require 'spec_helper' describe "DataBag API operations", type: "acceptance" do let(:server_url) { "" } let(:client_name) { "reset" } let(:client_key) { "/Users/reset/.chef/reset.pem" } let(:connection) do server_url: server_url, client_name: client_name, client_key: client_key ) end before(:all) { WebMock.allow_net_connect! } after(:all) { WebMock.disable_net_connect! } before(:each) do connection.data_bag.delete_all end describe "listing data bags" do context "when no data bags exist" do it "returns an empty array" do connection.data_bag.all.should have(0).items end end context "when the server has data bags" do before(:each) do connection.data_bag.create(name: "ridley-one") connection.data_bag.create(name: "ridley-two") end it "returns an array of data bags" do connection.data_bag.all.should each be_a(Ridley::DataBagObject) end it "returns all of the data bags on the server" do connection.data_bag.all.should have(2).items end end end describe "creating a data bag" do pending end end