require 'sym/version'
require 'sym/app/password/providers'

module Sym
  module App
    module CLISlop
      def parse(arguments)
        Slop.parse(arguments) do |o|

          o.banner = "Sym (#{Sym::VERSION}) – encrypt/decrypt data with a private key\n".bold.white
          o.separator 'Usage:'.yellow
          o.separator '   Generate a new key, optionally password protected, and save it'.dark
          o.separator '   in one of: keychain, file, or STDOUT (-q turns off STDOUT) '.dark
          o.separator ' '
          o.separator '       sym -g '.green.bold + '[ -p/--password ] [-c] [-x keychain | -o file | ] [-q]'.green
          o.separator ''
          o.separator '   To specify encryption key, provide the key as '.dark
          o.separator '      1) a string, 2) a file path, 3) an OS-X Keychain, 4) env variable name '.dark
          o.separator '      5) use -i to paste/type the key interactively'.dark
          o.separator '      6) default key file (if present) at '.dark + Sym.default_key_file.magenta.bold
          o.separator ' '
          o.separator '       ' + key_spec + ' = -k/--key [ key | file | keychain | env variable name ]'.green.bold
          o.separator         '                  -i/--interactive'.green.bold
          o.separator ''
          o.separator '   Encrypt/Decrypt from STDIN/file/args, to STDOUT/file:'.dark
          o.separator ' '
          o.separator '       sym -e/--encrypt '.green.bold + key_spec + ' [-f [file | - ] | -s string ] [-o file] '.green
          o.separator '       sym -d/--decrypt '.green.bold + key_spec + ' [-f [file | - ] | -s string ] [-o file] '.green
          o.separator ''
          o.separator '   Auto-detect mode based on a special file extension '.dark + '".enc"'.dark.bold
          o.separator ' '
          o.separator '       sym '.green.bold + key_spec + ' -n/--negate file[.enc] '.green.bold
          o.separator ' '
          o.separator '   Edit an encrypted file in $EDITOR '.dark
          o.separator ' '
          o.separator '       sym '.green.bold + key_spec + ' -t/--edit file[.enc] [ -b/--backup ]'.green.bold
          o.separator ' '
          o.separator '   Save commonly used flags in a BASH variable. Below we save the KeyChain '.dark
          o.separator '   "staging" as the default key name, and enable password caching.'.dark
          o.separator ' '
          o.separator '       export SYM_ARGS="'.green + '-ck staging' + '"'.green
          o.separator ' '
          o.separator '   Then activate $SYM_ARGS by using -A/--sym-args flag:'.dark
          o.separator ' '
          o.separator '       sym -Aef '.green.bold 'file'.green.bold

          o.separator ' '
          o.separator 'Modes:'.yellow
          o.bool      '-e', '--encrypt',            '           encrypt mode'
          o.bool      '-d', '--decrypt',            '           decrypt mode'
          o.string    '-t', '--edit',               '[file]  '.blue + '   edit encrypted file in an $EDITOR', default: nil
          o.string    '-n', '--negate',             '[file]  '.blue + "   encrypts any regular #{'file'.green} into #{'file.enc'.green}" + "\n" +
                                     "                                    conversely decrypts #{'file.enc'.green} into #{'file'.green}."
          o.separator ' '
          o.separator 'Create a new private key:'.yellow
          o.bool      '-g', '--generate',           '           generate a new private key'
          o.bool      '-p', '--password',           '           encrypt the key with a password'

          if Sym::App.osx?
            o.string '-x', '--keychain',            '[key-name] '.blue + 'write the key to OS-X Keychain'

          o.separator ' '
          o.separator 'Read existing private key from:'.yellow
          o.string    '-k', '--key',                '[key-spec]'.blue + ' private key, key file, or keychain'
          o.bool      '-i', '--interactive',        '           Paste or type the key interactively'

          o.separator ' '
          o.separator 'Password Cache:'.yellow
          o.bool      '-c', '--cache-passwords',     '           enable password cache'
          o.integer   '-z', '--cache-timeout',       '[seconds]'.blue + '  expire passwords after'
          o.string    '-r', '--cache-provider',      '[provider]'.blue + ' cache provider, one of ' + "#{Sym::App::Password::Providers.provider_list}"

          o.separator ' '
          o.separator 'Data to Encrypt/Decrypt:'.yellow
          o.string    '-s', '--string',             '[string]'.blue + '   specify a string to encrypt/decrypt'
          o.string    '-f', '--file',               '[file]  '.blue + '   filename to read from'
          o.string    '-o', '--output',             '[file]  '.blue + '   filename to write to'

          o.separator ' '
          o.separator 'Flags:'.yellow
          o.bool      '-b', '--backup',             '           create a backup file in the edit mode'
          o.bool      '-v', '--verbose',            '           show additional information'
          o.bool      '-q', '--quiet',              '           do not print to STDOUT'
          o.bool      '-T', '--trace',              '           print a backtrace of any errors'
          o.bool      '-D', '--debug',              '           print debugging information'
          o.bool      '-V', '--version',            '           print library version'
          o.bool      '-N', '--no-color',           '           disable color output'
          o.bool      '-A', '--sym-args',           '           read more CLI arguments from $SYM_ARGS'

          o.separator ' '
          o.separator 'Utility:'.yellow
          o.separator   "   The following flag helps with Sym installation by hooking to \n" +
                        "   your #{'~/.bashrc'.bold.yellow}. If you are running Sym on an environment without \n" +
                        "   user home available, you may need to force set user's home to any existing\n" +
                        "   directory using the #{'--user-home'} flag.\n"

          o.string    '-B', '--bash-support',       '[file]'.blue + '     append bash completion & utils to a file'+ "\n" +
            '                                    such as ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc'
          o.string    '-u', '--user-home',       '[DIR]'.blue + "      Overrides #{'${HOME}'.green} ==> supports AWS Lambda\n"

          o.separator ' '
          o.separator 'Help & Examples:'.yellow
          o.bool      '-E', '--examples',           '           show several examples'
          o.bool      '-h', '--help',               '           show help'

      def key_spec