stylesheet. * * These styles have been tested (but not extensively) on Windows Vista in * Internet Explorer 8.0, Firefox 3.0, Opera 10.10 and Safari 4.0. Minor * variations in IE older versions of IE are to be expected, due to its * broken box model. Please report any other problems to the author via * the URL above. * * Any+Time is a trademark of Andrew M. Andrews III. ****************************************************************************/ /* * The following styles ascertain that the types of elements used by * our picker have reasonable styles, especially font, font-size, * list-style-type, margin and padding. */ .AnyTime-pkr * { border:0; font: inherit; font-size: x-small; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; list-style-type:none; margin:0; padding:0; white-space: nowrap; } /* * .AnyTime-win simulates a "window" that might be a popup or inline. * Styles should include background-color and border. A window should * be sized according to its contents; therefore, width and height * should NOT be specified. */ div.AnyTime-win { background-color:#F0F0F1; border:3px solid #C0C0C0; font:normal normal normal xx-small/normal sans-serif; padding-bottom:0.2em; -moz-border-radius:6px; -webkit-border-radius:6px; } /* * .AnyTime-pkr is the Date/Time picker, inserted into the page immediately * after the input (text field) to which it corresponds. The picker * attempts to size itself automatically based on its format fields; * therefore, do NOT set width or height. This is empty by default, * because .AnyTime-win styles provide consistent window appearance. */ .AnyTime-pkr { } /* * .AnyTime-cloak covers an AnyTime-pkr whenever an AnyTime-yr-selector is placed over * it. The picker cannot be accessed until the AnyTime-yr-selector has been * dismissed (possibly by clicking the AnyTime-cloak). The style usually * includes a background-color and opacity (and filter for MSIE opacity). */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-cloak { background-color:#D7D7D7; opacity:0.7; filter:alpha(opacity=70); } /* * .AnyTime-hdr is the title bar at the top of a "window." In addition to * the title label, the title bar for popup (non-inline) pickers also * contains .AnyTime-x-btn. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hdr { background-color:#D0D0D1; color:#606062; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:medium; font-weight:normal; height:1em; margin:0; padding:0 0 0.4em 0; text-align:center; -moz-border-radius:2px; -webkit-border-radius:2px; } /* * .AnyTime-x-btn is a pseudo-button that, when clicked, causes the entire * picker to disappear (the picker also disappears if the user clicks * almost anywhere off of it, or presses ESC). This is designed to have, * at minumum, a border and float:right. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-x-btn { background-color:#FCFCFF; border:1px solid #F99; color:#FF9F9F; cursor:default; float:right; margin:0.3em; text-align:center; width:1.5em; -moz-border-radius:0.4em; -webkit-border-radius:0.4em; } /* * .AnyTime-btn is a pseudo-button for selection of a format field value. * Both height and float:left should be specified, but width is usually * left for different variations to specify (see classes .AnyTime-***-btn). */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-btn { background-color:#FCFCFE; border:1px solid #999; color:#606062; cursor:default; float:left; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; height:1.5em; margin-bottom:1px; margin-right:1px; padding-top:0.1em; -moz-border-radius:0.4em; -webkit-border-radius:0.4em; } /* * .AnyTime-body contains everything in thee picker except the title bar. * Because the picker attempts to size itself automatically based on * its format fields, do not width or height. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-body { padding:0.5em; } /* * .AnyTime-date contains all content (labels and pseudo-buttons) for selecting * a date (or part thereof). It is designed to be float:left and should * have a small amount of paddding. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-date { float:left; padding:0 0.5em; } /* * .AnyTime-lbl headings appear before each group of pseudo-buttons for a * particular format field. Each specific label has a class, also. * Styles clear:left and height should be specified here. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-lbl { clear:left; color:#606063; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:100%; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; height:1.3em; margin:0; padding:0; text-align:center; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-lbl-yr, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-lbl-mon, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-lbl-dom, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-lbl-hr, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-lbl-min, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-lbl-sec { } /* * .AnyTime-yrs contains the year-selection pseudo-buttons. * A height and width should be specified. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-yrs { height:2.6em; text-align:center; width:18.6em; } /* * Following are classes for the pseudo-buttons within .AnyTime-yrs * A width should be specified for each. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-yrs-past-btn { width:2.7em; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-yr-prior-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-yr-cur-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-yr-next-btn { width:3.75em; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-yrs-ahead-btn { width:2.7em; } /* * .AnyTime-mons * .AnyTime-mons contains the month-selection pseudo-buttons. * A height and width should be specified. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mons { height:4.8em; text-align:center; width:18.8em; } /* * .AnyTime-mon-btn is for the pseudo-buttons within .AnyTime-mons * A width should be specified. * Each pseudo-button also has a class of its own. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mon-btn { width:2.75em; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mon1-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mon2-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mon3-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mon4-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mon5-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mon6-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mon8-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mon9-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mon10-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mon11-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mon12-btn { } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mon7-btn { clear:left; } /* * .AnyTime-dom-table is the table containing days-of-the-month. * .AnyTime-dom-head is the table heading, containing days-of-the-week labels. * tr.AnyTime-dow is the row in the heading. * td.AnyTime-dow is a column heading; each heading has its own class, also. * .AnyTime-dom-body is the table heading, containing days-of-the-week labels. * .AnyTime-wk is a table row, containing pseudo-buttons for days. * Each week has its own class (.AnyTime-wk***), also. