context = KnifeContainer::Generator.context dockerfile_dir = File.join(context.dockerfiles_path, context.dockerfile_name) temp_chef_repo = File.join(dockerfile_dir, "chef") user_chef_repo = File.join(context.dockerfiles_path, "..") ## # Initial Setup # # Create Dockerfile directory (REPO/NAME) directory dockerfile_dir do recursive true end # Dockerfile template File.join(dockerfile_dir, "Dockerfile") do source "dockerfile.erb" helpers(KnifeContainer::Generator::TemplateHelper) end # .dockerfile template File.join(dockerfile_dir, ".dockerignore") do source "dockerignore.erb" helpers(KnifeContainer::Generator::TemplateHelper) end ## # Initial Chef Setup # # create temp chef-repo directory temp_chef_repo do recursive true end # Client Config template File.join(temp_chef_repo, "#{context.chef_client_mode}.rb") do source "config.rb.erb" helpers(KnifeContainer::Generator::TemplateHelper) end # First Boot JSON file File.join(temp_chef_repo, "first-boot.json") do content context.first_boot end # Node Name template File.join(temp_chef_repo, ".node_name") do source "node_name.erb" helpers(KnifeContainer::Generator::TemplateHelper) end ## # Resolve run list # require 'chef/run_list/run_list_item' run_list_items = { |i| } cookbooks = [] run_list_items.each do |item| # Extract cookbook name from recipe if item.recipe? rmatch = if rmatch cookbooks << rmatch[1] else cookbooks << end end end # Generate Berksfile from runlist template File.join(dockerfile_dir, 'Berksfile') do source 'berksfile.erb' variables :cookbooks => cookbooks.uniq helpers(KnifeContainer::Generator::TemplateHelper) only_if { context.generate_berksfile } end # Copy over the necessary directories into the temp chef-repo (if local-mode) if context.chef_client_mode == "zero" # generate a cookbooks directory unless we are building from a Berksfile unless context.generate_berksfile directory "#{temp_chef_repo}/cookbooks" end # Copy over cookbooks that are mentioned in the runlist. There is a gap here # that dependent cookbooks are not copied. This is a result of not having a # depsolver in the chef-client. The solution here is to use the Berkshelf integration. if context.cookbook_path.kind_of?(Array) context.cookbook_path.each do |dir| if File.exists?(File.expand_path(dir)) cookbooks.each do |cookbook| if File.exists?("#{File.expand_path(dir)}/#{cookbook}") execute "cp -rf #{File.expand_path(dir)}/#{cookbook} #{temp_chef_repo}/cookbooks/" end end else log "Could not find a '#{File.expand_path(dir)}' directory in your chef-repo." end end elsif File.exists?(File.expand_path(context.cookbook_path)) cookbooks.each do |cookbook| if File.exists?("#{File.expand_path(context.cookbook_path)}/#{cookbook}") execute "cp -rf #{File.expand_path(context.cookbook_path)}/#{cookbook} #{temp_chef_repo}/cookbooks/" end end else log "Could not find a '#{File.expand_path(context.cookbook_path)}' directory in your chef-repo." end # Because they have a smaller footprint, we will copy over all the roles, environments # and nodes. This behavior will likely change in a future version of knife-container. %w(role environment node).each do |dir| path = context.send(:"#{dir}_path") if path.kind_of?(Array) path.each do |p| execute "cp -r #{File.expand_path(p)}/ #{File.join(temp_chef_repo, "#{dir}s")}" do not_if { Dir["#{p}/*"].empty? } end end elsif path.kind_of?(String) execute "cp -r #{path}/ #{File.join(temp_chef_repo, "#{dir}s/")}" do not_if { Dir["#{path}/*"].empty? } end end end end ## # Server Only Stuff # if context.chef_client_mode == "client" directory File.join(temp_chef_repo, 'secure') # Add validation.pem file File.join(temp_chef_repo, 'secure', "validation.pem") do content mode '0600' end # Copy over trusted certs unless Dir["#{context.trusted_certs_dir}/*"].empty? directory File.join(temp_chef_repo, 'secure', "trusted_certs") execute "cp -r #{context.trusted_certs_dir}/* #{File.join(temp_chef_repo, 'secure', "trusted_certs/")}" end # Copy over encrypted_data_bag_key unless context.encrypted_data_bag_secret.nil? if File.exists?(context.encrypted_data_bag_secret) file File.join(temp_chef_repo, 'secure', "encrypted_data_bag_secret") do content mode '0600' end end end end ## # Create Ohai Plugin # # create Ohai folder # directory File.join(temp_chef_repo, "ohai") # docker hints directory # directory File.join(temp_chef_repo, "ohai", "hints") # docker plugins directory # directory File.join(temp_chef_repo, "ohai_plugins") # docker_container Ohai plugin # cookbook_file File.join(temp_chef_repo, "ohai_plugins", "docker_container.rb") do # source "plugins/docker_container.rb" # mode "0755" # end