## Introduction gitlab-exporter is a [Prometheus Web exporter] that does the following: 1. Collects GitLab production metrics via custom probes defined in a [YAML configuration file](config/gitlab-exporter.yml.example). 2. Custom probes gather measurements in the form of key/value pairs. 3. For each probe, gitlab-exporter creates an HTTP endpoint `/` (by default on port 9168) that delivers these metrics to a Prometheus scraper. A central Prometheus process is configured to poll exporters at a specified frequency. ### Supported Probes Below is a list of probes added by this exporter, and their corresponding metrics. 1. Database * [Per-table tuple stats](lib/gitlab_exporter/database/tuple_stats.rb) -- `gitlab_database_stat_table_*` * [Row count queries](lib/gitlab_exporter/database/row_count.rb) -- `gitlab_database_rows` * [CI builds](lib/gitlab_exporter/database/ci_builds.rb) -- `ci_pending_builds`, `ci_created_builds`, `ci_stale_builds`, `ci_running_builds` * [Bloat](lib/gitlab_exporter/database/bloat.rb) -- `gitlab_database_bloat_$type_$key` with type `btree` (index bloat) or `table` (table bloat) and keys `bloat_ratio bloat_size extra_size real_size` (see below) * [Remote mirrors](lib/gitlab_exporter/database/remote_mirrors.rb) -- `project_remote_mirror_last_successful_update_time_seconds`, `project_remote_mirror_last_update_time_seconds` 1. Git * [git pull/push timings](lib/gitlab_exporter/git.rb) -- `git_pull_time_milliseconds`, `git_push_time_milliseconds` * git processes stats (see Process below) 1. [Sidekiq](lib/gitlab_exporter/sidekiq.rb) * Stats (probe_stats) * `sidekiq_jobs_processed_total` * `sidekiq_jobs_failed_total` * `sidekiq_jobs_enqueued_size` * `sidekiq_jobs_scheduled_size` * `sidekiq_jobs_retry_size` * `sidekiq_jobs_dead_size` * `sidekiq_default_queue_latency_seconds` * `sidekiq_processes_size` * `sidekiq_workers_size` * Queues (probe_queues) * `sidekiq_queue_size` * `sidekiq_queue_paused` * `sidekiq_queue_latency_seconds` * Jobs (probe_jobs_limit) * `sidekiq_enqueued_jobs` * Workers (probe_workers) * `sidekiq_running_jobs` * Retries (probe_retries) * `sidekiq_to_be_retried_jobs` * Future Sets (probe_future_sets) * `sidekiq_schedule_set_processing_delay_seconds` * `sidekiq_schedule_set_backlog_count` * `sidekiq_retry_set_processing_delay_seconds` * `sidekiq_retry_set_backlog_count` 1. [Elasticsearch](lib/gitlab_exporter/elasticsearch.rb) * [Migrations](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/integration/elasticsearch.html#advanced-search-migrations) -- `elasticsearch_migrations_state` ### Setup with GitLab Development Kit gitlab-exporter can be setup with the [GitLab Development Kit] for development. When using the gitlab-exporter CLI, you'll need to set the `--db-conn` flag to connect to the PostgreSQL instance in your GDK folder. For example: ``` bin/gitlab-exporter row-counts --db-conn="dbname=gitlabhq_development host=/Users//gitlab-development-kit/postgresql" ``` ### Running gitlab-exporter as a Web exporter When serving the pages on `localhost`, you'll need to edit the YAML configuration file. An example can be found under [`config/gitlab-exporter.yml.example`](config/gitlab-exporter.yml.example). For each probe that has to connect to the database, set the `connection_string` to `dbname=gitlabhq_development host=/Users//gitlab-development-kit/postgresql` Once you have this configured, you can then run: ``` bin/gitlab-exporter web -c config/gitlab-exporter.yml ``` Once running, you can point your browser or curl to the following URLs: * http://localhost:9168/database * http://localhost:9168/git_process * http://localhost:9168/process * http://localhost:9168/sidekiq * http://localhost:9168/metrics (to get all of the above combined) ### Database Bloat Metrics Database bloat is measured for indexes (`btree`) and/or tables (`table`). Returned metrics contain: * `bloat_ratio`: estimated ratio of the real size used by bloat_size. * `bloat_size`: estimated size of the bloat without the extra space kept for the fillfactor. * `extra_size`: estimated extra size not used/needed by the index. This extra size is composed by the fillfactor, bloat and alignment padding spaces. * `real_size`: real size of the index Also see the [original documentation](https://github.com/ioguix/pgsql-bloat-estimation/blob/master/README.md). Note that all metrics returned are estimates without an upper bound for the error. ## Contributing gitlab-exporter is an open source project and we are very happy to accept community contributions. Please refer to [CONTRIBUTING.md](/CONTRIBUTING.md) for details. [Prometheus Web exporter]: https://prometheus.io/docs/instrumenting/exporters/ [GitLab Development Kit]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-development-kit