Hey, today I'm gald to have gotten Reap 4.3.4 out the door. This realease fixes a bunch nagging no-ops that have been real turn-offs for those who have only dipped their first big toe into the Reaping fields. Like the template and scaffold commands actually do something now! I've also added some hot off the skillet features. Reap can now cook you up a DOAP XML project file ( section only as of yet). She can now release directly to Rubyforge -- Woohoo! is life easier without all that point-and-clickery. And best of all Reap can not plunk down a .deb package as easy as a .tar.gz or .gem. You gotta love that! (Note, that you'll need to use Reap's slightly modified version of setup.rb for this. Just copy it out of the installation if you need it.) Boy oh boy, more of goodies, good fixes and solidity. Reaps coming along nice. She'll move to version 4.4 once all the little undiscovered cockaroaches are scurried away. Ciao, T.