module Auth class ApplicationController < ::ApplicationController protect_from_forgery with: :exception rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError do |e| puts "e is : #{e.to_s}" respond_to do |format| format.json {render json: {:errors => e.to_s}, status: 422} format.js {render :partial => "auth/modals/resource_errors.js.erb", locals: {:errors => [e.to_s]}} format.html {render :plain => e.to_s.html_safe} end end rescue_from ActionController::UnknownFormat do |e| render status: 404, text: "Not Found" end ###################################################################### ## ## ## METHODS USED ON AUTHENTICATED_CONTROLLER, and some other controllers. ## ## ###################################################################### ## @return[String] model_name : given a controller with name AssembliesController -> will return assembly ## will downcase and singularize the controller name. def get_model_class_name class_name = nil[A-Za-z]+)Controller$/) do |ll| jj = Regexp.last_match plural_controller_name = jj[:plural_controller_name] class_name = plural_controller_name.singularize.downcase end not_found("could not determine class name") unless class_name puts "class name: #{class_name}" return class_name end def instantiate_classes if Auth.configuration.send("#{get_model_class_name}_class") begin instance_variable_set("@model_class",Auth.configuration.send("#{get_model_class_name}_class").constantize) rescue not_found("could not instantiate class #{get_model_class_name}") end else not_found("#{get_model_class_name} class not defined in configuration") end end def build_model_from_params #puts "params are: #{params.to_s}" pp = permitted_params #puts "the permitted_params are:" #puts permitted_params.to_s @model_params = pp.fetch(get_model_class_name.to_sym,{}) #puts "model params are:" #puts @model_params.to_s @model = pp[:id] ? @model_class.find_self(pp[:id],current_signed_in_resource) : end def from_bson(bson_doc,klass) if !bson_doc.nil? user = Mongoid::Factory.from_db(klass,bson_doc) return user else return nil end end def from_view(view,klass) if !view.nil? && view.count > 0 user = Mongoid::Factory.from_db(klass,view.first) return user else return nil end end ##CURRENTLY BEING USED IN THE DUMMY APP IN OTP_CONTROLLER ##RENDERS A NOT FOUND RESPONSE, in case the user is not found. ## def not_found(error = 'Not Found') raise end def check_for_update(obj) puts "Came to check for update." not_found if obj.nil? not_found("please provide a valid id for the update") if obj.new_record? end def check_for_create(obj) not_found if obj.nil? obj.new_record? or not_found("this is not a new record") end def check_for_destroy(obj) not_found("please provide a cart id") if obj.new_record? end ## will call authenticate_(first_key_in_the_auth_resources) if there is no currently signed in scoep ## will return true, for the first auth_resource that gives a current_(user/whatever) ## if nothing returns true, will redirect to not_found, ## use this function wherever you want to protect a controller just using devise authentication. ## only makes sense to use in the scope of the web app. def authenticate_resource! send("authenticate_#{Auth.configuration.auth_resources.keys.first.downcase}!") if (signed_in? == false) Auth.configuration.auth_resources.keys.each do |model| break if @resource_for_web_app = send("current_#{model.downcase}") end return if @resource_for_web_app not_found("Could not authenticate") end protected def check_method_missing puts Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.to_s end end end