h1. Ruby I18n Ruby Internationalization and localization solution. Features: * translation and localization * interpolation of values to translations (Ruby 1.9 compatible syntax) * pluralization (CLDR compatible) * flexible defaults * bulk lookup * lambdas as translation data * custom key/scope separator * custom exception handlers * extensible architecture with a swappable backend Pluggable features: * Cache * Pluralization: lambda pluralizers stored as translation data * Locale fallbacks, RFC4647 compliant (optionally: RFC4646 locale validation) * Gettext support * Translation metadata Alternative backends: * Chain * ActiveRecord (optionally: ActiveRecordMissing) For more information and lots of resources see: "http://rails-i18n.org/wiki":http://rails-i18n.org/wiki h2. Installation gem install i18n h3. Installation on Rails < 2.3.5 (deprecated) Up to version 2.3.4 Rails will not accept i18n gems > 0.1.3. There is an unpacked gem inside of active_support/lib/vendor which gets loaded unless gem 'i18n', '~> 0.1.3'. This requirement is relaxed in "6da03653":http://github.com/rails/rails/commit/6da03653 The new i18n gem can be loaded from vendor/plugins like this: def reload_i18n! raise "Move to i18n version 0.2.0 or greater" if Rails.version > "2.3.4" $:.grep(/i18n/).each { |path| $:.delete(path) } I18n::Backend.send :remove_const, "Simple" $: << Rails.root.join('vendor', 'plugins', 'i18n', 'lib').to_s end Then you can `reload_i18n!` inside an i18n initializer. h2. Tests You can run tests both with * `rake test` or just `rake` * run any test file directly, e.g. `ruby test/api/simple_test.rb` * run all tests with `ruby test/all.rb` The structure of the test suite is a bit unusual as it uses modules to reuse particular tests in different test cases. The reason for this is that we need to enforce the I18n API across various combinations of extensions. E.g. the Simple backend alone needs to support the same API as any combination of feature and/or optimization modules included to the Simple backend. We test this by reusing the same API defition (implemented as test methods) in test cases with different setups. You can find the test cases that enforce the API in test/api. And you can find the API definition test methods in test/api/tests. All other test cases (e.g. as defined in test/backend, test/core\_ext) etc. follow the usual test setup and should be easy to grok. h2. Authors * "Sven Fuchs":http://www.artweb-design.de * "Joshua Harvey":http://www.workingwithrails.com/person/759-joshua-harvey * "Stephan Soller":http://www.arkanis-development.de * "Saimon Moore":http://saimonmoore.net * "Matt Aimonetti":http://railsontherun.com h2. Contributors * Akira Matsuda * Andrew Briening * Clemens Kofler * Frederick Cheung * Jeremy Kemper * José Valim * Lawrence Pit * Luca Guidi * M4SSIVE * Marko Seppae * Mathias Meyer * Michael Lang * Theo Cushion * Yaroslav Markin h2. License MIT License. See the included MIT-LICENSE file.