# encoding=utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Polytexnic::Pipeline do before(:all) do FileUtils.rm('.highlight_cache') if File.exist?('.highlight_cache') end describe '#to_latex' do subject(:processed_text) { Polytexnic::Pipeline.new(polytex).to_latex } describe "for vanilla LaTeX" do let(:polytex) { '\emph{foo}' } it { should include(polytex) } end describe "with source code highlighting" do let(:polytex) do <<-'EOS' %= lang:ruby \begin{code} def hello "hello, world!" end \end{code} Make a code listing as in Listing~\ref{code:hello}. \begin{codelisting} \label{code:hello} \codecaption{A hello program in Ruby.} %= lang:ruby \begin{code} def hello "hello, world!" end \end{code} \end{codelisting} \noindent lorem ipsum EOS end it { should resemble '\begin{framed_shaded}' + "\n" } it { should resemble "\n" + '\end{framed_shaded}' } it { should_not resemble "\n" + '\end{framed_shaded})' } it { should resemble "commandchars=\\\\\\{" } it { should resemble '\begin{Verbatim}' } it { should resemble 'commandchars' } it { should resemble '\end{Verbatim}' } it { should_not resemble 'def hello' } it { should resemble '\noindent lorem ipsum' } describe "in the middle of a line" do let(:polytex) { 'Use \verb+%= lang:ruby+ to highlight Ruby code' } it { should resemble '\verb' } it { should_not resemble '<div class="highlight">' } end end context "with the metacode environment" do let(:polytex) do <<-'EOS' %= lang:latex \begin{metacode} %= lang:ruby \begin{code} def foo "bar" end \end{code} \end{metacode} \noindent lorem ipsum EOS end it { should resemble '\begin{framed_shaded}' + "\n" } it { should resemble "\n" + '\end{framed_shaded}' } it { should resemble "commandchars=\\\\\\{" } it { should_not resemble '%= lang:ruby' } end describe "Verbatim environments" do let(:polytex) do <<-'EOS' \begin{verbatim} def foo "bar" end \end{verbatim} \begin{Verbatim} def foo "bar" end \end{Verbatim} \begin{Verbatim} x \end{equation} \end{Verbatim} EOS end it { should resemble polytex } context "containing an example of highlighted code" do let(:polytex) do <<-'EOS' \begin{verbatim} %= lang:ruby def foo "bar" end \end{verbatim} EOS end it { should resemble polytex } end context "with an equation" do let(:polytex) do <<-'EOS' \begin{equation} \label{eq:x_y} x_y \end{equation} EOS end it { should resemble polytex } it { should_not resemble 'xmlelement' } it { should_not resemble 'xbox' } it "should have only one '\end{equation}'" do n_ends = processed_text.scan(/\\end{equation}/).length expect(n_ends).to eq 1 end end context "with code from Urbit docs that broke things" do let(:polytex) do <<-'EOS' \begin{verbatim} ~waclux-tomwyc/try=> 'Foo \'bar' \end{verbatim} EOS end it { should include "'Foo \\'bar'" } end end describe "hyperref links" do let(:polytex) do <<-'EOS' Chapter~\ref{cha:foo} EOS end let(:output) { '\hyperref[cha:foo]{Chapter~\ref{cha:foo}' } it { should resemble output } end describe "asides" do context "with headings and labels" do let(:polytex) do <<-'EOS' \begin{aside} \label{aside:foo} \heading{Foo \emph{are} bar.} lorem ipsum \end{aside} EOS end let(:output) do <<-'EOS' \begin{shaded_aside}{Foo \emph{are} bar.}{aside:foo} lorem ipsum \end{shaded_aside} EOS end it { should resemble output } end end describe "tables" do let(:polytex) do <<-'EOS' \begin{table} lorem ipsum \end{table} EOS end let(:output) do <<-'EOS' \begin{table} \begin{center} \small lorem ipsum \end{center} \end{table} EOS end it { should resemble output } end describe "images with GIFs" do let(:polytex) do <<-'EOS' \includegraphics{foo.gif} \image{bar.gif} \imagebox{baz.gif} EOS end it { should include '\includegraphics{foo.png}' } it { should include '\image{bar.png}' } it { should include '\imagebox{baz.png}' } end describe '\input command' do let(:external_file) { 'foo.tex' } let(:nested_external_file) { 'bar.tex' } let(:input) do <<-'EOS' Lorem ipsum %= lang:ruby \begin{code} def foo; 'foo'; end \end{code} Lorem \emph{ipsum} dolor sit amet \input{bar} EOS end let(:nested_input) do <<-'EOS' Lorem ipsum %= lang:python \begin{code} def bar(): return "bar" \end{code} EOS end before do File.write(external_file, input) File.write(nested_external_file, nested_input) end after do File.unlink(external_file) File.unlink(nested_external_file) end let(:polytex) { "\\chapter{Foo}\n\n \\input{foo} " } let(:foo_latex) do '\PY{k}{def} \PY{n+nf}{foo}\PY{p}{;}' end let(:bar_latex) do '\PY{k}{def} \PY{n+nf}{bar}\PY{p}{(}\PY{p}{)}\PY{p}{:}' end it { should include foo_latex } it { should include bar_latex } it { should_not include 'xmlelement' } end end end