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dom-table { background-color:#F0F0F1; border:1px solid #E3E3E4; border-spacing:1px; width:18.6em; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dom-head { } .AnyTime-pkr tr.AnyTime-dow { } .AnyTime-pkr th.AnyTime-dow { background-color:#C0C0C1; color:white; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:95%; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dow1, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dow2, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dow3, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dow4, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dow5, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dow6, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dow7 { } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dom-body { } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-wk { } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-wk1, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-wk2, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-wk3, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-wk4, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-wk5, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-wk6 { } /* * .AnyTime-dom-btn is a pseudo-button for a day-of-the-month. * Styles width, text-align:right and float:none should be specified. * .AnyTime-dom-btn-filled is a button containing a specific day-of-the-month. * .AnyTime-dom-btn-empty is a button for an empty cell (no day-of-the-month). * .AnyTime-dom-btn-empty-above-filled is an empty button above a filled button. * .AnyTime-dom-btn-empty-before-filled is empty, left of a filled button. * .AnyTime-dom-btn-empty-after-filled is empty, right of a filled button. * .AnyTime-dom-btn-empty-below-filled is empty, below a filled button. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dom-btn { float:none; height:1.7em; text-align:right; padding:0 0.5em 0 0; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dom-btn-filled { } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dom-btn-empty { background-color:#F3F3F4; border:1px solid #C0C0c1; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dom-btn-empty-above-filled, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dom-btn-empty-before-filled, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dom-btn-empty-after-filled, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dom-btn-empty-below-filled { } /* * .AnyTime-time contains all content (labels and pseudo-buttons) for selecting * a time (or part thereof). It is designed to be float:left and should * have a small amount of paddding. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-time { float:left; padding:0 0 0 1em; text-align:center; } /* * .AnyTime-hrs contains two columns (.AnyTime-hrs-am and .AnyTime-hrs-pm) of * pseudo-buttons for selecting hours. It is designed to be float:left, have * a width and padding. The columns should each have width and float:left. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hrs { float:left; padding-left:0.5em; padding-right:0.5em; text-align:center; width:7.2em; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hrs-am, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hrs-pm { float:left; width:3.6em; } /* * .AnyTime-hr-btn is a pseudo-button for selecting an hour. * Style should include width. * Each button also has a style of its own. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr-btn { text-align:right; padding-right:0.25em; width:3em; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr0-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr1-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr2-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr3-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr4-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr5-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr6-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr7-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr8-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr9-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr10-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr11-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr12-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr13-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr14-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr15-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr16-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr17-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr18-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr19-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr20-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr21-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr22-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hr23-btn { } /* * .AnyTime-mins contains two columns (.AnyTime-mins-tens and .AnyTime-mins-ones) * of pseudo-buttons for selecting minutes. * It is designed to be float:left, have a width and padding. * The columns should each have width and float:left. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mins { float:left; padding-left:0.5em; padding-right:0.5em; text-align:center; width:4.7em; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mins-tens, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mins-ones { float:left; width:2.3em; } /* * .AnyTime-min-ten-btn is a button in the .AnyTime-mins-tens column. * .AnyTime-min-one-btn is a button in the .AnyTime-ones-tens column. * A width should be specified. * Each button also has its own style. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-min-ten-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-min-one-btn { float:left; text-align:center; width:2em; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-min-ten-btn-empty, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-min-one-btn-empty { background-color:#F3F3F4; border:1px solid #C0C0c1; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-min00-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-min10-btn, /*etc*/ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-min0-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-min1-btn /*etc*/ { } /* * .AnyTime-secs contains two columns (.AnyTime-secs-tens and .AnyTime-secs-ones) * of pseudo-buttons for selecting seconds. * It is designed to be float:left, have a width and padding. * The columns should each have width and float:left. