# A wrapper for slingshot elastic-search adapter for Mongoid module Mebla # Represents a set of search results class ResultSet include Enumerable attr_reader :entries, :facets, :time, :total # -- # OPTIMIZE: needs major refractoring # ++ # Creates a new result set from an elasticsearch response hash # @param response def initialize(response) # Keep the query time @time = response['took'] # Keep the facets @facets = response['facets'] # Keep the query total to check against the count @total = response['hits']['total'] # Be efficient only query the database once model_ids = {} # Collect results' ids response['hits']['hits'].each do |hit| model_class = hit['_type'].camelize.constantize if model_class.embedded? unless model_ids[model_class] model_ids[model_class] = {} end # collect parent ids # {class => {parent_id => [ids]}} parent_id = hit['_source']['_parent'] unless model_ids[model_class][parent_id] model_ids[model_class][parent_id] = [] end model_ids[model_class][parent_id].push hit['_source']['id'] else unless model_ids[model_class] model_ids[model_class] = [] end # collect ids # {class => [ids]} model_ids[model_class].push hit['_source']['id'] end end # Cast the results into their appropriate classes @entries = [] model_ids.each do |model_class, ids| unless model_class.embedded? # Retrieve the results from the database @entries += model_class.any_in(:_id => ids).entries else # Get the parent parent_class = model_class.embedded_parent access_method = model_class.embedded_as ids.each do |parent_id, entries_ids| parent = parent_class.find parent_id # Retrieve the results from the database @entries += parent.send(access_method.to_sym).any_in(:_id => entries_ids).entries end end end Mebla.log("WARNING: Index not synchronized with the database; index total hits: #{@total}, retrieved documents: #{self.count}", :warn) if @total != self.count end # Iterates over the collection def each(&block) @entries.each(&block) end # Returns the item with the given index # @param [Integer] index def [](index) @entries[index] end end end