# # html4.conf # # Asciidoc HTML 4.01 configuration file. # [miscellaneous] outfilesuffix=.html [attributes] basebackend=html basebackend-html= [replacements] # Line break. (?m)^(.*)\s\+$=\1
ifdef::asciidoc7compatible[] # Superscripts. \^(.+?)\^=\1 # Subscripts. ~(.+?)~=\1 endif::asciidoc7compatible[] [ruler-blockmacro]
[pi-blockmacro] [pi-inlinemacro] template::[pi-blockmacro] [image-inlinemacro] {1={target}} {link#} [image-blockmacro] {1={target}} {link#}


[indexterm-inlinemacro] # Index term. {empty} [indexterm2-inlinemacro] # Index term. # Single entry index term that is visible in the primary text flow. {1} [footnote-inlinemacro] # Footnote.
[footnoteref-inlinemacro] # Footnote reference. {2#}
Footnote {1} [{2}]
[See footnote {1}]
[callout-inlinemacro] # Callout. <{index}> # List tags. [listtags-bulleted] list={id?}{title?


} item=
  • |
  • text=


    [listtags-numbered] list={id?}{title?


  • |
  • text=


    [listtags-numbered2] list={id?}{title?


  • |
  • text=


    [listtags-labeled] list={id?}{title?


    entry= label= term=


    [listtags-horizontal] list={id?}{title?


    entry=| label={strong-option?}|{strong-option?} term=|
    item=| text=


    [listtags-callout] list={id?}{title?


  • |
  • text=


    [listtags-qanda] list={id?}{title?


  • |
  • label= term=


    item= text=


    [listtags-glossary] list={id?}{title?


    entry= label= term=


    [listtags-bibliography] list={id?}{title?


    } item=
  • |
  • text=


    [tags] # Quoted text. emphasis=| strong=| monospaced=| singlequoted={0?}{amp}#8216;|{amp}#8217;{0?} doublequoted={0?}{amp}#8220;|{amp}#8221;{0?} unquoted={0?}|{0?} superscript=| subscript=| # $$ inline passthrough. passthrough=| # Inline macros [http-inlinemacro] {0={name}:{target}} [https-inlinemacro] {0={name}:{target}} [ftp-inlinemacro] {0={name}:{target}} [file-inlinemacro] {0={name}:{target}} [irc-inlinemacro] {0={name}:{target}} [mailto-inlinemacro] {0={target}} [callto-inlinemacro] {0={target}} [link-inlinemacro] {0={target}} # anchor:id[text] [anchor-inlinemacro] # [[id,text]] [anchor2-inlinemacro] # [[[id]]] [anchor3-inlinemacro] [{1}] # xref:id[text] [xref-inlinemacro] {0=[{target}]} # <> [xref2-inlinemacro] {2=[{1}]} # Special word substitution. [emphasizedwords] {words} [monospacedwords] {words} [strongwords] {words} # Paragraph substitution. [paragraph]

    } |

    [literalparagraph] # The literal block employs the same markup. template::[literalblock] [verseparagraph] # The verse block employs the same markup. template::[verseblock] [admonitionparagraph]

    {caption}: |

    # Delimited blocks. [passthroughblock] | [listingblock]






    [abstractblock] template::[quoteblock] [quoteblock]



    — {attribution}



    # Font inheritance broken in IE6.

    — {attribution}






    [mathblock] # Here to suppress missing block warning (html4 does not include math # JavaScripts).


    # Tables. [tabletags-default] bodyrow=| headdata=| footdata=| bodydata=| paragraph=


    [tabletags-emphasis] paragraph=


    [tabletags-strong] paragraph=


    [tabletags-monospaced] paragraph=


    [tabletags-verse] bodydata=
    paragraph= [tabletags-literal] bodydata=
    paragraph= [tabletags-asciidoc] bodydata=
    paragraph= [table]


    {headrows#} {headrows} {headrows#} {footrows#} {footrows} {footrows#} {bodyrows}
    #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Deprecated old table definitions. # [miscellaneous] # Screen width in pixels. pagewidth=800 pageunits= [old_tabledef-default] template=old_table bodyrow=| headdata=| footdata=| bodydata=| [old_table]


    {headrows#} {headrows} {headrows#} {footrows#} {footrows} {footrows#} {bodyrows}
    # End of deprecated old table definitions. #-------------------------------------------------------------------- [preamble] # Untitled elements between header and first section title. | [sect0] {doctype-manpage%}


    | [sect1] {doctype-manpage%}

    {id?}{numbered?{sectnum} }{title}

    | [sect2]

    {id?}{numbered?{sectnum} }{title}

    | [sect3]

    {id?}{numbered?{sectnum} }{title}

    | [sect4]
    | [footer]

    Version {revision}
    Last updated {localdate} {localtime}

    #------------------------- # article document type #------------------------- ifndef::doctype-manpage[] [header] {doctitle}


    version {revision}{date?,} {date}

    endif::doctype-manpage[] #------------------------- # manpage document type #------------------------- ifdef::doctype-manpage[] [tags] # This is more inline with man page convention. emphasis=| vlistterm=
    [header] {mantitle}

    {doctitle} Manual Page


    {manname} - {manpurpose}

    [sect-synopsis] template::[sect1] endif::doctype-manpage[]