describe("Ext.JSON", function() { var nativeJson; beforeEach(function() { nativeJson = Ext.USE_NATIVE_JSON; Ext.USE_NATIVE_JSON = false; }); afterEach(function() { Ext.USE_NATIVE_JSON = nativeJson; }); describe("encode", function() { var encode = Ext.JSON.encode; describe("numbers encoding", function() { it("should convert integer to string", function() { expect(encode(15)).toEqual("15"); }); it("should convert float to string", function() { expect(encode(14.7)).toEqual("14.7"); }); it("should convert Infinity to null string", function() { expect(encode(Infinity)).toEqual("null"); }); it("should convert NaN to null string", function() { expect(encode(NaN)).toEqual("null"); }); }); describe("encoding of not defined values", function() { it("should convert undefined to null string", function() { expect(encode(undefined)).toEqual("null"); }); it("should convert null to null string", function() { expect(encode(null)).toEqual("null"); }); }); describe("encoding function", function() { it("should convert function to null string", function() { expect(encode(Ext.emptyFn)).toEqual("null"); }); }); describe("boolean encoding", function() { it("should convert true to 'true'' string", function() { expect(encode(true)).toEqual("true"); }); it("should convert null to 'false' string", function() { expect(encode(false)).toEqual("false"); }); }); describe("array encoding", function() { it("should convert empty array", function() { expect(encode([])).toEqual("[]"); }); it("should convert array of numbers to string", function() { expect(encode([1, 2, 3])).toEqual("[1,2,3]"); }); it("should convert array of strings to string", function() { expect(encode(["a", "b", "c"])).toEqual("[\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"]"); }); it("should encode array including function member to string", function() { expect(encode([1, Ext.emptyFn, 3])).toEqual("[1,null,3]"); }); it("should convert array including undefined member to string", function() { expect(encode([1, undefined, 3])).toEqual("[1,null,3]"); }); it("should convert array including null member to string", function() { expect(encode([1, null, 3])).toEqual("[1,null,3]"); }); }); describe("string encoding", function() { it("should convert string", function() { expect(encode("You're fired!")).toEqual("\"You're fired!\""); }); it("should convert string with international character", function() { expect(encode("You're fired!")).toEqual("\"You're fired!\""); }); it("should convert string with tab character", function() { expect(encode("a\tb")).toEqual("\"a\\tb\""); }); it("should convert string with carriage return character", function() { expect(encode("a\rb")).toEqual("\"a\\rb\""); }); it("should convert string with form feed character", function() { expect(encode("a\fb")).toEqual("\"a\\fb\""); }); it("should convert string with new line character", function() { expect(encode("a\nb")).toEqual("\"a\\nb\""); }); it("should convert string with vertical tab character", function() { expect(encode("a\x0bb")).toEqual("\"a\\u000bb\""); }); it("should convert string with backslash character", function() { expect(encode("a\\b")).toEqual("\"a\\\\b\""); }); }); describe("object encoding", function() { it("should convert empty object", function() { expect(encode({})).toEqual("{}"); }); it("should convert empty object with undefined property", function() { expect(encode({ foo: "bar", bar: undefined })).toEqual("{\"foo\":\"bar\",\"bar\":null}"); }); it("should convert empty object with null property", function() { expect(encode({ foo: "bar", bar: null })).toEqual("{\"foo\":\"bar\",\"bar\":null}"); }); it("should convert empty object with function property", function() { expect(encode({ foo: "bar", bar: Ext.emptyFn })).toEqual("{\"foo\":\"bar\",\"bar\":null}"); }); it("should not encode dom object", function() { expect(encode(Ext.getBody().dom)).toBe('undefined'); }); it("should handle encoding unknown child objects", function(){ expect(encode({ prop: Ext.getBody().dom })).toBe('{"prop":undefined}'); }); }); describe('encodeDate', function() { var date; it("should encode a date object", function() { date = new Date("October 13, 1983 04:04:00"); expect(encode(date)).toEqual("\"1983-10-13T04:04:00\""); }); it("should format integers to have at least two digits", function() { date = new Date("August 9, 1983 06:03:02"); expect(encode(date)).toEqual("\"1983-08-09T06:03:02\""); }); }); describe("mix all possibilities", function() { it("should encode data", function() { expect(encode({ arr: [1, Ext.emptyFn, undefined, 2, [1, 2, 3], {a: 1, b: null}], foo: "bar", woo: { chu: "a\tb" } })).toEqual("{\"arr\":[1,null,null,2,[1,2,3],{\"a\":1,\"b\":null}],\"foo\":\"bar\",\"woo\":{\"chu\":\"a\\tb\"}}"); }); }); }); describe("decode", function() { it("should decode data", function() { expect(Ext.decode("{\"arr\":[1,null,null,2,[1,2,3],{\"a\":1,\"b\":null}],\"foo\":\"bar\",\"woo\":{\"chu\":\"a\\tb\"}}")).toEqual({ arr: [1, null, null, 2, [1, 2, 3], {a: 1, b: null}], foo: "bar", woo: { chu: "a\tb" } }); }); it("should raise an Ext.Error with invalid data", function() { expect(function(){ Ext.decode('{foo:"bar", x}'); }).toRaiseExtError(); }); describe("with safe param", function(){ it("should decode valid data", function() { expect(Ext.decode("{\"foo\":\"bar\"}", true)).toEqual({ foo: "bar" }); }); it("should return null with invalid data", function() { expect(Ext.decode('{foo+"bar"}', true)).toBeNull(); }); }); }); it('should encode and decode an object', function(){ var object = { a: [0, 1, 2], s: "It's-me-Jacky!!", ss: "!@#$%^&*()~=_-+][{};:?/.,<>'\"", u: '\x01', i: 1, f: 3.14, b: false, n: null, tree: { sub: { subMore: { subEvenMore: { arr: [5,6,7, { complex: true }] } } } } }; expect(Ext.JSON.decode(Ext.JSON.encode(object))).toEqual(object); }); describe("aliases", function() { it("should alias Ext.JSON.decode with Ext.decode", function() { expect(Ext.decode).toBe(Ext.JSON.decode); }); it("should alias Ext.JSON.encode with Ext.encode", function() { expect(Ext.encode).toBe(Ext.JSON.encode); }); }); });