ExecJS ====== ExecJS lets you run JavaScript code from Ruby. It automatically picks the best runtime available to evaluate your JavaScript program, then returns the result to you as a Ruby object. ExecJS supports these runtimes: * [therubyrhino](https://github.com/cowboyd/therubyrhino) - Mozilla Rhino embedded within JRuby * [Duktape.rb](https://github.com/judofyr/duktape.rb) - Duktape JavaScript interpreter * [Node.js](http://nodejs.org/) * [Bun.sh](https://bun.sh) - JavaScript runtime & toolkit designed for speed * Apple JavaScriptCore - Included with Mac OS X * [Microsoft Windows Script Host](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9bbdkx3k.aspx) (JScript) * [Google V8](http://code.google.com/p/v8/) * [mini_racer](https://github.com/rubyjs/mini_racer) - Google V8 embedded within Ruby * [GraalVM JavaScript](https://www.graalvm.org/javascript/) - used on TruffleRuby A short example: ``` ruby require "execjs" ExecJS.eval "'red yellow blue'.split(' ')" # => ["red", "yellow", "blue"] ``` A longer example, demonstrating how to invoke the CoffeeScript compiler: ``` ruby require "execjs" require "open-uri" source = open("http://coffeescript.org/extras/coffee-script.js").read context = ExecJS.compile(source) context.call("CoffeeScript.compile", "square = (x) -> x * x", bare: true) # => "var square;\nsquare = function(x) {\n return x * x;\n};" ``` # Installation ``` $ gem install execjs ``` # FAQ **Why can't I use CommonJS `require()` inside ExecJS?** ExecJS provides a lowest common denominator interface to any JavaScript runtime. Use ExecJS when it doesn't matter which JavaScript interpreter your code runs in. If you want to access the Node API, you should check another library like [commonjs.rb](https://github.com/cowboyd/commonjs.rb) designed to provide a consistent interface. **Why can't I use `setTimeout`?** For similar reasons as modules, not all runtimes guarantee a full JavaScript event loop. So `setTimeout`, `setInterval` and other timers are not defined. **Why can't I use ES5 features?** Some runtimes like Node will implement many of the latest ES5 features. However older stock runtimes like JSC on OSX and JScript on Windows may not. You should only count on ES3 features being available. Prefer feature checking these APIs rather than hard coding support for specific runtimes. **Can ExecJS be used to sandbox scripts?** No, ExecJS shouldn't be used for any security related sandboxing. Since runtimes are automatically detected, each runtime has different sandboxing properties. You shouldn't use `ExecJS.eval` on any inputs you wouldn't feel comfortable Ruby `eval()`ing. ## Contributing to ExecJS ExecJS is work of dozens of contributors. You're encouraged to submit pull requests, propose features and discuss issues. See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md). ## License ExecJS is released under the [MIT License](MIT-LICENSE).