module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class WorldpayOnlinePaymentsGateway < Gateway self.live_url = '' self.default_currency = 'GBP' self.money_format = :cents self.supported_countries = %w(HK US GB BE CH CZ DE DK ES FI FR GR HU IE IT LU MT NL NO PL PT SE SG TR) self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :discover, :jcb, :maestro, :laser, :switch] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'Worldpay Online Payments' def initialize(options={}) requires!(options, :client_key, :service_key) @client_key = options[:client_key] @service_key = options[:service_key] super end def authorize(money, credit_card, options={}) response = create_token(true, credit_card.first_name+' '+credit_card.last_name, credit_card.month, credit_card.year, credit_card.number, credit_card.verification_value) if response.success? options[:authorizeOnly] = true post = create_post_for_auth_or_purchase(response.authorization, money, options) response = commit(:post, 'orders', post) end response end def capture(money, authorization, options={}) if authorization commit(:post, "orders/#{CGI.escape(authorization)}/capture", {"captureAmount"=>money}, options) else, 'FAILED', 'FAILED', :test => test?, :authorization => false, :avs_result => {}, :cvv_result => {}, :error_code => false ) end end def purchase(money, credit_card, options={}) response = create_token(true, credit_card.first_name+' '+credit_card.last_name, credit_card.month, credit_card.year, credit_card.number, credit_card.verification_value) if response.success? post = create_post_for_auth_or_purchase(response.authorization, money, options) response = commit(:post, 'orders', post, options) end response end def refund(money, orderCode, options={}) obj = money ? {"refundAmount" => money} : {} commit(:post, "orders/#{CGI.escape(orderCode)}/refund", obj, options) end def void(orderCode, options={}) response = commit(:delete, "orders/#{CGI.escape(orderCode)}", nil, options) if !response.success? && (response.params && response.params['customCode'] != 'ORDER_NOT_FOUND') response = refund(nil, orderCode) end response end def verify(credit_card, options={}) authorize(0, credit_card, options) end private def create_token(reusable, name, exp_month, exp_year, number, cvc) obj = { "reusable"=> reusable, "paymentMethod"=> { "type"=> "Card", "name"=> name, "expiryMonth"=> exp_month, "expiryYear"=> exp_year, "cardNumber"=> number, "cvc"=> cvc }, "clientKey"=> @client_key } token_response = commit(:post, 'tokens', obj, {'Authorization' => @service_key}) token_response end def create_post_for_auth_or_purchase(token, money, options) { "token" => token, "orderDescription" => options[:description] || 'Worldpay Order', "amount" => money, "currencyCode" => options[:currency] || default_currency, "name" => options[:billing_address]&&options[:billing_address][:name] ? options[:billing_address][:name] : '', "billingAddress" => { "address1"=>options[:billing_address]&&options[:billing_address][:address1] ? options[:billing_address][:address1] : '', "address2"=>options[:billing_address]&&options[:billing_address][:address2] ? options[:billing_address][:address2] : '', "address3"=>"", "postalCode"=>options[:billing_address]&&options[:billing_address][:zip] ? options[:billing_address][:zip] : '', "city"=>options[:billing_address]&&options[:billing_address][:city] ? options[:billing_address][:city] : '', "state"=>options[:billing_address]&&options[:billing_address][:state] ? options[:billing_address][:state] : '', "countryCode"=>options[:billing_address]&&options[:billing_address][:country] ? options[:billing_address][:country] : '' }, "customerOrderCode" => options[:order_id], "orderType" => "ECOM", "authorizeOnly" => options[:authorizeOnly] ? true : false } end def parse(body) body ? JSON.parse(body) : {} end def headers(options = {}) headers = { "Authorization" => @service_key, "Content-Type" => 'application/json', "User-Agent" => "Worldpay/v1 ActiveMerchantBindings/#{ActiveMerchant::VERSION}", "X-Worldpay-Client-User-Agent" => user_agent, "X-Worldpay-Client-User-Metadata" => {:ip => options[:ip]}.to_json } if options['Authorization'] headers['Authorization'] = options['Authorization'] end headers end def commit(method, url, parameters=nil, options = {}) raw_response = response = nil success = false begin json = parameters ? parameters.to_json : nil raw_response = ssl_request(method, self.live_url + url, json, headers(options)) if (raw_response != '') response = parse(raw_response) success = !response.key?("httpStatusCode") else success = true response = {} end rescue ResponseError => e raw_response = e.response.body response = response_error(raw_response) rescue JSON::ParserError => e response = json_error(raw_response) end if response["orderCode"] authorization = response["orderCode"] elsif response["token"] authorization = response["token"] else authorization = response["message"] end, success ? "SUCCESS" : response["message"], response, :test => test?, :authorization => authorization, :avs_result => {}, :cvv_result => {}, :error_code => success ? nil : response["customCode"] ) end def test? @service_key[0]=="T" ? true : false end def response_error(raw_response) begin parse(raw_response) rescue JSON::ParserError json_error(raw_response) end end def json_error(raw_response) msg = 'Invalid response received from the Worldpay Online Payments API. Please contact if you continue to receive this message.' msg += " (The raw response returned by the API was #{raw_response.inspect})" { "error" => { "message" => msg } } end def handle_response(response) response.body end end end end