######################################### # Author:: Almudena Bocinos Rioboo # This class provided the methods to manage the execution of the plugins ######################################### require 'json' require 'sequence_with_action' require 'sequence_group' class PluginManager attr_accessor :plugin_names #Storages the necessary plugins specified in 'plugin_list' and start the loading of plugins def initialize(plugin_list,params) @plugin_names = plugin_list.strip.split(',').map{|p| p.strip}.reject{|p| ['',nil].include?(p)} @params = params # puts plugin_list load_plugins_from_files end # Receives the plugin's list , and create an instance from its respective class (it's that have the same name) def execute_plugins(running_seqs) # $LOG.info " Begin process: Execute plugins " if !@plugin_names.empty? # keeps a list of rejected sequences rejected_seqs = [] @plugin_names.each do |plugin_name| # remove rejected or empty seqs from execution list running_seqs.reverse_each do |seq| if seq.seq_rejected || seq.seq_fasta.empty? # remove from running running_seqs.delete(seq) # save in rejecteds rejected_seqs.push seq end end if running_seqs.empty? break end # Creates an instance of the respective plugin stored in "plugin_name",and asociate it to the sequence 'seq' plugin_class = Object.const_get(plugin_name) plugin_execution=plugin_class.new(running_seqs,@params) running_seqs.stats[plugin_name] = plugin_execution.stats # puts running_seqs.stats.to_json plugin_execution=nil end #end each running_seqs.add(rejected_seqs) else raise "Plugin list not found" end #end if lista-param end # Checks if the parameters are right for all plugins's execution. Finally return true if all is right or false if isn't def check_plugins_params(params) res = true if !@plugin_names.empty? #$LOG.debug " Check params values #{plugin_list} " @plugin_names.each do |plugin_name| #Call to the respective plugin storaged in 'plugin_name' plugin_class = Object.const_get(plugin_name) # DONE - chequear si es un plugin de verdad u otra clase # puts plugin_class,plugin_class.ancestors.map {|e| puts e,e.class} if plugin_class.ancestors.include?(Plugin) errors=plugin_class.check_params(params) else errors= [plugin_name + ' is not a valid plugin'] end if !errors.empty? $LOG.error plugin_name+ ' found following errors:' errors.each do |error| $LOG.error ' -' + error res = false end #end each end #end if end #end each else $LOG.error "No plugin list provided" res = false end #end if plugin-list return res end # Iterates by the files from the folder 'plugins', and load it def load_plugins_from_files # DONE - CARGAR los plugins que hay en @plugin_names en vez de todos # the plugin_name changes to file using plugin_name.decamelize @plugin_names.each do |plugin_name| plugin_file = plugin_name.decamelize require plugin_file end end # end def # Iterates by the files from the folder 'plugins', and load it def load_plugins_from_files_old # DONE - CARGAR los plugins que hay en @plugin_names en vez de todos ignore = ['.','..','plugin.rb'] #carpeta=Dir.open("progs/ruby/seqtrimii/plugins") plugins_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../plugins")) if !File.exists?(plugins_path) raise "Plugin folder does not exists" end # carpeta=Dir.open(plugins_path) entries = Dir.glob(File.join(plugins_path,'*.rb')) # carpeta. entries.each do |plugin| if !ignore.include?(plugin) require plugin end # end if end # end each end # end def end