# Callbacks ## Active Job callbacks Wayfarer naturally supports all of [Active Job's life cycle callbacks](https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/active_job_basics.html#callbacks). ## `before_fetch` Runs before a job fetches a page, either by making an HTTP request, or by navigating a browser to its task URL. ```ruby class DummyJob < Wayfarer::Base before_fetch :do_something private def do_something # before the task.url is fetched end end ``` ## `before_action` Runs after a page was fetched, before an action method is called. ```ruby class DummyJob < Wayfarer::Base before_action :do_something private def do_something # page is available at this point end end ``` ## `after_batch` Runs once the last job in a batch performed: ```ruby class DummyJob < Wayfarer::Base after_batch do # All jobs in batch done end end ``` Internally, a batch counter is in-/decremented on certain events. Once the counter reaches zero, `after_batch` callbacks runs in declaration order. The counter is incremented when within the batch: * A job is enqueued. The counter is decremented when: * A job succeeds. * A job errors due to an unhandled exception. * A job is discarded due to an exception. * A job errors and thereyby exhausts its maximum attempts. !!! attention "Batch callbacks can fail jobs" If the last job's `after_batch` callbacks raises an exception, this can lead to the job getting retried. If the exception raised by the callback is unhandled or discarded, the callback never fully runs. ## Callback options ### Definition styles Callbacks can be registered either by supplying a block or a symbol identifying a callback instance method: ```ruby class DummyJob < Wayfarer::Base before_action do # ... end before_action :my_callback private def my_callback # ... end end ``` ### Conditionals Callbacks can be registered conditionally with the `:if` and `:unless` keywords: ```ruby class DummyJob < Wayfarer::Base before_fetch :my_callback, if: :my_condition private def my_callback end def my_condition end end ``` Callbacks can be registered for certain action methods only with the `:only` and `:except` keywords: ```ruby class DummyJob < Wayfarer::Base before_fetch :do_something, only: :foo before_fetch except: [:foo, :qux] do # runs only before bar end def foo end def bar end end ``` ### Early termination Callbacks that return `false` halt the callback chain: ```ruby class DummyJob < Wayfarer::Base before_action { false } before_action do # never runs end end ```