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-secs { float:left; padding-left:0.5em; padding-right:0.5em; text-align:center; width:4.7em; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-secs-tens, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-secs-ones { float:left; width:2.3em; } /* * .AnyTime-sec-ten-btn is a button in the .AnyTime-secs-tens column. * .AnyTime-sec-one-btn is a button in the .AnyTime-ones-tens column. * A width should be specified. * Each button also has its own style. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-sec-ten-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-sec-one-btn { float:left; text-align:center; width:2em; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-sec-ten-btn-empty, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-sec-one-btn-empty { background-color:#F3F3F4; border:1px solid #C0C0c1; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-sec00-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-sec10-btn, /*etc*/ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-sec0-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-sec1-btn /*etc*/ { } /* * .AnyTime-offs contains the UTC offset (timezone) selection pseudo-buttons. * The container is designed to have clear:left, float:left and padding. * The two buttons have their own styles, and .AnyTime-off-select-btn should * include a width. * The width of the container and the .AnyTime-off-cur-btn should not be * specified, as they are computed based on the width of the * .AnyTime-off-select-btn and the .AnyTime-time container. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-offs { clear:left; float:left; padding-left:0.5em; padding-top:0.5em; text-align:center; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-off-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-off-cur-btn { } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-off-select-btn { width:1.5em; } /* * .AnyTime-yr-selector is an overlay (popup) for selecting a specific year. * The picker attempts to size the overlay automatically, based on * whether "era" buttons are displayed; therefore, do not set width. * AnyTime-hdr-yr-selector is its title bar. * AnyTime-body-yr-selector is its body. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-yr-selector { } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hdr-yr-selector { } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-body-yr-selector { padding:1em; } /* * .AnyTime-yr-mil is the column of millenium-selector pseudo-buttons. * .AnyTime-yr-cent is the column of century-selector pseudo-buttons. * .AnyTime-yr-dec is the column of decade-selector pseudo-buttons. * .AnyTime-yr-yr is the column of year-selector pseudo-buttons. * A width and float:left should be specified for each. * * .AnyTime-mil-btn is a millenium-selector button. * .AnyTime-cent-btn is a century-selector button. * .AnyTime-dec-btn is a decade-selector button. * .AnyTime-yr-btn is a year-selector button. * Each button has its own class, also. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-yr-mil, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-yr-cent, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-yr-dec, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-yr-yr { float:left; width:2.5em; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mil-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-cent-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dec-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-yr-btn { float:left; text-align:center; width:2em; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mil0-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-mil1-btn, /* etc */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-cent0-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-cent1-btn, /* etc */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dec0-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-dec1-btn, /* etc */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-yr0-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-yr1-btn /* etc */ { } /* * .AnyTime-yr-era contains the column of era-selection pseudo-buttons. * A width and float:left should be specified. * Each era button has class .AnyTime-era-btn (with width) as well as * its own class. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-yr-era { float:left; padding-left:1em; width:4.1em; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-era-btn { text-align:center; width:3em; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-bce-btn, .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-ce-btn { } /* * .AnyTime-off-selector is an overlay (popup) for selecting a specific year. * The picker attempts to size the overlay automatically, based on * its contents; therefore, do not set width. * .AnyTime-hdr-off-selector is its title bar. * .AnyTime-body-off-selector is its body. * .AnyTime-off-off is the column of offset-selector pseudo-buttons. * .AnyTime-off-off-btn is an offset-selector pseudo-button. * .AnyTime-off-off-last-btn is the last offset-selector pseudo-button. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-off-selector { } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-hdr-off-selector { } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-body-off-selector { margin:0.5em; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-off-off { } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-off-off-btn { clear:left; padding-left:1em; padding-right:1em; text-align:left; } .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-off-off-last-btn { } /* * .AnyTime-cur-btn is applied to every pseudo-button that represents * a currently-selected value. They should stand out from the other * buttons, using a different background-color, border, color, font, * font-style and/or font-weight. Note that color alone is not * sufficient for color-blind users to differentiate the buttons. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-cur-btn { border:1px solid #333334; background-color:#C0C0C1; color:#FCFCFE; font-weight:bold; } /* * .AnyTime-out-btn is applied to every pseudo-button that represents * a value that should not be selected because it would make the value. * out-of-range. Typically, this is to give it a "grayed-out" appearance. * Note that color alone is not sufficient for color-blind users to * differentiate the buttons, but since there's no harm in pressing these * buttons, it's probably no big deal. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-out-btn { background-color:#F0F0F1; border:1px solid #C0C0c1; } /* * .AnyTime-focus-btn is applied to the single pseudo-button that appears to * have keyboard focus. It should stand out from all other buttons, * using a different background-color, border, color, font, font-style * and/or font-weight. Note that color alone is not sufficient for * color-blind users to differentiate the button. Because most UIs * represent focus using a dashed or dotted border, this is recommended. */ .AnyTime-pkr .AnyTime-focus-btn { border:1px dashed black; } /* * END OF FILE */