require 'pry-theme/version' require 'pry-theme/commands' require 'pry-theme/palette' require 'pry-theme/theme' require 'pry-theme/when_started_hook' require 'pry-theme/uninstaller' require 'pry' require 'yaml' module PryTheme # The root path for PryTheme source codes. ROOT = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) # The root path for PryTheme examples. EXAMPLES_ROOT = File.join(ROOT, "..", "examples") # The root path for the directory with configuration files for OS you're using. CONFIG_DIR = case RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] when /darwin/ File.join(ENV["HOME"], "Library", "Application Support") when /linux/ ENV["XDG_CONFIG_HOME"] when /mingw|mswin/ ENV["APPDATA"] end # Pry themes' directory. THEME_DIR = File.join(CONFIG_DIR, "pry-theme") def self.set_theme(theme_name) if theme = PryTheme.convert(theme_name) ::CodeRay::Encoders::Terminal::TOKEN_COLORS.merge!(theme) end end def self.convert(theme_name) begin theme = rescue NoThemeError => no_theme_error warn no_theme_error return end palette = scheme = {} theme.scheme.each_pair do |k, v| if v.is_a?(Hash) nested_h = {} v.each_pair do |nested_k, nested_v| nested_h[nested_k.to_sym] = color_to_term(nested_v, palette) end scheme[k.to_sym] = nested_h else scheme[k.to_sym] = color_to_term(v, palette) end end scheme end def self.color_to_term(color, palette) color_pattern = / \A # Matches "yellow". ( ( \w+(0[1-9])? ) \s? )? # Matches "yellow (bu)" or "(bu)". ( \( ( d?b?u?i? # Order matters. ) \) )? # Matches "yellow (bu) on red" or "on red". ( \s? on\s ( [a-z]+(0[1-9])? ) )? \z /x if color m = color.match(color_pattern) color_fg = if $2 palette.colors.find do |color| color.human == $2.to_sym end if c c.term else raise NoColorError unless c end end formatting = if $5 formatting = $ do |ch| Formatting::ATTRIBUTES[ch] end end color_bg = if $7 Formatting::BACKGROUNDS[$7] end # Uh oh :( notation = if !color_fg "38;0;" elsif palette.notation palette.notation[0..-2] else "" end [notation, color_fg, formatting, color_bg].flatten.compact.join(";") else # In cases when a user decided not to provide an argument value in theme, # use default color. Not handling this situation results in CodeRay's # error ("can't convert nil into String" stuff). "38;0;0" end rescue NoColorError => e Pry.output.puts "#{e}: wrong color value: `#{$2}`. Typo?" end def self.install_gem_hooks Gem.post_uninstall do |u| end end end # Apply a theme of a user from their theme file. Pry.config.hooks.add_hook(:when_started, :apply_user_theme, # Import the PryTheme commands. Pry.config.commands.import PryTheme::Commands