#!/usr/bin/env ruby # vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4: # encoding: utf-8 BEGIN { require 'pathname' basedir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent libdir = basedir + "lib" $LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir.to_s ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir.to_s ) } # SimpleCov test coverage reporting; enable this using the :coverage rake task if ENV['COVERAGE'] $stderr.puts "\n\n>>> Enabling coverage report.\n\n" require 'simplecov' SimpleCov.start do add_filter 'spec' end end begin require 'configurability' rescue LoadError end require 'loggability' require 'loggability/spechelpers' # Helpers specific to Loggability specs module SpecHelpers ### An object identity matcher for collections. class AllBeMatcher def initialize( expected ) @expected = expected end def matches?( collection ) @collection = collection return collection.all? {|obj| obj.equal?(@expected) } end def description "to all be %p" % [ @expected ] end def failure_message "but they were: %p" % [ @collection ] end end # class AllBeMatcher ### An object kind matcher for collections class AllBeAMatcher def initialize( expected_class ) @expected_class = expected_class end def matches?( collection ) @collection = collection return collection.all? {|obj| obj.is_a?(@expected_class) } end def description "to all be a %p" % [ @expected_class ] end def failure_message unmatched = @collection.find {|obj| !obj.is_a?(@expected_class) } "but (at least) one was not. It was a %p (%s)" % [ unmatched.class, unmatched.class.ancestors.map(&:inspect).join(' < '), ] end end # class AllBeAMatcher ############### module_function ############### ### Return true if the actual value includes the specified +objects+. def all_be( expected_object ) AllBeMatcher.new( expected_object ) end ### Returns +true+ if every object in the collection inherits from the +expected_class+. def all_be_a( expected_class ) AllBeAMatcher.new( expected_class ) end end # module SpecHelpers ### Mock with RSpec RSpec.configure do |c| c.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true c.filter_run :focus c.order = 'random' c.mock_with( :rspec ) do |mock| mock.syntax = :expect end c.include( SpecHelpers ) c.include( Loggability::SpecHelpers ) c.filter_run_excluding( :configurability ) unless defined?( Configurability ) end